
These cosmetics are detected with banned raw materials! The latest notice from the State Food and Drug Administration! Quick reference →

author:Jiangsu News
These cosmetics are detected with banned raw materials! The latest notice from the State Food and Drug Administration! Quick reference →

The website of the State Food and Drug Administration issued a notice on July 1 stating that in the 2023 national cosmetics sampling inspection, after inspection by Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Food and Drug Supervision and Inspection and other units, the product label indicated that 17 batches of cosmetics such as Shandong Yifangmei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Sain Cosmetics Co., Ltd. did not meet the requirements, and the prohibited raw materials specified in the "Safety and Technical Specifications for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)" were detected.

In accordance with the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics, the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Cosmetics Production and Operation, and the Measures for the Administration of Cosmetics Sampling Inspection, the State Food and Drug Administration requires the Guangdong Provincial Drug Administration to file a case for investigation of the registrants, filing persons and entrusted production enterprises involved in the above-mentioned non-compliant cosmetics in accordance with the law, and order the relevant enterprises to immediately take risk control measures in accordance with the law and conduct self-inspection and rectification. The drug regulatory departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall order the relevant cosmetics operators to immediately stop operating the above-mentioned cosmetics, investigate their purchase inspection records in accordance with the law, and trace the source of the illegal products; Where illegal acts are discovered, they shall be strictly investigated and dealt with in accordance with law; and where a crime is suspected, it shall be transferred to the public security organs in accordance with law.

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These cosmetics are detected with banned raw materials! The latest notice from the State Food and Drug Administration! Quick reference →

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These cosmetics are detected with banned raw materials! The latest notice from the State Food and Drug Administration! Quick reference →

Jiangsu News Channel

Comprehensive|CCTV Finance Editor|Wei Wei Attention

These cosmetics are detected with banned raw materials! The latest notice from the State Food and Drug Administration! Quick reference →

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