
The StarCraft novel Tactical Genius :(44) was an absolute surprise

author:Aftertaste interstellar

When Lisa raised her head again, Colonel Scheater had already triumphantly arranged his military uniform, walked over in front of everyone proudly, and came with a rare mutter: "Hmph, what can you bear with me?" You don't dare to touch me, I'll come with a swagger, swagger away, who calls me a nobleman, you are a pariah, you just clean up the mess for me, haha! ”

But at this time, a person suddenly rushed over, and a "snap" punch hit Colonel Shet's eye socket, which immediately hit Colonel Shet with an "ouch", and the whole person fell down.

But the man was followed by another knee on his stomach, and only a dull "poof" sound was heard, as if a punch had pierced the heavy cement bag, and Colonel Schett let out a terrible scream, and his body immediately curled up into a shrimp, and fell heavily to the ground.

Then, the perpetrator slowly straightened up, his clenched fist turned slightly, making a "snapping" sound of staggered bone joints, and said indifferently: "I'm not Lin Ranxing." ”

"Good!" Xingyu and Francis shouted at the same time: "Well played, Battle! ”

Colonel Shet's tears came out, and he curled up on the ground and trembled for half a minute before he raised his head with difficulty: "Battle...... You...... You ......"

"I don't care what future, what fate, what responsibility," Battle's eyes were like wolves, and he glared at him viciously: "I only know that if I don't like anyone, I must teach him a lesson." ”

He flicked his sleeves contemptuously, and a mouthful of "phew" spit fell on Colonel Shet's face: "Lao Tzu doesn't like you now, it's as simple as that." ”

Colonel Scheater was visibly stunned by him, and shrank on the ground and trembled for a long time before he got up with a shudder, ran into the council hall quickly, hid behind the soldiers, and stammered, "Catch me...... Catch them and ...... Immediately. ”

The soldiers did not move.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to disobey? Colonel Shet's expression became alarmed: "Hurry up, raise the gun, kill them, I will give you credit, I will give you money, I will ...... I will not do you any wrong. ”

The soldiers remained motionless, still in the position of hanging down the barrels, and the contempt was written on each soldier's face.

"It's the other way around, you actually ......" Colonel Schett didn't finish his words, when he suddenly saw Battle striding over, and the second half of the sentence was suddenly blocked in his throat.

Wherever Battle passed, the soldiers got out of the way, and in an instant, he was standing in front of Colonel Scheater.

"You...... You can't hit me," Colonel Scheat's teeth rattled, "I warn you, your father is dead, and you have no backstage now, you...... If you dare to beat me, I will ask my grandfather to impeach you. ”

Battle smiled.

"Whatever." As he said two words, another punch landed on Colonel Sheter's other eye socket, and then the same knee slammed into Colonel Sheter's legs.

Colonel Schett let out a distinct gasp, and his whole face turned purple, and he collapsed as if he had been pulled to the bone, and the pain made his whole body spasm.

"I hope it didn't disrupt some of your functions, Your Excellency Colonel," Battle glanced at him contemptuously, and walked out of the council hall without looking back, all the way to Lin Ranxing.

"Are you satisfied?" Battle smiled, "I know you can't do this kind of thing. ”

Lin Ranxing didn't smile, his expression was a little moved, and after a long time, he nodded lightly at Battle and said in a low voice, "Thank you." ”

Francis coughed and raised, "Uh...... In that case, let's disperse tonight, and everyone should rest early. ”

"Yes!" The soldiers' voices were louder than ever.

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving now," Colonel Scheater muttered, struggling to get up from the ground, and angrily yelled at his two orderlies, "Come and help me now, go and arrange for the transport plane at once, I will go to the home planet of Hunter at once." ”

The two orderlies came over to pick him up with a reluctant face, and limped out, and Colonel Schett's muttering was still faintly audible: "Hurry up and arrange the transport plane, I have to go back and check it well, sizzle...... I'm afraid I'll be ruined by that kid...... I don't want to be a eunuch......"

