
New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

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Producer: Electric Planet News

Author: Siwei

The bell rang at 0:00 on July 1, and 2024 was officially halfway through, and the fierce battle for new energy vehicles was in full swing.

What kind of half a year is this?

The penetration rate of new energy vehicles began to exceed 50% in weeks and half months, and the sales volume of the automobile market from January to May increased year-on-year, exceeding 11.49 million units, which seems to be improving;

At the same time, it is Tesla, Ideal large-scale layoffs, and in the first half of the new energy vehicle brand health study of Jielan Road, the overall grade of new energy vehicle brands is "continuing to decline", and looking at the financial report, new energy brands can still achieve profitability.

Hope and challenges coexist, car companies are fighting to survive this knockout game, some through cost performance, some are consciously building brands, or both.

There are always people leading and some people lagging behind, and the halfway point of 2024 has passed, who is leading the market? What is the progress of automakers' 2024 sales targets?

Taking advantage of the time node of half a year, we made a summary.


NIO delivered 21,209 new vehicles in June and 87,426 new vehicles by June 2024, with an annual sales target of 230,000 units on a 38.01% schedule.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

NIO always seems to have a surprising performance in years when there are no new models, and in the case of price wars and high-end pure electric vehicles that are not easy to sell, NIO, which is walking in its own rhythm, can still achieve contrarian sales growth.

In the semi-annual report of Jayland Road, NIO "became the most likely new energy brand" and the only brand in the same high-end list as BBAV in the respondents' perception.

In the second half of the year, NIO will also usher in the launch of the first car L60 of the sub-brand Ledao, and the rumored time point is September 10, and the price of this car after BaaS may reach 150,000 yuan, becoming one of the most high-profile Model Y challengers this year; A more long-term approach is the direction of events such as NIO IN AND NIO Day.

At the beginning of the month, Li Bin "promised" that if the sales volume exceeded 25,000 units in a certain month this year, he would send users 100 million points in red envelopes.

If NIO tries harder, the user's 100 million points red envelope may not be a dream.


Xpeng delivered 10,668 new vehicles in June and 52,028 units by June 2024, with an annual sales target of 280,000 units at 18.51%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

Xpeng's state in the first half of this year is very similar to the first half of 2023 - the car market is not loud, and there is a new product with hope of volume in the second half of the year, last year it was G6, and this year it is the first car of the MONA series, M03.

But the situation is also a little different, such as the launch of the Xpeng X9, which has raised the average price of Xpeng Motors, and the intelligent cooperation and output have begun to bring profits to Xpeng, and Xpeng predicts that this will bring "very high profits" to Xpeng.

Compared with the "intangible" income of technology output, what people want to see more is that Xpeng regains its voice through the M03 and F57 that will be launched in the second half of the year.

At present, it is certain that M03 will usher in its debut on July 3, when the car circle simultaneously makes efforts to drive intelligently in urban areas, Xpeng's intelligent driving voice is diluted, this is known as a "good looks" and "high intelligence" coexistence of less than 200,000 cars, will it be Xpeng's "G6" in 2024?


Ideal delivered 47,774 new vehicles in June, with 188981 delivered by June 2024.

According to the annual sales target of 800,000 units set at the end of last year, the current progress is 23.62%; If the target of about 480,000 units is lowered twice according to the rumors, the progress is 39.37%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

In the first half of the year, the biggest public opinion point of the ideal was the listing turmoil of MEGA, which was an obvious blow to the ideal.

Fortunately, Ideal adjusted its focus in a timely manner, and the new L-series Ideal L6 took the lead, with deliveries exceeding 20,000 units in June. According to reports, Ideal plans to achieve monthly sales of 50,000 units in the second half of this year, and the L6 is clearly the main force.

As the pioneer of the ideal pure electric MEGA is not conducive to the listing, Li Xiang said to Li Bin at the Beijing Auto Show that "high-end pure electric is not easy to push" and "the energy supplement network can't get up, and it really can't be sold" is not a scene, from the perspective of action, the ideal is indeed rethinking and measuring its high-end pure electric road.

