
T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned


The S36 season has been open for five days, and the general environment has gradually stabilized.

These days, I have also played more than 50 rounds back and forth, and the new version has given me the biggest feeling, which can be summarized in one sentence.

"Jungler addiction to the wild area, mid lane addiction to replenish soldiers, assist addiction to pick up money, confrontation lane addiction to the line, shooter addiction to development"

Anyway, the general meaning is that the five positions are all fighting on their own, not at all like last season, where there will be a 5v5 skirmish 2 minutes ago, and the winner can be decided 8 minutes ago.

Now, only by dragging it out to the middle and late stages, there will be a noticeable economic difference.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

Obviously, the pace has indeed slowed down a lot.

In this way, it also directly ushered in an unprecedented increase in the winning rate of shooters, and in the pinnacle game, there were even four over-standard shooters with a winning rate of more than 53%, which was absolutely not seen in previous seasons.

That's the problem.

How many version bonuses have the shooters of the new season of S36 eaten?

I have summed up four through actual combat.

(1) There is no time for the shooter in the jungler

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The reason why the jungler in the new season of S36 will be addicted to the jungle area is mainly because of the addition of a relatively meaty "mountain bear" monster, its initial health is as high as 4000 points, resulting in the jungler "out of the mountain" time extended by at least 10~15 seconds, and there is not much chance of catching people at all.

On top of that, the plan also removed the river spirit (river crab) of the confrontation road, and instead, a new monster called "Space Spirit" will be added near the teleportation array for 2 minutes, and after defeating, the whole team can be divided equally with 150 gold coins.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

However, the "Space Spirit" is also very meaty, with an initial life of 9000 points, obviously, it will definitely take a long time to fight by yourself by relying on the confrontation road, which means that if you want to get the economy of the whole team, the jungler has to brush as much as possible on the confrontation road.

That is to say, at least before the first big piece comes out, the jungler will have no time to manage the development road.

(2) There is no empty shooter in the middle

The reason why the mid lane of the S36 new season will be obsessed with replenishing troops is mainly because the mid lane will have an extra ranged creep 4 minutes ago, and it will take 3~5 seconds more to successfully grab the line right.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

In addition, if you still have an impression, you should remember that in the first two seasons, in order to prevent the middle lane from moving, the planner has accelerated the intersection speed of the crossing lane, and now there is a small soldier, so that there will be little time left for the middle lane to wander.

Of course, if you want to support, you can, but if you fail to force the edge, then the middle tower may be in danger, after all, the jungler is also busy brushing the field, and it is difficult to make up the line in time.

To put it bluntly, in the middle of the new season of S36, the best way to play is to try not to move in the first 4 minutes, and it is best to wait until the tyrant and the juggernaut are refreshed, and work with the jungler to catch the points, rather than blindly wandering or hanging on the side.

That is to say, at least 4 minutes ago, there was no time for the middle lane to develop the road.

(3) Warriors and Assassins' core equipment is sharpened

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

In the new season of S36, it not only increased the range of all shooters by 25 points, but also increased their attack speed, base life and double resistance, making the shooters' dependence on equipment significantly lower, at least in the middle of the group, it will not be broken at the first touch.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

In addition, the T0 equipment of the Pure Sky has been sliced to the arteries and can no longer be released when it is controlled, which also reduces the margin for error for Warriors and Assassins by a lot.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

Especially heroes like Lu Bu, Lan, Ji Xiaoman and Zhao Yun, who are extremely dependent on the pure sky, have the lowest win rate because of this, and they are easily controlled alive after entering the field, causing them to have to open the pure sky in advance, wasting at least 1 second of injury-free time.

This means that now when the shooter is facing a fighter or assassin hard cut, as long as his teammates can make up for the control in time, there is a lot of room for counterattack.

(4) Shooting can be justifiably conjoined

The new season of S36 has also adjusted the kestrel in the development path, and now it will only be refreshed once at 30 seconds, in addition to providing the income of replenishing the knife, it can also divide 125 gold coins equally among the whole team, which is a key resource point in the early stage.

However, the kestrel has also become a lot more fleshy because of this, and it is difficult to brush it directly by the shooter alone, so in the new S36 season, there will often be a situation where the auxiliary start is directly followed by the shooter, the purpose is to grab the kestrels.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

This is obviously more beneficial than disadvantageous for the shooter, after all, with the support to follow, the pressure of early development will be relieved, and there will be more opportunities to expand the advantage of the lane.


The development path of the new season of S36 is mainly to have more development space in the early stage, and the later stage can also rely on the advantages of additional range and attack speed to improve the output environment.

Although, I can't talk about how fast the scoring efficiency is, but at least it can be played, and it is no longer like before, shooters are selected to be disliked and stocked, and there is no game experience at all.

Then the problem comes again.

In the new environment, which shooters should be selected to score points?

I would recommend four of them, and they are also the top scorers with a 53% win rate at the top of the tournament right now.

The first one, Baili keeps the promise.

