
Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world

author:Qitaihe release

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Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world
Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world
Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world

Recently, Boli County, the hometown of blue indigo fruit, has welcomed a large number of tourists, and they have only one purpose - to personally pick and taste the blue indigo fruit known as "sapphire".

Small berries, treasures that come out of the "deep boudoir" of the mountains

Blue indigo fruit, also known as blue fruit honeysuckle, is commonly known as mountain eggplant and black blind fruit. It is rich in nutrients such as amino acids and trace elements, and has high nutritional and health care value. The plant is a shrub that blooms at the beginning of May every year and ripens in June and July, with a blue-black, oval-shaped, about 1 to 3 cm long and a white powder cream on the skin. In addition to fresh food, blue indigo fruit can also be processed into dried fruits, jams, fruit wine and other products. Blue indigo fruit has the function of clearing heat and detoxifying, and is known as the "king of small berries of the third generation".

Domesticated wild cultivation of blue indigo fruit for more than 40 years, bigger and stronger industry

Dating back to 1982, Boli County took the lead in carrying out the domestication and cultivation of wild blue fruit honeysuckle in China, using wild seeds to cultivate a large number of seedlings, and carried out artificial cultivation experiments in Hongxing Forest Farm, Tongtianyi Forest Farm and other places to achieve success, and established Boli County Winery, which laid a solid foundation for the development and utilization of wild blue indigo fruit resources. On April 15, 2013, Boli blue indigo fruit was approved by the national agricultural department to be certified as a product certified by the geographical indication of agricultural products.

In order to promote the development of the blue indigo fruit industry, Boli County has introduced support policies to give financial support to the seedling bases, planting bases and leading enterprises that have a leading role in the development of the blue indigo fruit industry. At present, Boli County has become the most abundant existing resources, the largest area, the best quality of wild indigo fruit origin, the county's total planting area of blue indigo fruit has reached 19,000 acres, the annual output of 1,500 tons. In recent years, Boli County has in-depth cooperation with Northeast Agricultural University, Heilongjiang University and other colleges and universities to carry out scientific research around variety improvement and product processing. Boli County also works with Heilongjiang Huabao Agriculture and other industry leaders to create a co-creation to promote the indigo fruit industry to scale, standardization and branding. In 2018, Boli County, together with Heilongjiang University and other units, organized the application for the formulation project of blue indigo fruit of local food safety standards, which was officially implemented on February 5, 2021 after 3 years of review and approval, which fundamentally solved the problem of the "legal identity" of blue indigo fruit as a food production, circulation and sales of local specialty food in Heilongjiang Province, and let Longjiang blue indigo fruit usher in the spring of industrial development. In June this year, Huabao Agriculture's blue indigo fruit series products were selected into the list of "Nine Treasures and Eighteen Products" of Longjiang Forest Food. At present, there are 6 blue indigo food processing enterprises in Boli County, including Quaqua Agriculture, Shandong Shenghai, Lanbao Wine, Huabao Agriculture, Meihua Food, and Qilixiang. The production of blue indigo fruit dried fruit, fruit wine, fruit juice, anthocyanins, freeze-dried powder, tea and other products.

Tourists from all over the country come to pick fruits and share the delicious food

Relying on the unique resource endowment, Boli County actively promotes the "local specialty food +" of blue indigo, deeply integrates with tourism, medical and health, scientific and technological innovation, culture, Internet and other industries, and expands the depth and breadth of the development of Boli's local specialty food industry. Make the industry "cake" bigger, so that the small blue indigo fruit becomes the industrial "sapphire". On June 28, Heilongjiang Huabao Blue Indigo Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. held the Huabao Agriculture (Fifth) Blue Indigo Cultural Picking Festival in the Green Indigo Ecological Park in Boli County. In the ecological park, plump and round fruits hang on the branches, and tourists from 5 provinces and 12 cities, including Zhangjiakou in Hebei, Songyuan in Jilin and Daqing in Heilongjiang, are enthusiastically shuttling through the bushes, picking and tasting at the same time.

Professor Lei Hong, a graduate tutor of the School of Life Sciences of Heilongjiang University, was invited to Boli County to participate in the on-site picking of blue indigo fruit for the first time. She said happily: "I have done a lot of research on indigo nuts and consulted a lot of information. The varieties of blue indigo fruit in Heilongjiang Province are better than those in other regions, and the climatic conditions of the large temperature difference between day and night in Boli County make the quality of blue indigo fruit better, including vitamin C, anthocyanins and other nutrients are also higher. ”

Reporter: Huang Xiaohui Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



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Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world
Boli County small berries welcome guests from all over the world

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