
The "three systems" promote the modernization of the city's procuratorial business management

author:Qitaihe release

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The "three systems" promote the modernization of the city's procuratorial business management
The "three systems" promote the modernization of the city's procuratorial business management

The Municipal People's Procuratorate focuses on the blocking points and pain points that restrict the effectiveness of procuratorial management, explores the establishment and improvement of a system covering business data analysis, research and judgment, business data verification, and transfer of internal legal supervision clues, and promotes "handling every case with high quality and efficiency" with "high quality and efficiency in managing every case".

Establish and improve the data analysis and judgment system. Establish a mechanism for procuratorial business data analysis, research, judgment, and consultation that combines horizontal consultation between case management departments and operational departments, and vertical consultation between courts at the city and county levels. Organize and hold training meetings to conduct special training on the writing of analysis reports to improve the ability of business data analysis and judgment. Do a good job of basic data analysis. Do a good job in "business data analysis and judgment", conduct a comprehensive analysis and judgment of the city's procuratorial business in the first half of each month, and write a business situation analysis report. Since the beginning of this year, the case management department has written a total of 4 analysis reports, analyzing abnormal data one by one, providing a strong starting point for the decision-making and management of the procurator general and the party group. Promote the combination of comprehensive analysis and thematic analysis. A comprehensive analysis is formed around the city's data, and at the same time, special analysis is carried out in important areas such as juvenile crimes, public interest protection, procuratorial hearings, procuratorial protection of enterprises, and procuratorial protection of people's livelihood, so as to promote the in-depth development of procuratorial business.

Establish and improve a business data verification system. Promptly carry out reminders for the standardized filling of case cards, regularly report data quality to operational departments, and force procurators to implement their responsibility for filling in the checks. Since the beginning of this year, data verification has been carried out on a regular basis, and a total of 318 problem case cards have been verified, and the case handlers have been notified in a timely manner to rectify them, effectively improving the quality of data. Strengthen daily data review. Establish a "three-in-one" business data review mechanism of normalized basic tables of "daily checks, daily feedback, and daily implementation", "weekly review of basic tables + statistical tables + consistent card tables", and monthly reviews of counter-check case cards, and conduct review and inspection, correction and supplementation of case information. Establish a normalized notification and rectification mechanism. After verification, report to the case-handling person who has more than two errors in the same type of case card, and order the case-handler to make an explanation or directly talk to him, depending on the circumstances, to supervise and urge corrections.

Establish and complete a system for transferring leads for internal legal oversight. Establish a mechanism for the transfer of leads. When investigating, reviewing, and investigating cases, the operational departments are to pay attention to discovering leads for internal oversight, promptly informing the case management departments, and the case management departments are to organize the departments that discover leads and the departments that receive leads to study and judge whether the leads can be completed, and as much as possible to ensure the success rate of leads transferred for internal legal supervision. Use digital prosecution empowerment. Dig deep into the clues in the procuratorial big data model, and the clue application department discovers clues that should be handled by other departments, and the digital procuratorial office will uniformly study and consult, and promptly transfer the clues within three days after the meeting, giving full play to the new momentum of digital procuratorate. Establish the concept of overall management. Comprehensively implement the integrated duties of supervision and case handling, strengthen the overall management responsibilities of case management departments in the work of legal oversight leads, and rely on the procuratorial business application system to standardize efforts such as receiving, transferring, supervising, and giving feedback on leads.

Reporter: Li Xiang Editor: Li Yuanyuan Review: Teng Haixia Supervisor: Zhang Jinhua



Qitai River

The "three systems" promote the modernization of the city's procuratorial business management
The "three systems" promote the modernization of the city's procuratorial business management

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