
Doing one line of work, one line of specialization, one line of excellence, and the stories of veterans inspire officers and soldiers to work hard

author:Learn the Legion
Doing one line of work, one line of specialization, one line of excellence, and the stories of veterans inspire officers and soldiers to work hard

Do one line, one line is one line, one line is fine, and the veteran's story inspires officers and soldiers to work hard——

"Innovation is to win"

Tang Kai, Chen Zhe, People's Liberation Army Daily reporter Chen Dianhong

"Youth is the golden season of life, and struggle is the brightest background color of youth." A few days ago, a brigade of the 74th Group Army held a story sharing and exchange meeting of "striving to strengthen the army", and as soon as Pan Ronghua, a power technician and second-class sergeant major, stepped onto the podium, several national patent certificates in his hand attracted the attention of the officers and soldiers in the audience.

"Innovation doesn't happen overnight. In the face of setbacks and failures, have you ever thought of giving up? At the beginning of the sharing and exchange, platoon commander Li Juhui raised a question that many officers and soldiers were concerned about.

"Yes. The first time I tried technological innovation, I was hit in the face, and I still remember it. Pan Ronghua said that that year, the superior gave a certain type of information equipment the task of upgrading and transforming the power supply, and he took the initiative to invite Ying to join the innovation team. However, due to his lack of experience, he was faced with the rows of circuit boards and strings of components after disassembly, and he almost caused damage to the equipment due to operation errors.

The strong sense of frustration kept Pan Ronghua awake at night. He learned a truth from this dangerous situation: any achievement needs to be made step by step and accumulated in a down-to-earth manner.

This set of information equipment contains hundreds of circuit diagrams and countless components, involving a variety of professional skills such as measurement, judgment, welding, and connection, and it is not easy to learn and understand. In order to disassemble and subdivide this "behemoth", Pan Ronghua simply moved the bed into the repair workshop. For more than three months, tools such as screwdrivers, multimeters and soldering irons became his closest "partners".

With this spirit of not admitting defeat, Pan Ronghua and his comrades-in-arms overcame many difficulties, not only completed the task of upgrading and transforming the power supply as scheduled, but also overcame a certain technical problem, saving hundreds of thousands of yuan for the troops.

"The times have given each of us the same opportunity, and only by working hard and making unremitting efforts can we achieve different results." The stories of the role models around him have lit up the lamp in the hearts of officers and soldiers.

In the brigade, when Pan Ronghua was mentioned, the officers and men couldn't help but give a thumbs up. Everyone said that this veteran has many distinct labels: "down-to-earth", he changed positions three times, and always did one line of work, one line of specialization, one line of excellence; "Reliable", one hand calluses in exchange for a real skill, all types of equipment power supply can be maintained; And "innovation" is his dazzling feature.

Such an evaluation stems from Pan Ronghua's solid professional skills, but also from his tenacious fighting posture on the road of technological innovation for more than 20 years.

"All achievements are the result of perseverance and hard work." Talking about his innovative achievements, Pan Ronghua said with emotion, "The organization has trained me from a high school student to a senior sergeant, from a layman to a technical backbone, I must always maintain hard work, drill strength, and enterprising energy, in order to live up to the organization's expectations and trust." ”

"Support innovators and give a stage to good innovators." After more than 20 years in the army, the support of all levels of the army for the grassroots technological innovation work has made Pan Ronghua more motivated.

Walking into Pan Ronghua's studio, the reporter found that in the spacious and bright hall, all kinds of equipment were readily available. Leaders of the brigade told this reporter that in recent years, the brigade has attached great importance to stimulating the innovative vitality of officers and men at the grassroots level, set up six "technicians' homes" and a "technical transformation studio," allocated special funds for transformation and upgrading, and continuously improved the working conditions and the environment for grassroots "makers."

The stage of grassroots innovation is getting bigger and bigger, and Pan Ronghua's enthusiasm for innovation is getting higher and higher. "Innovation is to win." Whenever he sees his innovative achievements play a role in the training ground, Pan Ronghua feels that innovation is the most valuable. In recent years, with the reform, transformation and development of the armed forces, a variety of new equipment has been installed one after another, Pan Ronghua has taken the initiative to learn cutting-edge knowledge of science and technology, and has launched a charge into new fields again and again.

One year, a certain type of new equipment was installed in the troops. In the daily maintenance support, Pan Ronghua found that although this type of equipment has a variety of advantages, it takes more time for the operator to complete the installation and deployment.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and a second can make the difference between victory and defeat. Can you find a way to dramatically reduce deployment time? Pan Ronghua aimed at this goal and began to teach himself new professional knowledge. After trial and error, he finally succeeded in improving the equipment into a portable all-in-one machine, shortening the installation and deployment time by 20% and greatly improving the deployment efficiency.

"In the eyes of many people, carrying out innovation is the business of scientific research institutions, and it is very far away from the officers and men at the grassroots level, but I believe that the officers and men at the grassroots level, as users of weapons and equipment and executors of combat operations, know better where improvements and innovations are needed." This is a sentence that Pan Ronghua often hangs on his lips.

Over the years, although more than 20 technical transformation projects have been completed, Pan Ronghua has always had a strong sense of crisis. He told reporters that with the continuous updating and upgrading of weapons and equipment, the requirements for grassroots "makers" are getting higher and higher. Today, young officers and men have a higher level of education and a more solid theoretical foundation, and there is an urgent need for more officers and men to take an active part in the broad stage of grassroots innovation.

"The wisdom of the masses is infinite, and the innovative potential of officers and men is enormous." The brigade's "technical transformation studio" achievement display window, a number of invention patents and technological transformation achievements are particularly eye-catching. Leaders of the brigade told reporters that with the support and drive of the brigade's party committee, more and more young officers and men have come to the fore and become experts in their own affairs.

Last year, with the support of the brigade's party committee, the "technical transformation studio" led by Pan Ronghua became a practical platform for repairing professional officers and men to "harden and harden." Groups of young technical backbones have grown here into the backbone of combat strength building.

Doing one line of work, one line of specialization, one line of excellence, and the stories of veterans inspire officers and soldiers to work hard

▲Published in the 2nd edition of the People's Liberation Army Daily on July 2

Source丨Liberation Army Daily, Learning Corps (ID: xuexijuntuan)

Doing one line of work, one line of specialization, one line of excellence, and the stories of veterans inspire officers and soldiers to work hard

Producer丨Ou Can, Hou Dawei, Editor丨Liu Jianwei, Yan Shan, Qian Zongyang, Editor丨Li Chen, Zhou Zhou