
The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

author:China Metallurgical News

China Metallurgical News, China Iron and Steel News Network

Reporter Lu Lin reports

Special correspondent Lan Yigao photography

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows the meeting site

On July 1, on the day of special significance of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" commendation conference. Fan Tiejun, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the newspaper, and Xiong Yuping, member of the Party Committee and Vice President, attended the meeting; All the staff of the newspaper attended the meeting.

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference
The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows Fan Tiejun

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows Xiong Yuping

In accordance with the "China Metallurgical News Pioneer and Excellence Selection Work Measures" formulated by the Party Committee of the newspaper, after the selection of the Party branch, the research and publicity of the Party Committee, the Party Committee of the newspaper finally decided to commend the advanced party organizations and individuals with outstanding performance in the work of 2023-2024, and selected 1 advanced party organization, 6 outstanding Communist Party members, and 3 outstanding party workers. Xiong Yuping read out the newspaper's "Decision on Commending Advanced Party Organizations and Individuals," and Fan Tiejun presented certificates to the commended organizations and individuals.

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows Fan Tiejun issuing certificates to advanced party organizations

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows Fan Tiejun issuing certificates to outstanding Communist Party members

The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference

The picture shows Fan Tiejun issuing certificates to outstanding party workers

Fan Tiejun congratulated the organizations and individuals who received the commendation. He stressed that the party members of the newspaper should play a vanguard and exemplary role, standardize their words and deeds, be willing to contribute, work hard, and dare to struggle, especially in the current decline of the industry situation, they must dare to challenge difficulties and bravely climb the peak. As the basic organization of the party, the party branch should play the role of a fighting fortress, unite into a piece of hard steel under the banner of the party, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, strengthen the learning and education of party members, and work hard to learn and understand, learn and understand thoroughly, and apply what you have learned. The newspaper should build a learning organization, help employees develop learning habits, improve their personal abilities through continuous learning, and promote the all-round progress of everyone and the all-round development of the newspaper's work. He called on all the staff of the newspaper to learn from the advanced, continue to carry forward the party's fine traditions and work style, and contribute to the further development of the newspaper.

All the staff of the newspaper said that they would take this commendation meeting as a new starting point, never forget their original intention, keep their mission in mind, and work hard to achieve the long-term development goals of the newspaper.

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