
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods

author:Guangde Rong Media Center
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods

Heavy rainfall over multiple days has increased the risk of schistosomiasis infection in the general public. Let's take a look at the knowledge of flood disaster and schistosomiasis prevention and control!


What is schistosomiasis?

Schistosomiasis is a natural disease that occurs through skin contact with bodies of water containing schistosomiasis cercariae (commonly called infested water).


What are the clinical manifestations of schistosomiasis?


Acute schistosomiasis

After 1~2 days of contact with the infected water, punctate papules and itching appeared at the site of contact with the infected water, and after 3~8 weeks (an average of 40 days), symptoms such as fever, abdominal pain and diarrhea, hepatosplenomegaly, and fatigue appeared. Fever is the most common clinical manifestation, typically manifested by an increase in body temperature in the afternoon, reaching 40°C in the evening and dropping to normal or within 38°C after midnight, and various antibiotics are ineffective against fever.


Chronic schistosomiasis

It is mostly caused by the fact that it has not been detected in the acute stage, has not been treated or has been treated incompletely, or has been repeatedly reinfected with a small number of times. Most of them have no obvious symptoms or show intermittent diarrhea, pus and bloody stools, hepatosplenomegaly, anemia and weight loss.


Advanced schistosomiasis

After repeated or large number of infection with Schistosoma cercariae, without timely anti-pathogen treatment, the eggs will damage the liver severely, and may develop to an advanced stage after a certain period of time. According to the main clinical manifestations, it is divided into megasplenic type, ascites type, colonic proliferative type and dwarf type.


What is the impact of floods on schistosomiasis epidemics?

●Causes snail proliferation

●Increased fecal contamination of the source of infection

●The number of people exposed to infected water increases

●The population is at increased risk of schistosomiasis infection


What are the main prevention and control measures taken?

●Strengthen the protection of key populations

Provide schistosomiasis protective equipment for those participating in flood fighting and rescue, and guide them to do a good job of personal protection, such as applying protective agents and wearing protective equipment such as long rubber boots, nylon protective pants, rubber gloves, etc., and avoiding drinking undisinfected or boiled water in endemic areas, so as to minimize the risk of infection.

●Carry out the work of eradicating the insect in key areas

In the water bodies of key water areas for schistosomiasis, such as flood fighting and rescue, and harvesting crops, emergency anti-biting measures such as niclosamide oil film spreader and niclosamide sustained-release agent are used to reduce the risk of schistosomiasis infection in the population.

●Carry out health education

Set up conspicuous warning signs in areas at risk of schistosomiasis transmission, use public WeChat accounts, mobile phone text messages and other media network platforms to promptly publish risk warnings, and carry out publicity on blood prevention knowledge for flood prevention and disaster relief personnel.

●Strengthen epidemic monitoring and early warning

Do a good job of personnel participating in flood fighting and rescue, people affected by disasters in epidemic areas and other key groups of people who have contact with infected water, and follow up to understand and grasp the occurrence of cercarial dermatitis and fever of unknown cause after entering the water. Give full play to the early warning role of primary health care institutions, early detection, early reporting, and early treatment, so as to prevent schistosomiasis outbreaks.

●Carry out timely investigation and treatment of the population

After the disaster, it is necessary to actively do a good job in the investigation and treatment of schistosomiasis among the troops participating in the flood control and disaster relief and the personnel of relevant units; Intensify the investigation and treatment of schistosomiasis among the masses in flood-endemic areas and adjacent non-endemic areas; Schistosomiasis screening was carried out for key populations one month after exposure to infected water.

●Do a good job of epidemic assessment after flood disasters

Investigate and evaluate the epidemic and spread of schistosomiasis after the disaster in a timely manner, grasp the distribution and spread of snails, and deal with newly discovered snails as soon as possible. Organize and carry out the investigation and repair of damage to anti-snail and snail prevention facilities or projects, blood prevention warning signs, etc., and strengthen the monitoring of human and animal schistosomiasis in the affected areas.

Source: Anhui CDC

Beware of schistosomiasis after floods
Beware of schistosomiasis after floods

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