As a result of this thinking, the scenario of the postponement of the launch of MEGA will be reproduced on the pure electric M series, Li Xiang said at the first quarter earnings conference that the M series is planned to be released in the first half of 2025.

At the same time, the construction process of 2,000 supercharging stations has reached 614 on June 30, and there are still 1,386 meters away from the target, with an average of 231 in a month and about 7 per day.

In terms of intelligent driving, the Ideal OTA 6.0.0 trial version has opened unlimited recruitment, and on July 5, Ideal will hold the 2024 Intelligent Driving Summer Conference.

Today is the ninth anniversary of the establishment of Li Auto, the first half of the year has ups and downs, how will it make moves in the second half of the year?

HarmonyOS Zhixing

HarmonyOS delivered 46,141 new vehicles in June and 194207 vehicles by June 2024.

Among them, 17,241 units were delivered for the M9, 18,493 units for the new M7, 7,046 units for the new M5, and 2,995 units for the S7.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

The Wenjie M9 has become the No. 1 sales volume of the indefinite model of more than 500,000 yuan, and its delivery volume is only about 1,000 units different from the 300,000 yuan level of the new Wenjie M7.

Yu Chengdong said at the beginning of the year that 300,000 yuan is the break-even point of Hongmeng Zhixing, and below this price is selling at a loss.

As a result, we can see that after the launch of the Xinwenjie M7 Ultra, Xinwenjie M5, and the second-listed Zhijie S7, the S9 that Hongmeng Zhixing can currently see is still at a high pre-sale price of 45-550,000 yuan.

Yu Chengdong said that 80%-90% of the models sold by Hongmeng Zhixing came from the passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan.

Even so, Yu Chengdong is not completely satisfied, he pointed out that China's passenger car market of more than 300,000 yuan, the annual sales of three to four million are mainly occupied by BBA, and from June, Hongmeng Zhixing's monthly sales are expected to increase from 40,000 to 50,000 units.

Although there is no longer a mention of "far ahead", Yu Chengdong has no hidden ambitions, and the first commercial ADS3.0 Xiangjie S9 in the second half of the year can help Hongmeng Zhixing to reach a higher level?


Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 new cars in June, and if it is calculated as an integer of 10,000 in June, from April 2024 to the present, Xiaomi has delivered a total of 25,688 new cars, with an annual delivery target of 100,000 units, and the current progress is 25.69%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

According to the current approximate progress, Xiaomi needs to deliver about 12,355 new cars per month in the remaining six months.

In the first quarter of this year, Lu Weibing revealed that Xiaomi is indeed developing other models, but its efforts are still focused on the delivery of the Xiaomi SU7. The "other models" in Lu Weibing's mouth may be the SUVs and hybrid models circulating on the Internet.

In order to increase production capacity, the construction of the second phase of Xiaomi's automotive plant, with a total land area of more than 530,000 square meters, is continuing to advance, and the construction of the plant is scheduled to start in 2024 and be completed in 2025.

Another highlight of Xiaomi in the second half of the year is the urban NOA. Lei Jun once said at the launch conference of Xiaomi SU7 that Xiaomi Auto's urban NOA "can be opened nationwide in August this year".

Starting from June 6, Xiaomi began to push urban NOA to ten cities including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and the opening plan may be in progress.

Multi-line goes hand in hand, and Xiaomi cars still have a long way to go.

Extreme Krypton

In June, ZEEKR delivered 20,106 new cars, entering the 20,000 unit club for the first time.

As of June 2024, 87,870 new vehicles will be delivered, and the annual sales target of 230,000 units will be 38.20%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

ZEEKR rushed to the "20,000 units club", and naturally the launch of the two main models of 001/007 was indispensable, one was launched on February 27 this year, and the other was officially delivered on January 1 this year, and the upward model ZEEKR 009 Glory was also launched to the market in May.

At the same time, ZEEKR also completed the ringing of the NYSE listing in May, taking an important step, and the 2025 ZEEKR X will also be listed tonight with a starting price of 179,000 yuan.

