
Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

author:Wonderful materia medica

Uncle Ma is 72 years old this year, and he has always had constipation. But I usually don't think it's particularly uncomfortable, so I don't take it seriously.

One day while walking in the park, we talked about this topic, and my friend said that someone was diagnosed with bowel cancer due to constipation, and suggested that he go to the hospital for a check-up.

Uncle Ma, who was frightened, went to the hospital for an examination the next day, accompanied by his wife, and found that it was only constipation, and the doctor prescribed some medicine to take it home, and Uncle Ma's hanging heart finally let go.

I have to say that poop can indeed reflect some problems of the body, and the attention must be paid attention to!

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

1. Is there something wrong with the body when the stool is dry and hard and the back is soft and sticky?

There may be many people in their lives who have encountered such a situation: the bowel movement is very laborious at the beginning, the front of the stool is dry and hard, but then it becomes easy, and the stool is soft and sticky at the back. In this case, the following factors are more likely to be considered.

First of all, it may be a lack of water in the body, if the environment is dry or drink less water will lead to a lack of water in the body, the secretion of intestinal fluid in the intestines is insufficient, and the water is absorbed back into the intestinal lumen may lead to dry stool, resulting in dry and hard stools at the front and soft at the back. This can be improved by drinking plenty of fluids and massaging the abdomen properly.

It is also possible that the diet is not appropriate, the diet of high-dietary fiber foods will become feces accumulation in the intestines after digestion, and then eat high-protein, high-fat foods, the stool may be dry and hard in the front and soft in the back, which can be improved by adjusting the diet.

In addition, frequent stool holding and constipation may also cause this condition, consciously holding stool or constipation will cause the previous stool to accumulate in the intestines, the water will be absorbed, and the stool will become dry and hard, and the subsequent stool will be a little watery, so it will be dry and hard in the front and soft and sticky in the back.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

However, if this condition occurs for a long time and is accompanied by some other symptoms, the following disease factors may be considered.

1. Gastrointestinal disorders

The medical staff of the Department of Gastroenterology of the 465 Hospital Affiliated to Jilin University of Medicine published an article introducing that after gastrointestinal dysfunction, the gastrointestinal flora is imbalanced, which may affect the shape of the stool, followed by the reduction of intestinal water, which may lead to dry and hard stool in the front and soft and sticky in the back. If it is a gastrointestinal disorder, it needs to be treated with medication according to the doctor's instructions.

2. Intestinal polyps

He Xiaosheng, director of the Sixth Colorectal Surgery District of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, said that many intestinal polyps are asymptomatic if they do not block the passage, but with the continuous development of intestinal polyps, they may lead to narrowing of the intestinal lumen and affect the excretion of feces.

3. Bowel cancer

Dr. Ji Xin, deputy chief physician of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Peking University Cancer Hospital, reminded that hard stool before and after soft stool is not the main symptom of bowel cancer, and rectal cancer is generally accompanied by changes in bowel habits, such as diarrhea or constipation, as well as tenesmus, incomplete stool, change in stool shape, bloody stool and other symptoms during defecation.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

2. There are 4 kinds of abnormalities in the stool, and it is necessary to be alert to the signs of serious illness

Everyone needs to defecate and metabolize, in fact, stool can also reflect the health of the human body, especially the health of the digestive system. If there is something abnormal in the stool, be alert to the coming of the disease!

1. Changes in bowel habits

If symptoms such as unexplained constipation, frequent bowel movements, and tenesmus occur, it is best to investigate the cause as soon as possible.

2. Blood or black stool in the stool

After the onset of liver cancer, due to insufficient synthesis of coagulation factors, it may lead to coagulation disorders and cause bleeding;

Gastrointestinal bleeding can lead to blood or black stools;

When bowel cancer comes, there may be symptoms such as bloody stools, black stools, and other symptoms such as thinning stools.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

3. The color of the stool becomes white

After the occurrence of liver cancer, it will affect the secretion and discharge of bile, resulting in grayish clay-like stool;

In addition, pancreatic cancer can also compress the common bile duct, causing bile duct obstruction, resulting in clay-colored stools.

4. Stool with oil flowers

If the fat cannot be digested and absorbed well, it may form steatorrhea, resulting in oily stools. After the onset of liver cancer and pancreatic cancer, the secretion and discharge of bile and pancreatic juice will be affected, and the oil cannot be fully absorbed and discharged directly from the intestines, which may lead to oily stools.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

3. What should I do if the stool is dry and can't be pulled out? 4 tricks to teach you smooth bowel movements

As the excrement of the human body, stool can reflect the health problems of the human body, so if the stool is always very dry, what is the matter with the effort to pull out the stool?

1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water can help clear the stomach and intestines and have better bowel movements, thereby reducing the burden on the stomach and intestines and relieving the symptoms of poor bowel movements.

It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water every morning after getting up, which helps to clean up the stool in the intestines, and the normal water intake for adults is about 2000 ml a day, so it is necessary to replenish water in time.

2. Eat more dietary fiber foods

Eat less greasy, irritating and other foods and eat more foods high in dietary fiber, which can help promote bowel movements and relieve constipation.

Usually remember to eat more vegetables and fruits, such as apples, bananas, prunes, kiwifruit, sweet potatoes, corn, celery and other foods rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can not only relieve constipation, but also supplement vitamins.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

3. Develop good bowel habits

It is generally recommended to try to defecate within 2 hours after getting up in the morning or after a meal, to develop a good bowel habit, it is best not to have a bowel movement time of more than 10 minutes, and do not look at mobile phones, newspapers, books, etc. during defecation, which is easy to distract.

4. Moderate physical activity and exercise

Through proper exercise and physical activity, it can better promote intestinal peristalsis and digestive function, and relieve food accumulation and constipation. For example, the elderly can do more low-intensity aerobic exercises such as walking, tai chi, swimming and yoga.

Is the stool "dry and hard at the front and soft and sticky at the back"? It may be that many people are not aware of these 3 diseases

Stool is a metabolite of the human body, if some of the above abnormalities appear, we should be alert to the disease and seek medical attention as soon as possible. The dry and hard front of the stool and the soft stickiness of the back of the stool are not necessarily caused by the disease, so we must treat them rationally, drink more water, eat more foods with high dietary fiber, and develop good bowel habits.


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[3] "Popular Science Online | Difficulty in defecation, dry stools? 5 major methods to eliminate food and laxatives to save the "constipation difficulty star". Sichuan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2024-02-27

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