
Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

author:Plain and simple

Text: Wu Qingqian

The selfish and cold-blooded Emperor Qing of the TV series "Celebrating More Than Years 2" also fought hard to draw out Wuzhu, played a big game of chess, and even used the entire inspection institute and his own son Fan Xian as chess pieces, in addition to taking the Ouchi guard, the deputy commander of the palace, and the Kyoto garrison Ye Chong, it can be said that he did whatever it took to kill Wuzhu.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

Although Emperor Qing is one of the four hidden grandmasters, his force value is still worse than that of Wuzhu. Although Wuzhu has lost his memory, he only knows that he wants to protect Fan Xian, and he has no impression of Emperor Qing's plot against Ye Qingmei's death, and he may not even know about it, like many outsiders, he thinks that Ye Qingmei's death was caused by the queen's family and a group of people who wanted to cause Ye Qingmei's death. But Emperor Qing is a suspicious person, so he is worried that he will kill himself one day than the Wuzhu he can fight, so he is bent on getting rid of Wuzhu.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

However, Wuzhu came and went without a trace, and it was not easy to find him. But Emperor Qing knew that Wuzhu cared about Fan Xian, as long as he made a fuss about Fan Xian, Wuzhu would definitely appear. So he used the temple messenger, the inspection institute, the hanging temple, and the chrysanthemum appreciation conference to play a big game of chess.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

The appearance of the temple envoys may have been somewhat accidental, and Emperor Qing may not have known that they would appear, but only started their idea after knowing that they were active. In fact, when Emperor Qing was looking for Wuzhu, the temple envoy was also looking for it, and the temple envoy deliberately imitated Wuzhu's technique to kill the people of the inspection institute in order to find Wuzhu, so as to force Wuzhu out. In order to find out the murderer, Chen Pingping sent three organizers Fei Jie to investigate, and during the investigation, Fei Jie suspected that Wuzhu had done it, but he couldn't figure out why Wuzhu wanted to kill the people from the inspection institute, and after following him from Jiangnan to Kyoto, the murderer disappeared, as if someone was deliberately hiding.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

And this person who deliberately hides the murderer is Emperor Qing, and when Fei Jie feeds back the results of the investigation to Chen Pingping, Chen Pingping will also tell Emperor Qing. Emperor Qing should have heard of the temple messenger when he was with Ye Qingmei, he didn't believe that Wuzhu would kill innocents indiscriminately, and the one who created the serial murder case and had a similar method to Wuzhu could only be the temple messenger. Emperor Qing should have guessed that the temple envoy was here to bring Wuzhu, Ye Qingmei and other people who did not belong to their world back to the temple, so he deliberately hid the traces of the temple envoy.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

then used the chrysanthemum appreciation conference and the hanging temple to direct and act in an assassination scene, and specially invited Fan Xian to enjoy the chrysanthemum, because he wanted to make Fan Xian hurt in this play, so as to force Wuzhu to appear. It's just that the plan can't catch up with the changes, Chen Pingping also wants to use this opportunity to make Fan Xian show his loyalty, and fulfill the wish of the shadow and Fan Xian to fight, so he sends the shadow to assassinate Emperor Qing with the other assassins as the younger brother of Sigu Jian. Fan Xian didn't know what the plan was at the time, so he was dedicated to protecting everyone's safety and fighting the assassin to the end, but unfortunately lost his true qi during the fight with the shadow, causing him to pass out. If it weren't for Emperor Qing's thought that Fan Xian was driving regardless of his life, and he was his own son, he used his true qi to help him wake up, and Fan Ruoruo's operation was very successful, Fan Xian was able to come back to life.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

Fan Xian risked his life to save the driver and made Emperor Qing decide to recognize his son, and asked Chen Pingping to spread Fan Xian's life experience all over the streets and alleys. Of course, there is another purpose for coming to this one, that is, to further force out Wuzhu. The prince is a high-risk position, at this time, the open and formal princes of Nanqing have already fought to the death, and suddenly a Fan Xian appeared, and Emperor Qing attaches great importance to Fan Xian, the battle between the princes is only afraid of being more intense, Fan Xian is naturally more dangerous, and Wuzhu will definitely come out for his safety.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

So when Fan Xian's injury was almost healed, Emperor Qing got a seriously injured puppet and sent it to the Hanging Temple, and the real Fan Xian enlarged the box and sent it to the Hanging Temple through another channel, and sent it to the place where Ye Qingmei's portrait was offered. Wuzhu, who didn't know what it was, thought that the puppet was a real person, and if it really came out, he thought about taking Fan Xian away. At the same time, there was also a temple envoy, and this temple envoy was only arranged by Emperor Qing to wait there. The temple messenger wanted to take Wuzhu and Fan Xian back to the temple, Wuzhu wanted to protect Fan Xian, and if he refused to return, the two sides fought. The fight between these two tigers is exactly the result that Emperor Qing wants, and only in this way can he send the forbidden army to ambush the surrounding area and fire random arrows to destroy the two robots together. But in the end, it was Wuzhu who was superior in skills, defeated the temple messenger, and escaped in the chaotic arrow, and the temple envoy was injured by Wuzhu and hit the chaotic arrow, and he died.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

Emperor Qing and Fan Xian's father and son recognized each other, and after telling each other about some things about Ye Qingmei in the past, they asked the other party to remember their deceased mother and run out to deal with the corpse of the temple attendant. Seeing that the temple attendant left a yellow liquid, not blood, Emperor Qing was not afraid, so he only ordered people to burn it. Emperor Qing also said proudly that what about the temple messenger, it was not in his hands. This battle also greatly increased Emperor Qing's confidence in killing Wuzhu.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

It can only be said that Emperor Qing's acting skills are really good, while sending someone to kill Wuzhu, he recognized Fan Xian affectionately, and after disposing of the corpse of the temple messenger, he went back casually and continued to show a father-son relationship with Fan Xian, no wonder he was able to win Ye Qingmei's heart at the beginning.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

When Emperor Qing was playing this big game of chess, he also loaded the palace and Ye Zhong into it, and sent them to other places because the Hanging Temple was not well protected. The reason why the two of them were sent was because Gong Dian passed a message to the second prince behind his back and was disloyal to him. As for Ye Chong, it is because Ye Chong is Ye Liuyun's son, Ye Liuyun, the great grandmaster, ignores the twelve holy decrees issued by Emperor Qing, and Emperor Qing naturally wants to give the Ye family some color.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

This big chess game was only understood by Fan Xian when he recovered from his injury, of course, he only knew one of them, but he didn't know the other, only that Emperor Qing wanted to get rid of the dissident palace and the Ye family, and slightly guessed that Emperor Qing was going to lead out Wuzhu, and he didn't know that the murderer of the serial murder case was a temple messenger. Including his master Fei Jie, he knew that Emperor Qing was playing a game after Fan Xian was injured, and the purpose of the game was to lure out Wuzhu, but he didn't know that the murderer he was following all the way was not a person, but a robot temple messenger.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Emperor Qing used the entire inspection institute and his son Fan Xian as chess pieces in order to attract Wuzhu

This article is original by Qing Qianzhi, and it is forbidden to reprint without the author's authorization! Welcome everyone to pay attention and explore the connotative entertainment life together!