
Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

author:Home editor Mai Yue

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No matter how clean the house is, there will be things that have been overlooked, and some have even become moldy, and we don't know it.

The 7 kinds mentioned in this issue belong to the "mold disaster area" at home.

1. Water dispenser pumping pipe

It's okay to really change the water dispenser at home frequently, I also changed the water a few days ago, and suddenly found that the water pipe not only has mold spots, but also grows green.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Although this green is moss, it is not harmful to the human body, but if it grows for a long time, not only the water will have a peculiar smell, but also breed other bacteria.

Therefore, once you encounter this situation, it is recommended to replace the tube directly, and it only costs a few dollars online, which is convenient and hygienic.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

In addition to the pumping pipe, water purifiers like this one are also the hardest hit areas by mold.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Once many people start using it, they don't change the water in it, and they keep adding water.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

But in fact, the manual has long been written, and the water storage water dispenser must be replaced once every 24 hours.

2. Washing machine box

This is the place where laundry detergent and fabric softener are put in, and many people are only responsible for using it, but they don't even think about cleaning it, especially now that a lot of laundry detergent is automatically put in, and they haven't paid attention to it.

But if you look at this picture, that is, it hasn't been cleaned for two months, and it's already full of mold.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Every time we wash our clothes, these molds will be washed onto the clothes, causing contamination, which in turn can affect our skin, and if there are babies and young children in the house, it is possible to cause skin allergies.

Therefore, we try to remove and clean this box regularly, and the interval should not exceed one month.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

In addition to the drop-off box, after the box is pulled out, the inside should also be brushed with a brush, which is also prone to mold.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

If the mold is more serious,

3. Air conditioning interior

Because the mildew here is relatively hidden, as long as you don't deliberately look at it, you will definitely not find it.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

When I rented a house before, I thought that as long as the air conditioner isolation net was clean, it would be clean, but when I used it, I always smelled a musty smell and my throat was uncomfortable, so I looked inside, and it was full of mildew.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Later, I found a professional master to clean it, and you see the black water that was washed, it was really scary.

4. Electric toothbrush

The whole family has used it for a few years, and I have changed five or six electric toothbrushes, and I have never seen one that is not moldy.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

You know, we are still a northern city, towels hang in the bathroom, half a day is dry, but electric toothbrushes can be moldy after half a month.

Not only the gaps in the handle but also the brush head can become moldy.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

I advise you that if you find mold in the brush, throw it away quickly, but don't use it again, the mold of the toothbrush will not only damage the oral environment, but even affect the function of the stomach and kidneys.

Therefore, if the handle of the electric toothbrush is moldy, you can also choose to soak it with 84, and if the brush hair is moldy, don't think about saving it, just throw it away.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

At the same time, it should also be noted that the toothbrush at home must be placed in a dry and ventilated place to avoid water accumulation.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

It can be hollowed out like the picture above, and the anti-mildew effect will be better.

5. Bath toys

I saw someone share that the toys that children play with when they take a bath will become moldy, and I didn't believe it until one day the bear child poked a hole in the rubber, and I cut it open and looked at it, and it was disgusting.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

It's full of mildew, I don't dare to think about it, the child still plays with it every time he takes a bath, and sometimes the water even goes into his mouth, it's so terrible, he throws it away decisively.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

6. Children's lunch boxes

When we go to school every day, the children have to bring their own lunch boxes, and I wash them carefully every day, but I still can't escape, and the rubber strip on the lid is moldy.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

I tried to brush it, but it couldn't be cleaned at all, and I was afraid that it would be unsafe to use 84 bubbles, so I had to replace the cover.

The same goes for children's thermos cups and water cups.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

7. Dark wooden chopsticks, chopping boards, knife holders, etc

Even in the northern region, if these things are placed in a poorly ventilated place, it will inevitably become moldy.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Generally, light-colored chopsticks and chopping boards are moldy, which are easy to identify, and here is a reminder that this kind of dark wooden tableware, if you don't look carefully, it is really difficult to find.

Mold-stricken areas! Such a dirty thing, your family may use it every day, throw it away quickly!

Like my family, it may have already been moldy, but I didn't know it, so I said that there was a musty smell in the kitchen every day, and I had a bad stomach for nearly a month, and the source was finally found.

If you want to know more exciting content, come and pay attention to the home editor Mai Yue
