
Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

author:Golden Sunshine Literature

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Crown Clearing

At the end of the class, the teacher asked us a question with a smile: "Do you think it is better to go to school or to have a holiday?" At this moment, the classroom suddenly exploded. Some students said, "I think it's better to have a holiday." Some said, "I think it's good to go to school." Others said, "I think it's okay to go to school and take vacations." The students were instantly divided into three factions.

The teacher said, "Raise your hand if you think it's good to go to school." With a bang, almost half of the class raised their hands. Damn! Isn't everyone looking forward to the holidays? It's finally a holiday, why do you want to go to school again, I really don't know what they think?

"Raise your hand if you think it's good to have a holiday." The teacher spoke again.

I looked at it, and there were very few people, more than half of the people who had not yet agreed to go to school.

The teacher said, "It doesn't matter if you raise your hand." A few people raised their hands.

"Next, let's talk about their reasons."

"Of course it's a holiday." A man in black took the lead in firing the gun, "Because you can do whatever you want during the holidays, you can play with your mobile phone, you can play cigarette cards, and you can go to Ktv to sing......" Before he finished speaking, a boy answered again: "You can also eat ice cream and drink cold drinks."

"Hmph, you think too beautifully, my mother won't let me play during the holidays, and I won't be allowed to eat, it's better to go to school." A blue-clad classmate retorted.

"Good school, less homework in school." One classmate said, "And there are side classes in school, and you can play; And there is no time to play during the holidays, either to go to tutorial classes or on the way to special classes. ".

"It's a good day off because my mom lets me play with my phone." A classmate answered.

"It's good to go to school, because you can play with your classmates after school, and you have to go to cram school during the holidays, and if you don't know the place in the cram school, who will play with you?"

"I don't think it matters, because I can play after I finish my homework in school and play during the holidays." The indifferent faction also spoke.

Each has its own reasons, and everyone thinks that they are right, and no one can convince anyone.

The teacher asked another special question: "Raise your hand in a special class during the holidays." Three people raised their hands.

"Raise your hand for 2 classes." Six people raised their hands.

"The people in the third class raised their hands." Eight people raised their hands.

"Raise your hand for the fourth class." Oh, my God! Nine people raised their hands.

"Raise your hand in the fifth class." Now, no one will lift it! Who knows, there are 3 people who raised their hands!

Alas, it's better to go to school, taking a vacation is simply more bitter than going to school!

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Xie Yutong

At the end of the class, the teacher asked us a question with a smile: "Do you think it is better to go to school or to have a holiday?" This question simply can't be called a question, does it need to be asked?

But the answer is the unexpected.

Some said, "It must be a holiday!" How comfortable it is to have a holiday!"

Some said, "It's good to go to school!" How do you think it's a good holiday?"

Some said, "I don't care about going to school or going on vacation." In response to this seemingly unproblematic problem, the students in the class were instantly divided into three factions.

At this time, the teacher spoke: "Raise your hand if you think it's good to go to school." Wow! More than a dozen people raised their hands! I thought there were more people who thought it was better to have a holiday! Looks like I'm wrong.

"Raise your hand if you think it's good to have a holiday." The teacher said again. Only seven or eight people raised their hands this time! Well, it looks like I did guess wrong.

"It doesn't matter if you raise your hand."" Phew!" I quickly raised my hand. Only five people raised their hands this time.

"Okay, let's talk about our reasons."

"Of course it's a holiday!" A boy in black short-sleeved sleeves became the "leading general", "because he is on vacation, he can not only watch TV, but also play with his hand-held machine and shoot cigarette cards..... Anyway, you can be unconstrained......"

"Good school!" The "No. 2" general protested, "How much homework do you have to go to school!" You see a lot of homework in the summer vacation! There are so many cram schools to go to, so you might as well go to school!"

"I don't think it matters." A female general in pink spoke, "There are teachers in school and parents on holidays, don't you have freedom, it's the same everywhere." "

"It's a good holiday."

"Good school."

"It doesn't matter."


It's a mess up after work.

"How free you are on vacation!"

"You think beautifully, there are so many classes, when are you going to go! Still free? Cut, free fart! ”

Everyone has their own reasons, and they all think they are right.

The teacher abruptly changed the subject: "Raise your hand to go to one class a day." "Five people raised their hands.

"What about the last three?" Eight people raised their hands.

"Five?" There were even people who raised their hands.

Hey, so I'm more wise, it doesn't matter.

Do you think it's better to go to school or take a vacation? Anyway, I think "it doesn't matter".

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Zhao Junshuo

At the end of the class, the teacher asked us a question with a smile: "Do you think it is better to go to school or to have a holiday?"

The class suddenly fryed. Some said, "I think it's good to go to school." Some said, "I think it's better to have a holiday." Others said, "I don't think it matters." The students were instantly divided into three factions.

The teacher said, "Raise your hand if you think it's good to go to school." More than a dozen students in the class raised their hands.

"Raise your hand if you think it's good to have a holiday." Several students in the class raised their hands. , but less than supporting school attendees.

"It doesn't matter if you raise your hand." A few students in the class also raised their hands.

"Next, let's talk about their reasons."

"Of course, it's a holiday." A male classmate in black took the lead in firing the gun, "because you can play with your mobile phone during the holidays......"

"Good school, less homework in school." A classmate in blue said, "You can make a lot of friends when you go to school. ”

Each has its own reasons, no one is convinced, and everyone thinks they are right.

Still, I think it's good to go to school.

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Yan Yuxiu

At the end of the class, the teacher asked us a question with a smile: "Do you think it is better to go to school or to have a holiday?"

The class suddenly fryed. Some said, "I think it's good to go to school." Some said, "It's good to have a holiday." Others said, "It's okay to go to school and take vacations." "I think it's incredible, everyone else is looking forward to the holidays, why do some people think it's good to go to school?

The teacher said, "Raise your hand if you think it's good to go to school."

Almost half of the class raised their hands, and I don't know what they think.

"Raise your hand if you think it's good to have a holiday."

A few students in the class raised their hands, but the few who raised their hands were pitiful, and more than half of the students who had not agreed to go to school had not yet agreed!

The teacher said, "It doesn't matter if you raise your hand." Five people raised their hands.

"Now, please tell us why."

"Of course it's a holiday." A man in black was the first to fire, "Because it's a holiday, you can play with your mobile phone, play cigarette cards, go out to play, eat and drink, and do whatever you want." "

One boy added: "Also, you can eat ice cream and cold drinks if you want."

"Hmph, I think it's beautiful, my mother won't let me play during the holidays, I won't let me play, I can't eat anything, it's better to go to school." A boy yelled.

"Good school, little homework. I have to register for this class and that class during the holidays, and I don't have time to play and do my homework. ”

"It's a good holiday."

"Good school."


What the students said was very reasonable.

Still, I think it's good to have a holiday. I still have time to do my homework during the holidays, and I think it's good to have a good time to go to school, even though there is less homework and less time to play.

Is it better to go to school or take a vacation

Golden sunshine, let your dreams fly

Open it and you will be touched by the power of innocence;

Read it and you will walk with the dignity of your child!

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Is it better to go to school or take a vacation