A few minutes later, a transport plane took off from Troy and headed straight for the home planet of Hunt, and the soldiers watched the transport plane rise into the air with expressions of relief on their faces.

Originally, the matter should have ended here, but on the way back, there was an accident.

Xingyu's eyes were very good, and after the first one found the bushes not far from the conference hall, there was actually a figure shaking: "Hey, could it be that the Zerg has touched in?" Unlikely. ”

In that case, of course you have to check it out.

Everyone cautiously and lightly passed, listening carefully through the bushes, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, it turned out that it was two female soldiers talking there.

Lin Ranxing smiled bitterly and pointed outside, meaning let's go, everyone nodded together and was about to leave, but at this time, one of the female soldiers suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Ah, Sister Anna, why are you still bleeding?" ”

Everyone sighed in their hearts at the same time, and slowly squatted down.

"It's bleeding all day today," the female soldier named Anna seemed to be sobbing softly: "It's very uncomfortable, it hurts, I've been feeling dizzy since I came out of the room, Xiao Lin, I'm ...... I want to die. ”

"Sister Anna, be strong," Xiao Lin's voice was full of bitter hatred: "I was like this when I was insulted by him, I was so painful that I wanted to die, but I later figured it out, as long as I live, there is still hope, and garbage like him will be retributed one day." ”

She took a breath, and her voice was even calmer: "So Sister Anna, I felt at that time that I must work hard to live until I see him suffer retribution with my own eyes, otherwise I will not be able to die." ”

Anna gasped softly, as if enduring great pain, and said after a long time: "Xiao Lin, I may not be able to practice tomorrow, what should I do?" ”

"Hold on, hold on," Xiao Lin's character was obviously much stronger, she said softly: "I also endured and persevered at that time, there is no other way, you can't tell others that you were raped, so you can't exercise." ”

"Xiao Lin, you don't understand, I ...... I'm not like you," Anna seemed to be a little speechless, but after thinking about it, she finally said softly: "That bastard...... Not only did he break my virginity, but he also ...... Also ......"

Xiao Lin was anxious when she heard this, and clasped her hand and said, "Sister Anna, you say." ”

"She said my ass was big enough and sexy enough," Anna's tone was a little slurred: "So...... So he said he was going to go through the back door......"

Xiao Lin obviously didn't react, and said softly: "Sister Anna, what did you say?" ”

Anna sighed softly and said in a trembling voice: "Xiao Lin, he went in from where he shouldn't have been, right here...... Well, the back ......"

Xiao Lin made a sound as if she was gasping, and her voice couldn't contain her crying: "Sister Anna, you ...... You're so pathetic. ”

Anna sobbed.

The anger in the hearts of the people outside was already raging.

It's just too bold and unreasonable! Now that the soldiers are in danger, the Zerg are eyeing each other, at this juncture, there are still humans doing such things that are inferior to beasts!

Lisa couldn't help it first, also as a woman, she was more likely to empathize, so she stood up without hesitation and said angrily: "Who did it?" I'm in charge of you! ”

The two female soldiers were startled, even the sobbing silenced, and they looked out in panic, and suddenly saw everyone slowly standing up.

Seeing so many people, the two female soldiers immediately lowered their heads in shame.

"Don't be nervous," Lisa took a deep breath, only to feel uncomfortable with a breath in her heart, walked over and grabbed the hands of the two female soldiers, and pulled them out: "You guys are so stupid, when you encounter this kind of thing, why don't you tell the chief, why do you secretly endure so much pain." ”

Xiao Lin and Anna endured their shame, quickly looked up at everyone, and quickly lowered their heads, although it was only a glance, they also saw the faces of several people in front of them, Xiao Lin's voice trembled a little: "Yes...... Is it Chief Lin Ranxing who has come to our rescue? ”

"Yes," Lin Ranxing said in a deep voice, "Tell me who bullied you, and I will definitely make the decision for you." ”

Xiao Lin and Anna glanced at each other, the expressions on their faces were a little bitter, and after a long time, Xiao Lin said, "Sir, no need." ”

Battle had a rigid personality and couldn't see this kind of scene by nature, so he snorted coldly, and simply walked to the side and sat down, not even looking this way.

