
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

author:Netinfo Jinghai
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Ideological Weili Party Guidance

Don't forget the original intention and always move forward

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Recently, Ziya Town, Jinghai District, organized a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, vigorously publicizing the party's glorious history and great achievements, guiding the majority of party members and cadres to inherit and carry forward the party's fine revolutionary traditions and style, practice real skills and hard work in the fiery practice of grassroots governance, and illuminate the "road" of the new era with the "light" of "July 1st".

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Remembering the ancestors to "find" the original intention

Ziya Town organized more than 60 grassroots party members and cadres to visit and study the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall, guiding party members to study the history of China's revolutionary war, follow the footsteps of General Secretary Xi Jinping, keep in mind the earnest entrustment, and draw strength from the great spirit.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Following the footsteps of the commentators, we visited the six exhibition halls of the preface hall, the campaign decision-making hall, the campaign implementation hall, the front hall of the people's support, the hall of heroic achievements, and the hall of great victory.

After the visit, all party members solemnly read the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

"This time I really took a vivid patriotic education lesson, and I felt the arduous struggle of the revolutionary aspirants. As a young speaker, I will take this red theme education as an opportunity to trace the red footprints, consolidate my knowledge reserves, and tell the story of the party, the revolution, and the heroes at the grassroots level. Mi Yuehui, a young party member of Wangjiazhuang Village, Ziya Town, said with emotion.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Promise to fulfill the original intention

Write down the original intention one by one, solemnly promise every word, and do practical things wholeheartedly. Ziya Town organized and carried out the activity of "Bright Identity, Tree Image, and Set an Example", and the town party committee uniformly made a public notice board for party members' commitments, guiding party members to consciously standardize their words and deeds, take the initiative to accept supervision, highlight the identity of party members, and establish the image of party members.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

At the same time, the party organizations in each village set up volunteer service teams for party members to carry out volunteer service activities of "communist party members by their side". Focusing on the appearance of the village, neighborhood mediation, civilized persuasion, poverty alleviation, etc., let the promise of fulfilling the promise become an important way for party members to temper their party spirit, self-purification, and play a role, and draw a "happy life picture" for the masses with red power.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Tao Yu, a young party member of Zhaozhuangzi Village, Ziya Town, said that serving the masses is the glory of young party members, and he will take the lead in maintaining the environmental sanitation of the corridor, and call on more people around him to participate in the action of purifying the corridor, and contribute to the creation of a safe and clean living environment with real actions, and add color to the party emblem and the party flag with the same original intention.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

Visit and condolences to the "warm" original intention

On the eve of "July 1st", Ziya Town also carried out the activities of visiting and condolences to old party members, party members in difficulty, and village cadres who have left party members, patiently listening to opinions and suggestions, helping to solve practical problems, and letting them fully feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward

50 years of party age, 50 years of glory. The village party organizations also awarded commemorative medals to the veteran party members who were honored in the party's 50 th anniversary, sent sincere blessings, paid high respects, and listened to the affectionate recalls of the veteran party members who loved the party, protected the party, and walked with the party for half a century. The heavy commemorative medals are the epitome of the hard work of the old party members after half a life.

"Thank you very much for the care of the party organization for our old comrades, and this medal is the 'highest courtesy' for me. I will take this as a driving force, listen to the party, follow the party, and give full play to the residual heat and do something for the elderly with the glorious responsibility and mission of the party every day, and actively make suggestions and suggestions for the party building work and village governance. Tian Linsheng, an old party member of Dahuangzhuang Village, Ziya Town, said excitedly.

The party flag guides the way to forge ahead, and builds momentum to empower and promote development. Ziya Town will take the opportunity of carrying out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st", combine the party discipline learning and education and implement the requirements of the "Ten Actions", encourage and guide the majority of party members and cadres in the town to keep in mind the original mission and have the courage to take responsibility, polish the party emblem with honesty in politics, show their true colors with good deeds, further enhance the ideological leadership and mass cohesion of grassroots party organizations, and contribute to the practice of Jinghai with Chinese modernization.

Source: Jinghai Financial Media

Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward
Ideological Weili Party guides, do not forget the original intention, and always move forward