ZEEKR is also strengthening its model lineup.

At present, it is certain that the ZEEKR MIX, which is positioned as a full-scene large five-seater SUV, and a medium and large pure electric SUV, will be launched in the fourth quarter of this year.

An Conghui has stressed on many occasions that Zeekr's goal in 2025 is to sell 650,000 units and "become the top three luxury electric vehicle brands in the world".

Next year's advance is not to be discussed, this month's delivery of more than 20,000 units of ZEEKR, the number of annual sales target completed in 2024, which number will finally stay?

Lynk & Co New Energy

Lynk & Co New Energy sold 15,203 new vehicles in June, up 23% month-on-month, and 64,072 new vehicles were sold in June 2024.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

Following the Lynk & Co 07 EM-P and 08 EM-P, Lynk & Co New Energy continues to chase after the victory, and the long-dusted pure electric model Lynk & Co ZERO has returned, renamed the Lynk & Co Z10, and it is rumored that it will be launched in the third quarter.

Higher sales of brands such as Zeekr and Lynk & Co, as well as the Geely brand, have greatly strengthened Geely Auto's confidence in 2024, and the June sales release coincided with Geely's announcement that it would raise its original annual sales target by 5% to 2 million units.

From January to June, Geely Automobile sold 955,730 vehicles, with a target of 47.79%.

Zero Run

In June, Leapmotor delivered 20,116 new cars, also entering the 20,000 unit club for the first time.

As of June 2024, 86,696 units will be delivered, and the annual sales target of 20-300,000 units will be 28.90%-43.35%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

In June, the C10 and C11 continued to make efforts, with more than 11,300 units delivered in two vehicles, and Zhu Jiangming said that the sales of the C10 increased steadily.

Grabbing the tail of June, the Leap C16, known as the "ideal L8 replacement", was listed at a starting price of 155,800 yuan, and exceeded 5,208 units within 48 hours of listing.

Leap, which claims to be the "Uniqlo of the automotive industry", relies on the LEAP3.0 architecture, focuses on the price range of 15-200,000 yuan, and has played its own set of price-to-price advantages in the past two years, and at the same time has obtained cooperation with Stellantis.

At present, Leapmotor has two major sales weapons of C10 and C11, and C16 is still accumulating.

In the second half of this year, Leapmotor International will carry out export business, and Europe will be the first overseas market for Leapmotor International joint ventures to land, and the first model to enter Europe, the T03, will also be assembled at Stellantis' factory in Poland.

The territory of Leap is expanding step by step.


In June, Zhiji sold 6,015 new cars, and according to the data given by Zhiji, a total of 10,267 units were sold from May to June.

According to the data of Know Chedi and Yiche, from January to May this year, the retail sales of Zhiji were 17,252 units, and the terminal volume was 13,835 units.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

Judging from the changes in the sales of each model of Chedi, the Zhiji L6 and Zhiji LS6, which were launched on May 13, have jointly become the sales support models of Zhiji.

The Zhiji L6 was caught in a huge whirlpool of public opinion when it was launched, but the product power of the model itself still impressed a group of users.

It is rumored that Zhiji will release a facelift of the LS6 in the second half of this year to strengthen the competitiveness of the "Gemini".

Also today, the Zhiji L6 ushered in an OTA upgrade, and the IMOS 3.0.0 beta version was upgraded to the official version, adding and optimizing more than 100 intelligent driving and intelligent cabin functions.

According to the plan, Zhiji will start mass production of NOA in cities without maps in the third quarter and NOA in cities without maps in the fourth quarter.

Can Zhiji stabilize sales and step by step towards monthly sales exceeding 10,000?


VOYAH delivered 5,507 new vehicles in June, and 30,376 units will be delivered by June 2024, with an annual sales target of 100,000 units at 30.38%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

The good news for VOYAH is that from the year-on-year data, VOYAH, which officially entered the "4-year-old" in July, achieved a year-on-year growth of 102% in the first half of this year.