It's hard to say which hero is the most failed hero in the new season of S36's "mutation" rework, but if you talk about who is the most successful, it must be Baili Shoujo.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The above is the latest peak game data of Baili Shouyue, 55.5% win rate + 98.4% BP rate, which is more terrifying than Ao Yin at his peak, and the priority even surpasses Da Qiao and Doria, which is a T0 bully who must be selected by non-ban.

The advantage of the current Baili Shou Covenant is that the hand is particularly long, and after the 3rd level ultimate, the range is comparable to that of Garo, and at the same time, the basic attack interval is still very short, just like installing the "Gatling", and the continuous output is very exaggerated.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The most outrageous thing is that Baili Shouyue can not only be stealthy with one skill, but also have three stages of ultimate, whether it is chasing or escaping, he is at ease, and if the other side does not move the three of them to cut together, he really can't touch him.

All in all, in addition to being relatively weak in the early stage, there really is no shortcoming in the "mutation" Baili Shoujo, which is equivalent to the combination of Jia Luo + Han Xin, which is more flexible than all shooters, and has a higher hand length output than all assassins, which is perfect.


T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The Broken Army can also be replaced with the Bow of the Sun, which allows Baili Shoujo to shoot enemies off-screen.

The second place, Meng Rui.

S36 The new season of Menglu also ushered in a small "mutation", mainly through the attack speed to shorten the bullet rate of a skill, up to 150% of the attack speed of the full income, at the same time, but also under the premise of red rage, let a skill to the tower to cause 50% penetrating damage.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The above is Menglu's latest pinnacle match data, with a 54.3% win rate second only to Baili Shoujo, and the appearance rate has also soared from 2.3% to 8.8%, indicating that the redo is still quite successful.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

The current Menglu not only has high line strength, but also can quickly roll the online advantage into a victory through a skill push tower, even if it is dragged to the middle and late stages, with the blessing of high attack speed, Menglu also has enough output to end the game, and is no longer the useless shooter who dragged the late stage before.

New version of the Beast's Inscription builds: 10x Scourge, 10x Eagle Eye, 10x Concealment

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

First out of the Rapid Combat Boots (Attack Speed Shoes), you can quickly increase the rate of fire of a skill, and the suppression force on the line will become much stronger, and when the follow-up dawn is in hand, it is not too late to change the boots of resistance, in addition, if you want to pursue the ultimate damage, you can also replace the pure sky with a broken army after the price reduction.

third place, Hou Yi.

You may not believe it when you say it, but Hou Yi's peak win rate is about to break through 54%.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

Under the premise of 10.3% appearance rate, the winning rate is as high as 53.9%, ranking third in the development road list, in fact, from Hou Yi's soaring winning rate, it is not difficult to see that the jungler in the new season of S36 is indeed a bit untouchable.

As for the reason for Hou Yi's rise, it is mainly because the stats have increased too much, and the planning has increased him by 10~24% attack speed + 25 range + 5 movement speed at one time, and at the same time, it has also shortened the 1 second CD of the second skill, so that Hou Yi can easily develop.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

When there is a sun-chasing bow in the middle and late stages, Hou Yi's damage will completely undergo a qualitative change, and he can continue to "kite" the enemy through exaggerated attack speed + range + movement speed, and as long as the opposite warrior or assassin makes a slight mistake, it is easy to be killed alive by Hou Yi, which is very aggrieved.

To put it bluntly, the current Hou Yi is no different from the "numerical monster", as long as his teammates are properly protected, then he will use the advantage of split arrows, easy 1v2 or even 1v3, and become the "king of standing and masturbating" again.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

It is worth mentioning that in the whole segment of the ranking, Hou Yi's data is even more exaggerated, with a 53.7% win rate + 28.7% appearance rate, and the priority is in the first gear, mainly because the ranking can "raise pigs", so that Hou Yi does not lack "bodyguard" protection at all.

Therefore, it is recommended that players who like multiple rows must ban Zhuang Zhou or Taiyi Zhenren to avoid taking out the "pig stream" on the opposite side, resulting in no game experience at all.


T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

Since Daybreak is cut by 10% penetration, it is recommended that most shooters who rely on attack speed are out of the end of the world + Daybreak, so as to ensure the ability to grind meat in the later stage.

Fourth, Galo.

S36 new season of Galo, at the cost of reducing the shield-breaking efficiency by 50%, so that the second skill can shorten the cast swing with the attack speed, and reach full income at 150% attack speed, and the second skill can be released in 0.5 seconds, playing the effect of instant silence.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

In addition, Jia Luo's current value is the same as Hou Yi's, and it has also increased by 10~24% attack speed + 25 range + 5 movement speed, making her who was originally good at lane strength directly become a top line master, and can better control the kestrel in the line and win enough space for herself to develop.

T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned

Because of this, Jia Luo's peak win rate can be as high as 53.2%, ranking fourth in the development road list, which shows that the general environment of the new season of S36 can indeed make her comfortably drag it to the later stage.


T0 equipment is only weakened for 5 days! There were four more over-standard shooters in the S36 season, and the pig stream 3.0 returned


The above four are the shooters with the highest winning rate in the current peak game, and this is still under the premise that the appearance rate is not low, so it is recommended that everyone use it to score points as soon as possible.

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