Lin Ranxing frowned and said, "What are you afraid of?" Just say it. If you are afraid of damaging your reputation, we will definitely keep it a secret. ”

The two female soldiers looked at each other, still with bitter faces, and after a while, Xiao Lin sighed: "Sir, I have heard of your deeds." ”

This was said very abruptly, and everyone was a little stunned, but they heard Xiao Lin say again: "I know that you are a very good officer, your two battles on the planet Roster Tampa and Tauklos are widely circulated in the army, there are countless versions, they all boast of you like a fairy, I don't know how powerful you are, but I know that you must be a good person." ”

She sighed leisurely and continued: "If you weren't a good person, how could you take a transport plane to the airdrop, if you were replaced by Colonel Shet, I'm afraid you would have left on a transport plane." ”

When he said this, Franceston had a fever on his face, and he really wanted to escape on the transport plane at that time.

Lin Ranxing nodded: "Since you believe me, then tell me the matter, and I will help you decide." ”

Xiao Lin looked at Anna slightly, Anna nodded at her, the two female soldiers seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, Xiao Lin smiled bitterly: "Sir, it is because you are a good person that I can't harm you, so ...... So we don't need you to call the shots for us. ”

"Yes," Anna finally raised her buried head, "Sir, you better go back, you don't have to worry about the private affairs of our soldiers." ”

Lin Ranxing opened his mouth: "I ......"

"Sir, we're going back too," Xiao Lin interrupted him, "Good night." ”

The two female soldiers were also stubborn, they didn't even look at Lin Ranxing like this, they supported each other and walked slowly into the night, Lisa looked at their backs from a distance, and suddenly her heart moved, and she said to Lin Ranxing: "I'll go and see, you guys go back first." ”

The night was cold and long, and Lin Ranxing waited for more than an hour to hear from Lisa.

Lisa's pretty face flushed with anger, and as soon as she walked in, she said five words: "It's Colonel Shet." ”

Lin Ranxing took a deep breath, and for the first time there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Lisa, you tell them a word," Lin Ranxing gently closed the door and said word for word: "I will give them an explanation for this matter." ”

Lisa's eyes widened.

"Don't look at me like that, I admit I'm impulsive," Lin Ranxing laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "You know, everyone has a bottom line, if even the bottom line is exceeded, then what is there to talk about taking into account the overall situation?" ”

He couldn't help but shake his head, looking a little regretful: "If it weren't for Battle's last knock, Colonel Shet would still be on Troy by now." ”

From the next day, Lin Ranxing began to train again.

His 2,000 troops, some of which were garrisons brought out of the expedition, and some of which were elite soldiers from Battle, these soldiers were experienced veterans after half a month of hard confrontation with the lurkers on the Lunar Tears Planet, and if it came to lateral movement shooting and attack rhythm, they were even better than any other army of the Federation. On top of that, they have advanced ideas that no other soldier has.

Lin Ranxing continued the lecture on the Moon Tears Planet that lasted only three days here, whether it was the soldiers who had listened to the lecture before, or the soldiers who had followed Battle and had not listened to the class, they all re-reviewed the elementary military theory of His Excellency the Military God.

The garrison of the 3,000 Fire Armor troops on the planet Troy also jointly asked His Excellency the God of War to allow them to observe, and followed the seven-day class.

Seven days later, Lin Ranxing went to Yamatogan with his 2,000 soldiers.

In fact, he could directly return to the rear of the Federation from Troy, but Lin Ranxing didn't want to go back, because he knew in his heart that once he went back, he was afraid that these two thousand soldiers would have to be handed over to the military department, and he might never have the opportunity to lead the troops out again.

So he wanted to go to Distresin, and then pass through this planet and enter the front line of the battle between humans and insects. To get to Distresz, you have to go through Yamatogan.

