
After the high school entrance examination, I found out that the difference between letting children live in accommodation and day school is really big, but unfortunately I can't do it again

author:Big fruit and small fruit mother


Day students and boarding students are the two most common groups in schools. When homeroom teachers collect information on whether students choose to go to school or not, many students and parents will be caught in the dilemma of choice.

Is day school or residential accommodation more conducive to students' learning? Some students choose to live even though their homes are close to the school; Some students choose to go to school even though they are far away from home.

Whichever way you choose, the goal is to learn better. However, each option has its own unique advantages and disadvantages, making it difficult to pinpoint which one is better. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of these two options!


What are the advantages and disadvantages of boarding students?

What are the advantages of choosing accommodation for junior high school students?


Develop the habit of independence and self-reliance

Boarding students live in the school and have to handle various day-to-day tasks independently

For example, doing your own laundry, making your own bed, etc., are all basic skills for independent living. Through these hands-on activities, students gradually develop the ability to be independent and learn to solve problems without the help of their parents.

After the high school entrance examination, I found out that the difference between letting children live in accommodation and day school is really big, but unfortunately I can't do it again


Enhance self-discipline

Without parental supervision, boarders need to self-manage their studies and lives. If students are able to be strict with themselves in this environment and complete their learning tasks on time, they can develop strong self-discipline. In addition, in group life, the interaction between classmates can also play a role in supervising and helping students develop good study habits.


Practice your financial skills

Boarding students usually receive living expenses from their parents on a regular basis, and they need to arrange the use of these funds reasonably. This not only tests students' financial management skills, but also helps them gradually establish a correct concept of consumption. If students can learn to use their living expenses wisely in school, it will be an important skill in their future lives.

After the high school entrance examination, I found out that the difference between letting children live in accommodation and day school is really big, but unfortunately I can't do it again

What are the disadvantages of choosing to live on campus?


Lack of independent space

While living in a dormitory can bring precious camaraderie, it also deprives some personal space. Students have little chance of being alone in the dormitory, which can affect their studies and rest. This environment may not be ideal for some students who prefer quiet solitude.


Work and rest time is affected

In group life, different students may have different schedules. Some students prefer to stay up late at night to study, while others need to go to bed early and wake up early. If roommates can't coordinate their schedules, they are prone to conflicts, and even affect each other's learning and quality of life.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing to go to school?

What are the advantages of choosing to go to school?


Family support and care

Day students go home every day and are cared for by their parents. Whether it's food and daily life or study support, parents can provide timely help and support. In this environment, students are able to concentrate on their studies without being distracted by the trivial tasks of life.


Have plenty of personal space

Day students return home with independent study and rest space. This means that they can schedule their studies and routines at their own pace without the distractions of others. If students prefer to study in the evenings, it won't affect others and they will have more freedom to plan their time.

After the high school entrance examination, I found out that the difference between letting children live in accommodation and day school is really big, but unfortunately I can't do it again

What are the disadvantages of choosing to go to school?


Long commute time

If a day student's home is far away from the school, they need to spend a lot of time on the road each day. This time could have been used for studying or resting, but it was wasted on commuting. In addition, day students usually do not have an early self-study schedule, which means that they spend less time studying than boarding students.


Distractions from the home environment

Day students who are learning at home may be disrupted by a variety of home environments. For example, loud televisions, parental conversations, or other chores can affect a student's concentration. If students lack self-discipline, it is easy to be distracted by these distractions and affect their learning efficiency.


How do parents make their choices?

In general, the advantages of day school still outweigh accommodation, especially for junior high school students with weak self-discipline.

After the high school entrance examination, I found out that the difference between letting children live in accommodation and day school is really big, but unfortunately I can't do it again

Day students, under the supervision of their parents, are able to focus more on their studies and are less prone to external distractions. However, accommodation also has its own unique advantages, enabling students to develop independence and self-discipline.

Ultimately, the choice between day and residential studies depends on the student's personality and the specific circumstances of the family.

If the student is self-disciplined and able to stay focused in group life, accommodation may be a good option. Conversely, if the student needs more family support and care, day school is more appropriate.

A message from Guo's mother

Whether you choose to go to school or live in a dormitory, the key lies in the student's own learning attitude and self-management ability. As long as students are passionate about learning and can manage their time and tasks reasonably, they can achieve excellent results either way. When making decisions, parents should fully consider the characteristics and needs of their children, and choose the most suitable way to help their children's growth and development.

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About author:Guo Ma, a family education instructor, focuses on sharing parenting knowledge, parent-child education experience, marriage and family insights, welcome to pay attention.

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