
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

author:Netinfo Jinghai
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

be vivid and dazzling

These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in the past few days, Huakang Street and Tangguantun Town, Jinghai District, have led the majority of party members and cadres to relive the party's struggle together, continue the red blood, and move forward bravely and resolutely on the new journey by holding party history knowledge competitions, writing golden sentences, and literary and artistic performances.

Don't forget the way you came and strive for a new journey

These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

"I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's constitution......"

In the Party History Theme Park of the Party and Mass Service Center of Huakang Street, the party members and cadres in the jurisdiction faced the bright red flag of the Communist Party of China, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the old party members, so that the red spirit can be passed on from generation to generation.

These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

In order to further study the history of the party, strengthen ideals and beliefs, and stimulate enthusiasm for learning, a party history knowledge contest was also held around the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the history of New China. In a tense and enthusiastic atmosphere, we accepted an immersive party history learning and education, and everyone said that this activity is very meaningful, and it is necessary to transform the learning results into work motivation, learn history to understand reason, learn history to increase trust, and learn history to practice.

The torch will be passed on forever and will always follow the party

These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

In the town of Tangguantun, the atmosphere of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China is equally strong. In Houxiaotun Village, a unique theme activity of "Hanmo Writing the Original Heart and Calligraphy to Praise the Party's Grace" attracted people's attention. Calligraphy lovers splash ink, pen dragon snake, carry forward the spirit of the times, praise the beautiful wish of a happy life into each work, express deep patriotism and love for the party, gratitude and forge ahead and start again. It is understood that in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in addition to Houxiaotun Village, Tangguantun Town Second Street and Dahaozhuang Village also carried out various forms of theatrical performances. A series of cultural activities to benefit the people in various forms, down-to-earth, and warm the hearts of the people have effectively enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses.

Source: Jinghai Financial Media

These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track
These celebrations have gone off the beaten track

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