On June 14, the 228,900-priced VOYAH FREE 318 model was officially launched, and the official said that the car received more than 8,637 orders within 24 hours after the pre-sale opened on May 30.

In addition, the pure electric SUV VOYAH Soulmate has been listed on the catalog of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and is expected to be launched in the third quarter, and the price is expected to be less than 200,000 yuan.

With a variety of models, when will VOYAH's monthly sales of 10,000 units be stable?

Extreme Fox

In June, JiHu sold 8,001 new cars, and Yiche data shows that from January to May, JiHu terminal sales volume was 14,650 units.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

ARCFOX's sales in June exploded, with 3,250 units of the Koala, an all-electric MPV, and 3,702 units of the Alpha T5, an all-electric SUV.

These two models, the former starts at 119,800 yuan, and the latter starts at 130,800 yuan, which are the two most accessible models at the moment.

The rise of ARCFOX not only comes from the consideration of price, but also the attention of BAIC Group.

The two chairmen of BAIC Group have expressed their importance to JiHu, not only the verbal weight, but also the benefits such as Zhang Jianyong, chairman of BAIC Group, who delivered the door to the JIHU S5 owner and exchanged for the original value for 2 years.

Jihu, which is moving towards a more pragmatic route, may give us more surprises.


Aion sold 35,027 new vehicles in June and 177366 units by June 2024, with an annual sales target of 800,000 units currently on track at 22.17%.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

Aion's sales in May were 40,073 units, compared to 45,013 units in June 2023, and Aion's month-on-month figures both declined.

The saturation of the ride-hailing market this year is reflected in Aion's sales volume, which plans to officially launch the second-generation Aion-V Tyrannosaurus Rex in July, as well as overseas investment and construction of a factory - the Thailand plant will be completed in mid-July, and the second-generation Aion-V will also roll off the assembly line globally.

Only, when will the effect appear?

SAIC Volkswagen ID. family

The SAIC Volkswagen ID. family sold 10,572 new vehicles in June, and 61,051 units in 2024 through June, an increase of 148% year-on-year.

Sales were driven by the familiar ID.3, which sold 44,447 units as of June, up 300% year-over-year.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

Value for money and German driving control are the decisive rules for the ID.3, but for the SAIC Volkswagen ID. family, a higher-end model needs to be breathed into life.

Volkswagen's "baby bus" ID.Buzz is one, recently, ID.Buzz was photographed in China, according to the plan, this new car will be imported in the fourth quarter of the introduction of the market, the long wheelbase version of the price in the overseas market is about 546,000 yuan, it is difficult to have a price advantage.

The ID.3 supports sales, but it is ID.Buzz difficult to compete with the locally-produced ZEEKR MIX, which model will be the opportunity for the SAIC Volkswagen ID. family to increase sales?


BYD sold 341658 new cars and 340211 passenger cars in June, and a total of 1607145 passenger cars have been sold in June 2024, with a forecast of 35.71% of the annual sales target of 4.5 million units.

New energy sales in June, who has a monthly sales of more than 20,000?

BYD Dynasty and Ocean sold a total of 324838 units in June, Denza 12,275 units, Yangwang 418 units, Formula Leopard 2,680 units, and passenger car exports 26,695 units.

This afternoon, blogger @孙少军09 said that BYD's new orders in June exceeded 410,000.

BYD at the end of this year, can the monthly sales figure exceed 500,000 units?


Ideal OTA 6.0.0, Huawei's ADS3.0, Zhiji's no-map NOA, Xpeng's MONA M03, etc., coupled with the boiling rumors of FSD entering China, in addition to sales competition, the second half of 2024 may be the time when the blade and sword shadow in the field of intelligent driving will fully appear.

This year, in addition to the brutal price war, many car companies have begun to think about how to establish a brand image and form a brand advantage in the "troubled times".

The discussion of volume price vs. volume value does not seem to be as opposed as we imagined.

In the hustle and bustle of 2024, will the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in China exceed 50%, or when?

Stepping into this node, can we see the changes in China's new energy vehicle market?