
Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

author:Saburo will be able to sound and shadow

In this article, Mr. Saburo will introduce you to the alignment of text subtitles in the professional version of Jianying,They are left alignment、Right alignment、Upper alignment、Lower alignment and center alignment,The alignment referred to here refers to the alignment under the "plane rotation",We divide it into 3 situations!

Scenario 1: Align the players

Scenario two, text and text alignment

Scenario 3: Align the text with the image or video

First, let's add a text caption and an image to the track!

Scenario 1: Align the players

We just click on the text caption in the selected track, and in the Properties panel we can see the alignment (the alignment below the plane rotation), as shown in the image below;

Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

Clipping text alignment

Click an alignment method according to your own needs, Mr. Saburo takes "right alignment" as an example, after clicking, the text and the player window will be aligned to the right, as shown in the figure below;

Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

Cut the right alignment

After using the alignment method, many friends find that the text is not centered or aligned to the side, as shown in the figure below; Mr. Saburo has clicked on "Align Right" (the alignment under "Plane Rotation"), but the text is not aligned to the right!

Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

The cut text is not aligned to the edges

Why is that?

The main reason is that the width of the text box is much larger than the width of the text, and the text alignment of the clipping is that the text box (not the text) is aligned with the edge of the player or material!

So there are 2 ways to solve this problem;

One is to shrink the text box to exactly the same size as the width of the text, and then use the alignment (the alignment below Plane Rotation);

The other way is to right-align the text to the text box first, and then use the right-alignment function (the alignment under Plane Rotation) so that the text and the player are aligned to the right!

If you want to align left, the principle is the same, first align the text and the text box left, and then use the "Align Left" function under "Plane Rotation"!

Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

Clipping alignment

For text and player edge alignment, we generally do this by holding down the mouse and dragging the text subtitle directly in the player, and it will automatically snap to the alignment when it is close to the edge of the player! This method of snapping alignment is also the snapping alignment of text boxes and player edges!

Scenario two, text and text alignment

Select the two text titles in the track, then use the alignment under Plane Rotation, and you're done!

Clipping Pro version text subtitles are aligned up, down, left and right

Clipping text alignment

Similarly, there is a problem with the alignment of text subtitles; It's a matter of the text border being larger than the width of the text! Be sure to pay attention when aligning!

Scenario 3: Align the text with the image or video

For text and image or video alignment, it's the same as text and text alignment, first select the text and image or video in the track, then use the alignment under Plane Rotation!

There are also two functions of horizontal distribution and vertical distribution under the alignment under "Plane Rotation", if you don't know how to use these two functions, you can ask me!

The above is the relevant knowledge of "Jianying Professional Edition Text Subtitle Alignment" introduced to you by Mr. Saburo, I hope it will help you learn this software!

If you encounter any problems with the professional version of Jianying, please consult me, a few words from the teacher may solve the problem that you can't solve in a few hours!

The teacher also recorded 3 sets of high-quality courses, produced by Saburo, which must be high-quality!

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