
50 years, the original intention has not changed

author:Netinfo Jinghai
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed

50 years, the original intention has not changed

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the party's fine traditions and core values, a few days ago, Yanzhuang Town, Jinghai District, held a commemorative medal awarding ceremony of "50 years of glory in the party", encouraging the party members and cadres in the town not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, continue the simple feelings of tenacious struggle and dedication of the old party members, and unite their efforts to make unremitting efforts for the high-quality development of the town.

50 years, the original intention has not changed

At the event site, the responsible comrades of Yanzhuang Town awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of old party members, expressing their gratitude and high respect for their contributions to various social undertakings.

After receiving the heavy medal, the excitement of the old party members was overflowing, and they couldn't help but tell everyone the story of their original intentions. As they narrated, all party members and cadres recalled the eventful years together, revisited the history of struggle, talked about understanding, experience, and the future, and expressed their deep friendship for the party and their rock-solid original intention without regrets.

50 years, the original intention has not changed

At the scene, the old party members also presented relevant books to the representatives of young party members, encouraging them to inherit the party's glorious tradition and fine style, firmly grasp the promising historical opportunity, and make contributions to the new era.

"All the old party members have been with the party for 50 years, and they are the witnesses, participants and witnesses of the economic and social development of Yanzhuang Town. As a young party member and cadre, I will take the old party members as the 'mirror', grasp the baton of the times, let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation in the continuous struggle, create new achievements, and contribute to the struggle to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Yanzhuang Town in the new era. After listening to the stories of the struggle of the old party members, Duan Wenjuan, the representative of the young party members, was full of emotion.

50 years, the original intention has not changed

During the activity, all party members reviewed the oath of joining the party together, which further enhanced the sense of honor, belonging and mission as a member of the Communist Party.

Zhao Shifu, a representative of the old party members, said that he was very excited and proud to get this medal. Over the past 50 years, I have witnessed the country's growing prosperity and strength, and I have also seen the rapid changes in my hometown. In the future, we will continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of an old party member, and lead young party members to contribute to the high-quality development of the town.

50 years, the original intention has not changed

It is understood that this year, a total of 22 old party members in Yanzhuang Town meet the conditions for the award of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the staff will come to the door one after another to award the commemorative medal to the old party members who are elderly and have difficulty moving, so that everyone can feel the warmth and care of the party organization.

50 years, the original intention has not changed

Source: Jinghai Financial Media

50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed
50 years, the original intention has not changed