
Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

2024-07-02 official account

When China has "something that no one else has ever had", the distorted mentality of the Americans comes up again.

CNN reported on July 1 that NASA Administrator Bill Nelson was "very happy" after China announced that it would welcome applications from other countries to study lunar samples brought back by Chang'e-6, not forgetting to mention that the United States had done the same before. Nelson gave the green light for American researchers to apply for the samples, but he still arrogantly said that American scientists and lawyers would participate in the process together to "ensure that Chinese follow the instructions and guardrails" and not violate the relevant provisions of the "Wolf Clause."

Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

On the afternoon of June 26, the opening of the Chang'e-6 returner was held at the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. At the ceremony, researchers opened the Chang'e-6 returner to test the completion of key technical indicators. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang

"The Chinese government now has something that no one else has ever had – rocks and soil from the far side of the moon." CNN reported that the successful completion of the Chang'e-6 mission is a scientific leap forward, further cementing China's position as one of the world's top space powers after the United States.

Nelson told CNN that he was "pleased to hear that the China National Space Administration intends to share" samples collected by the Chang'e-6 lunar probe last month.

"Give them (samples) to the international community, just as we did when we brought back more samples before, and we did the same when we got samples from six Apollo missions to the moon half a century ago." Nelson said.

Last year, China announced that Chang'e-5 lunar scientific research samples would be open to international applications, and scientists from all over the world are welcome to conduct joint research and share results. Nelson gave NASA-funded researchers the green light to apply for the samples.

"We are now engaging in this process with our scientists and lawyers to ensure that (let) Chinese adhere to (follow) instructions and guardrails," Nelson said...... Thus not violating the law, the Wolf Amendment. He added, "So far, I haven't seen any violations."

Nelson reiterated that any similar application for a sample study of Chang'e-6 would have to go through the same review process. NASA "will continue to determine whether NASA-funded scientists and organizations can access these samples under restrictions." ”

Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

NASA Administrator Nelson (American "Space" website)

Referring to the U.S.-China "race to the moon," Nelson said that China's goal now is to land astronauts on the moon "by 2030," while the U.S. is striving for "the second half of 2026." Despite the recent success of China's Chang'e-6 mission, Nelson remains confident that the United States will still beat China in this "race to the moon." "Space flight is tough, but manned spaceflight is especially tough. And it's even more difficult than a probe landing. He said.

Chang'e-6 landed accurately on June 25 in the predetermined area of the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia, marking the first time in human history that lunar soil samples were collected from the far side of the moon.

The China National Space Administration said on the 28th that after preliminary measurements, the Chang'e-6 mission collected 1935.3 grams of lunar samples.

The Information Office of the State Council held a press conference on the afternoon of June 27. When asked about the research and application mechanism of lunar samples and whether the application is open to foreign scientific research teams, Liu Yunfeng, head of the International Cooperation Department of the China National Space Administration, said that at the beginning of lunar and deep space exploration, China has been actively promoting international cooperation, in order to effectively promote international cooperation, joint research and application in the field of lunar and deep space exploration, and promote the international sharing of scientific achievements, the China National Space Administration has successively formulated the lunar sample management measures and the implementation rules for international cooperation in lunar samples and scientific data. Details of the application process for lunar sample research and specific information on the international cooperation on lunar samples were announced. China welcomes applications from researchers from all countries in accordance with the relevant procedures to share the benefits.

At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held on July 1, a reporter asked, NASA spokesman Feith Marco said on the 28th that China cooperated with France, Italy, Pakistan and the European Space Agency to carry out the mission of collecting samples from the far side of the moon, but did not seek NASA's participation. While China welcomes scientists from all over the world to participate in the study of lunar soil, it has not invited NASA directly. Do you have any comment?

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said that the Chinese government is open to China-US space exchanges and cooperation. The Chang'e-6 mission has made a global announcement of opportunities for cooperation, and we welcome countries around the world to participate in the study of lunar samples.

"The U.S. side seems to have forgotten the existence of domestic laws such as the 'Wolf Clause,' and wonders whether U.S. scientists and relevant institutions will be allowed by their own governments to participate in dialogue, exchanges and cooperation." Mao Ning said.

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  • Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research
  • Do you want to apply for a study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples? NASA Administrator: The green light has been given to apply for research

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