
Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted

author:Health Shenzhen

In the world of neuroscience

The phenomenon of hand tremors is often a cause for concern

Especially when it is associated with Parkinson's disease

This is a terrible disease

When linked

However, a common misconception must be cleared up

Hand tremors are not always a sign of Parkinson's disease

In this article

Shengsheng Jun will take you to an in-depth understanding of the diversity of hand tremors

and how to properly recognize and manage this symptom

Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted


There are many causes of hand tremors

Hand tremors, medically known as tremors, are a common clinical symptom that can be caused by a number of different factors:

1. Essential tremor: It is a common neurological disease, and its symptoms include hand tremors, head tremors and voice tremors, etc., and it is more obvious when performing fine motor movements; It usually doesn't get worse over time and doesn't cause serious health problems. Essential tremor usually develops during adolescence or early adulthood and often runs in families.

2. Metabolic diseases: Metabolic diseases such as hyperthyroidism may also cause hand tremors.

3. Physiological tremor: This is the most common type and is usually related to emotional states (such as nervousness, anxiety) or physiological states (such as fatigue, hypoglycemia). This tremor is usually temporary and does not require specific treatment.

Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted

4. Drug-induced tremor: usually postural tremor, and the drugs that induce tremor include β receptor agonists, theophylline, antidepressants, lithium, thyroxine and amiodarone; antipsychotics (haloperidol, haloperidol, quetiapine, risperidone, olanzapine), antiemetics (metoclopramide); DA depleting agent tetrabenazine and calcium antagonists (cinnarizine and flunarizine). Coffee and alcohol are also included.

5. Parkinson's disease: This is a chronic neurodegenerative disease characterized by resting tremor (i.e., tremor at rest), muscle stiffness, bradykinesia, and balance disorders. In addition to motor symptoms, non-motor symptoms such as sleep disturbances, hyposmia, depression, limb paresthesias, constipation, etc. are also included.

Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted

Image source: Tencent Medical Codex


How to recognize tremor in Parkinson's disease

Tremors in Parkinson's disease have specific features, which usually include:

1. Resting tremor: A tremor that occurs when the hand relaxes gravity against full support.

2. Rhythmic tremor: Tremor in Parkinson's disease usually has a regular rhythm and is called "pill-rubbing" tremor.

3. Asymmetry of tremor: The tremor of Parkinson's disease often starts from the distal end of one limb of the body, gradually develops to the other limb on the same side, and then to the tremor of the contralateral limb, in an "N" shape.

Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted


Diagnosis and treatment

If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms of shaking hands, don't panic in the first place. Hand tremors can be a manifestation of many different conditions, not necessarily Parkinson's disease. The right thing to do is:

1. Record the symptoms in detail: including the time when the tremor appeared, how long it lasted, and how it was related to specific activities.

2. Consult a medical professional: The neurologist will conduct a comprehensive evaluation, including a detailed medical history, physical examination and possible auxiliary examinations.

3. Ancillary examinations: such as blood tests to rule out metabolic diseases, and neuroimaging examinations (such as MRI or PET scans) to help diagnose Parkinson's disease or other neurodegenerative diseases.


Hand tremors are a complex clinical phenomenon that can be associated with a number of different health conditions. Understanding the diversity of hand tremors, and how to properly recognize and cope with this symptom, is essential to reducing unnecessary anxiety and obtaining appropriate treatment.

Hand tremors are not the same as Parkinson's disease, and the multiple veils of tremors are lifted

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