What's more, he also wanted to take a look at Yamatogan, a planet that had surprised and shocked him so much, and a few days ago, four thousand Federation soldiers had died on this land in order to recover it.

"Now...... It must have been taken over by Commander Song Ziqiu......" Lin Ranxing entered the atmosphere of the planet Yamatogan with such thoughts, and then immediately received a strong call from below: "Which officer entered the airspace of the planet Yamatogan?" ”

"It's me, Lieutenant Lin Ranxing of the Federation," Lin Ranxing greeted the young officer on the screen with a smile, "Are you?" ”

"I am Lieutenant General Watanabe Azuru, the third son of the patriarch of the Watanabe family," the officer on the screen said with a straight face: "You land on the east side of the base immediately, don't run around, otherwise be careful that the anti-aircraft turret will not grow eyes." ”

Battle rolled his eyelids, visibly upset, and slapped the button at the bottom of the screen to cut off the call.

"It seems that the Watanabe family values this planet very much," Xingyu said: "Watanabe Shiratori is the nephew of the patriarch of the Watanabe family, and this Watanabe Blue Crane is the patriarch's own son, which should belong to the emperor's ** power separation." ”

"It's normal," Francis laughed, "just like our Eagle and Tiger Divisions, Yamatogan is clearly the territory of the Watanabe family. ”

During the conversation, the transport aircraft group has stopped at the airport, this place is no longer the glory of a month ago, the airport is full of traces of damage and repair, the minelayer troops stopped there silently, the Watanabe Qinghe in front of him has a somewhat gloomy expression, plus his face is a little long, and his eyes are even more gloomy, Lin Ranxing looks at it at a glance, and always feels that this person does not look like a good person.

There was still a person standing behind Watanabe Qinghe, Lin Ranxing glanced at this person, and subconsciously felt a little familiar, but after thinking about it, he couldn't remember who this person was.

Battle suddenly grabbed Lin Ranxing's arm: "Wait." ”

Lin Ranxing was surprised: "What's wrong?" ”

"Something is wrong," Battle's eyes flashed like a wolf again, "there's danger." ”

"Sir, I also think it's a little strange," Xingyu said in a low voice: "The last time we came, it was the soldiers who lined up to greet us, but this time, why did we line up to greet the minelaying vehicles?" ”

Lin Ranxing's heart moved: This detail is indeed a little suspicious.

But this is not the time to think, he can only put down his doubts for the time being, and strode towards Watanabe Aozuru.

The smile on Watanabe Qinghe's face was quite stiff: "Lieutenant Lin Ranxing, I've been waiting for you for a long time. ”

Lin Ranxing smiled: "Don't dare to be." ”

As soon as the word "dang" came out, the situation suddenly changed greatly!

"Wow!" All the minelaying cars turned their directions, and the sharp front of the car was all aimed at Lin Ranxing.


"Lin Ranxing, you have been arrested!" The smile on Watanabe Qinghe's face suddenly faded, and he "brushed" to shake open a pair of golden scrolls, spread them out in front of Lin Ranxing's eyes, and shouted word by word: "The emperor has a life, and he will take you down at all costs and send you to the imperial capital!" ”

Lin Ranxing was stunned.

"Prepare for battle!" Battle roared, "Target: Imperial Soldiers".

"Wow!" The two thousand Federation soldiers who had just stepped off the transport plane brushed their steel guns and aimed them neatly at the minelayer phalanx.

In just a second, the situation at the airport suddenly became critical.

Watanabe Qinghe looked at Lin Ranxing coldly, and said slowly: "You dare to disobey?" ”

"Lieutenant General Watanabe Azuru, what are you doing here?" Lin Ranxing's face sank: "Communiqué personal vendetta? Dismounted? ”

"Are you worthy?" Watanabe Qinghe sneered contemptuously: "This is an edict written by the emperor himself, can I still fabricate it?" After he finished speaking, he raised his hand, and the golden paper suddenly flew out of his hand, because of the heavy metal shafts on both sides of the paper, which ordered the oracle to fly into Lin Ranxing's hand along a standard parabolic trajectory.

