
The roundabout tactics worked, how did Chery New Energy break through?

author:The car was obedient

Recently, the topic of "volume" in the automotive industry has frequently appeared on the hot search. Not only are some car companies jumping, but there are also many so-called "industry insiders" trying to muddy the waters, claiming that low prices are cutting corners, and users are being "deceived" when they buy domestic new energy vehicles.

According to them, the current new energy vehicle industry can no longer be mixed. There is no hope of building a car, they are all selling cars at a loss, and the whole industry is wailing. I also threatened that if you don't play with you like this again, I will flip the table.

It is strange to say that it is such an environment that has been described as "purgatory on earth", but some companies have broken through. And not only broke through, but also achieved rapid growth, that is, Chery. From January to May 2024, Chery's sales of new energy vehicles reached 135,861 units, up 168.9% year-on-year, of which 42,733 units were sold in May, up 279.3% year-on-year.

The roundabout tactics worked, how did Chery New Energy break through?

What is the concept of 42,700 units, let's put it this way, the ideal sales volume of the new force in May is 35,000 units. Considering that several key models of Chery will continue to make efforts, such as the Star Era ET was only launched on May 9, and the cumulative order volume has reached 22,000 units in 25 days of pre-sale, the order volume of Fengyun T9 has exceeded 45,000 units, and the order volume of Jietu Shanhai T2 has exceeded 17,000 units in 30 days after its launch. Next, the monthly sales of Chery's new energy vehicles will exceed 80,000 or even 100,000 units, and it is believed that it will not be too far away.

Reminiscent of Chery's boss Yin Tongyue in December last year, Chery will not be as "polite" as before in the field of new energy this year, and then only 5 months later, the new force was directly sold out, such execution is really scary. Many people think it is incredible, in fact, the rise of Chery new energy vehicles is not much of a trick, that is, the technology is solidly promoted, and the strategy focuses on "detours", which other companies can refer to.

This wave of new energy vehicles in China is indeed brought up by BYD. In July 2020, the BYD Han EV was launched, and in March 2021, the Qin, Song, and Tang DM-i models were launched at the same time, setting off a boom in buying new energy vehicles. Of course, there are also big items such as Extreme Krypton 001, Ideal L7, and Wenjie M7, which also take a piece of the pie. But I have to say that it is indeed very difficult for traditional car companies to transform into high-end new energy. And to be low-end, it means to be in close contact with BYD, which is also the reason why major traditional car companies and joint venture car companies want to "set fire" to BYD.

The roundabout tactics worked, how did Chery New Energy break through?

The market is difficult to do, so don't you do it? Or lie down and wait for the state to give policy? This is clearly not Chery's style. Chery has made a reasonable layout of the new energy strategy of its brands, such as the Chery brand and the Jietu brand, which start with traditional brands, and focus on the Kunpeng super performance electric hybrid C-DM, because the target customers believe in Chery's technology and are easy to accept hybrids, and Chery Fengyun and Jietu Shanhai new energy series have achieved good results; The brand positioning of Xingtu is higher, so it directly benchmarks the new forces and takes the route of pure electric plus extended range; As for the new iCAR brand, it is positioned as scene intelligence, focusing on personality and energy saving, and it is all pure electric to cater to the preferences of young users.

Chery did not care about the gains and losses of "one city and one place" like other car companies, but made a comprehensive layout and blossomed in an all-round way. Since the mobility hybrid sedan is very volatile, let's focus on the hard-core hybrid SUV for the time being. Since there is a market for pure electric cars, it is necessary to make an ultimate "square box", which immediately won the favor of young people. Of course, behind it is the all-round technology "treasure chest" support, Chery, as a "science and engineering man", has a good accumulation in all aspects, which is the key to its ability to quickly come up with products.

To put it bluntly, the market is not waiting for it, but it is played. No matter how strong BYD is, can it cover all corners of the market? Fuel-saving can't compare to it, so it improves the driving quality, improves the handling quality, reduces the cost as much as possible, and also has a good fuel-saving performance. That's what Chery did, I was at the same price as BYD, and it was not bad in all aspects. Sell the car first, so that consumers can know whether your set of things is competitive or not. Otherwise, a system that has never proven itself, not to say that it is better than that to kill this in seconds, even if there are some people who hold stinky feet, few consumers who really pay for it will admit it.

The roundabout tactics worked, how did Chery New Energy break through?

Many car companies like to sigh that they are just one step late, and they should be better sooner. The problem is that no matter how much you regret it, you can't go back to the past, and you can only use the existing technology to give full play to your strengths. For example, Chery has an advantage in engine technology, so it will be as strong as possible to be hybrid, and it is also the only one that can wrestle with BYD in some hybrid segments; In terms of motor technology, it started late, so it directly cut into the forefront of technological development and launched a variety of high-performance electric products, so that "latecomer" has also become an advantage.

In fact, isn't this how many new forces come about, does Xiaomi have any technology accumulation? Why can people also develop high-performance motors, because the technology has developed to this point, although the latecomers suffer from fame, they can also take a lot of detours. Moving towards the goal does not necessarily mean that you will not be unable to get a piece of the pie. Do things in a down-to-earth manner, and naturally someone will recognize it. It stands to reason that Chery is already the closest car company to BYD in terms of domestic sales, and you see how BYD evaluates it, saying that it hopes that Chery will do this second and share the firepower for itself. They are all here to do the market, how can there be so many grievances. After being pressed and beaten by the joint venture car for so many years, I finally could take a breath, and then I began to fight, and I really watched the fire.

Do a good job in technology and products, and consumers will naturally hear the news. On the contrary, you don't have any decent products of your own, and you scold this one all day long, persecute you, and cut off your back road. They are all companies that have been making cars for decades, and some of them have cut a lot of leeks in the past few years, why are you so easy to be cut off?

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