
Why has the birth rate of boys been getting higher in recent years? Here comes the truth

author:Big fruit and small fruit mother


If we pay a little attention, we will find an interesting phenomenon: the proportion of boys in the surrounding families is increasing. In many families, there are only one or two boys, and the proportion of girls is significantly lower in comparison.

Although there are also families with one son and one daughter, or only one daughter, or even two daughters, in general, the proportion of boys is gradually rising.

Why has the birth rate of boys been getting higher in recent years? Here comes the truth

In the case of our colleagues in the office, only about three out of ten families have a daughter, and the other seven have either one or two boys. Families with only one boy often dare not have a second child when they see a family with two boys, fearing that the second child will still be a boy.

Why does the boy birth rate continue to rise? Most of them are these 3 reasons, and many people dare not admit it.


Why is the boy birth rate increasing in recent years? There are probably these 3 reasons

The concept of fertility is different

First of all, people's conceptions of fertility have a large impact on the birth rate of boys. It is often said that "if the first child is a son, then there will be no second child." If the first child is a daughter, you can have a second child with confidence. This perception is still prevalent in many families.

For example, if a family's firstborn child is a daughter, they are more likely to choose to have another child, hoping that the second child will be a son. And if the first child is a son, they often don't think about having a second child anymore. There are deep-seated reasons behind the formation of this concept.

Why has the birth rate of boys been getting higher in recent years? Here comes the truth

On the one hand, it is generally believed that it is "cheaper" to adopt a daughter than a son. In the traditional view, sons need to bear the responsibility of passing on the family lineage, and the burden on the family in the future may be greater, so it is considered "expensive to raise children".

In the final analysis, many families have not completely gotten rid of gender bias and do not correctly view the gender differences of their children, which is one of the important reasons for the continuous high birth rate of boys.

The influence of traditional ideas

While modern societies are already working to eliminate patriarchal attitudes, millennia-old traditions are deeply ingrained and cannot be changed overnight. Many families still believe that having a son is the continuation of the bloodline and the symbol of the family.

This concept is even more obvious in some regions, if a woman gives birth to a son, she can get a marriage certificate and hold a banquet; If you don't have a son, you can't get into the door even if you give birth to four or five daughters.

Why has the birth rate of boys been getting higher in recent years? Here comes the truth

Although the state has explicitly banned the determination of the sex of the fetus, some small hospitals or through acquaintances can still secretly carry out sex testing.

If the test result is not a boy, then there are not a few families who choose to have an abortion. Influenced by this traditional belief, people stubbornly pursue the birth of sons, which has led to a continuous increase in the birth rate of boys.

The liberalization of policies and the realization of wishes

China's family planning policy used to strictly control the number of births, and many families often had no choice but to have another child if their first child was a daughter.

With the liberalization of the two-child policy, many families hope to be able to have another child, especially those whose first child is a daughter, hoping to take the opportunity to have a son.

Why has the birth rate of boys been getting higher in recent years? Here comes the truth

This situation has partly contributed to the rise in the birth rate of boys. Because after the opening of the two-child policy, many families hope to realize their desire to have a son, resulting in more families choosing to have a second child. If the probability of having a second child is a son increases, the birth rate of a boy naturally increases accordingly.

A message from Guo's mother

There are deep-seated social and cultural reasons behind the rising birth rate of boys. From the difference in the concept of fertility to the influence of traditional thinking, to the liberalization of policies and the realization of family wishes, every factor plays an important role in it.

As parents, we should fundamentally change the prejudice against children's gender, treat boys and girls equally, and let every child grow up healthy with love and care.

It is hoped that the future society will be able to completely get rid of gender bias and allow every family to truly achieve "equality between men and women". Only in this way can our children thrive in a more harmonious and just environment and contribute to the development and progress of society.

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About author:Guo Ma, a family education instructor, focuses on sharing parenting knowledge, parent-child education experience, marriage and family insights, welcome to pay attention.