"Lin Ranxing, a lieutenant of the friendly forces of the Federation, usurped power with troops, engaged in favoritism, had no intention of foreign war, but was good at internal fighting, wantonly looted funds on the Imperial Armed Planet, escaped from the battle three times, and took unshirkable responsibility for the fall of Distresin, Crismon and Yamatogan, and even ignored the allies' requests for help, openly fled on the eve of the battle, put Yamatogan's millions of soldiers and civilians to death, and put the famous imperial general Watanabe Shiratori to death, the crime is extremely heinous, and he is designated as a first-class war criminal, so that the imperial army will take it at all costs and send the military plane to trial."

At the bottom of the edict, two dragons and phoenixes danced in vermilion characters: Xuanyuan.

Lin Ranxing looked at Francis slightly, and Francis nodded slightly.

That's right, he had seen this kind of edict, and it was the autograph of Emperor Xuanyuan Feng.

Lin Ranxing took a deep breath, and his heart was in turmoil for an instant.

This was the first time he felt so resentful, so aggrieved, and so irresistible!

Supporting the army and usurping power, favoritism, and having no intention of fighting abroad, but being good at internal fighting, such a comment would actually fall on his head, and it was actually an arrest document issued by the emperor himself, what is going on?

"Ignoring the allies' pleas for help, he openly fled on the eve of the battle", this is a completely trumped-up charge, at that time, he was obviously trying to persuade Watanabe Shiratori to fail and was expelled from the planet Amatogan, why would the Emperor come to such a completely opposite conclusion?

"What else do you have to say?" Watanabe Qinghe's eyes were full of bitter hatred, and he stared at him directly: "Lin Ranxing, if you kill my brother, you must pay for your life!" ”

"This is a misunderstanding," Lin Ranxing felt that his voice was so dry and weak for the first time: "This was not the case at that time, and besides, I was ordered by General Huangfu. ”

"Huangfu Gao? That old immortal wants our Watanabe family to be finished! Watanabe Qinghe's emotions suddenly became excited: "Of course he will support you and let you kill my brother!" It's a pity that Skynet is restored and not leaked, and you can't imagine that there are survivors on the planet Yamatogan! ”

He pulled the person behind him out: "Look, this is the only survivor of Amatogan's Good Friday, Yu Watanabe, don't you feel a little familiar when you see him?" ”

Lin Ranxing's mind flashed like lightning, and he finally remembered who this person was.

That's right, he did see this man, when Watanabe Shiratori held a banquet, and he was the one who guarded the door; Watanabe Shiratori takes everyone to see the mining area, and he is the driver of the hovering car; When Watanabe Shiratori expelled himself from Yamatogan, this man was still analyzing the battle situation with Watanabe Shiratori against the star map.

He is the lieutenant of Watanabe Shiratori and the true sole survivor of the planet Yamatogan.

Lin Ranxing stared at him deadly, and said in a deep voice: "You said that I killed Watanabe Shiratori?" ”

"That's right, it's you!" Watanabe Xiong subconsciously avoided Lin Ranxing's eyes, but suddenly seemed to remember that this was his own territory, and suddenly puffed up his chest and said loudly: "You have no resistance in the face of the Zerg, let the Zerg occupy Distresin and Christian, and you also looted all the assets of the two armed planets into your own pocket, moreover, you also embezzle the architects of the empire, on the planet Yamatogan, Lieutenant General Shiratori is unwilling to hand over military power to you, you are not willing to cooperate with Lieutenant General Shiratori, and the lieutenant general asks you to send troops to assist, But you insisted on escaping to the Moon Tears Planet, and in the end, Lieutenant General Shiratori was defeated and killed! ”

His eyes flashed with fanatical light, and he jumped up and pointed at Lin Ranxing's nose and scolded, "You are the real sinner who fell to Amatogan!" Even Lieutenant General Shiratori's plea for you to send innocent civilians to the rear was rejected by you, and you watched millions of civilians die at the hands of the Zerg in Amatogan, you are the public enemy of all mankind! ”

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