
Good news! 1 collective and 2 individuals of China Metallurgical News were commended by the Iron and Steel Association

author:China Metallurgical News

"The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News has continuously strengthened the construction of 'four good teams' and 'four capabilities', strictly implemented the first topic system, reported the successful experience and practices of outstanding enterprises in the industry through high-quality all-media publicity, promoted advanced technologies and products, and jointly promoted the high-quality development of steel and upstream and downstream industries. In recent years, all the cadres and workers of the newspaper have taken the initiative to broaden their thinking, innovate service methods, and achieve good results that are rare in history. On July 1, He Wenbo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Chairman of the China Iron and Steel Association, highly affirmed China Metallurgical News at the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" Commendation Conference of the Party Committee of China Iron and Steel Association.

In order to commend the advanced, establish a model, further encourage and guide the party organizations at all levels of the steel association system, the majority of communist party members and party workers, strengthen their beliefs, gather strength, forge ahead, and give full play to the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, on July 1, the party committee of the China Iron and Steel Association held a grand ceremony for the 2024 "Pioneering and Striving for Excellence" commendation conference.

At the meeting, the Party Committee of the Steel Association commended 7 advanced grassroots party organizations, 24 outstanding Communist Party members, and 10 outstanding party workers. The Party Committee of China Metallurgical News was awarded the honorary title of "Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization of China Iron and Steel Association", Xiong Yuping, vice president, was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of China Iron and Steel Association", and Wang Baigen, director of the Organization and Personnel Department (Party Committee Office), was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Party Worker of China Iron and Steel Association".

Good news! 1 collective and 2 individuals of China Metallurgical News were commended by the Iron and Steel Association

The picture shows the commended advanced grassroots party organizations taking the stage to receive the award

Good news! 1 collective and 2 individuals of China Metallurgical News were commended by the Iron and Steel Association

The commended outstanding party workers came to the stage to receive the awards

Good news! 1 collective and 2 individuals of China Metallurgical News were commended by the Iron and Steel Association

The commended outstanding Communist Party members took the stage to receive the award (the first batch)

At the meeting, Liu Jiajun, deputy director of the Economic Development Center of China Metallurgical News and director of the Iron and Steel Department, attended the oath-taking ceremony of new party members.

At the commendation meeting, the Party Committee of the Steel Association called on party organizations at all levels, party members, party workers and cadres to learn from the commended advanced collectives and individuals.

Party members and cadres of China Metallurgical News said after the meeting that the work of the Party Committee of the newspaper has been fully affirmed by the Party Committee of the Steel Association, and everyone is very excited and encouraged. In the future, under the leadership of the party committee of the newspaper, we must strengthen learning, improve our political position, adhere to the content as king, uphold the mission of promoting the progress of the industry, adhere to positive reporting and comprehensive reporting, give full play to the tripartite advantages of newspapers, new media and financial media, practice "go around and change", strengthen the "four forces", grasp the time, degree and effect, further improve the depth, intensity and temperature of reporting, give full play to the role of mainstream media as the main position, and contribute to the powerful power of financial media to tell the story of industry development.

Good news! 1 collective and 2 individuals of China Metallurgical News were commended by the Iron and Steel Association

The picture shows the scene of the conference

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