
A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

author:Friends of the White Waves
A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

Seven Laws, Seven One Feelings

Sun Zhanqi (Hubei)

The morale of the hunting banner is high, and the wise party is brilliant.

The scythe slashes through the chains, and the steel axe splits through the cage walls.

The iron riding lion wields a sharp sword, and the jackal, tiger and leopard defeat the field.

The prestige of the world is prosperous, how dare the hegemonic demons be crazy.

Seven Laws, Seventy-One" feelings

Wang Aimin (Guizhou)

The party was founded in the south of the lake, and the hammer and sickle were bravely twisted and twisted.

Overthrow the old system and fight for democracy, and look forward to a new chapter.

Heroes with lofty ideals threw their blood and praised the sages with great achievements.

The rise of Shenzhou is praised by the red boat, and the prosperity of the world is reported.

Seven Laws. Celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Long Wenbin (Hunan)

The fire of Nanhu Lake shines in the blue sky, and purple smoke is everywhere in China.

The fragrance of fertile rice floats overseas, and the fish of Bijiang leaps into a trillion years.

The anti-corruption sword is bright in front of the stage, and the back of Chang'e Moon is turned.

The red banner runs high on the avenue, and the party emblem flashes and swears an oath.

Seven Laws Wuhou Temple nostalgia

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

The ancestral hall of Shu Xiang has been searched several times, and it is still pine and cypress Gaitingsen.

Wenchen shines with Confucianism, and the military generals are swordsman.

The six expeditions of the Northern Expedition are not for their own benefit, and they are loyal to the two masters.

The stars of the country have not been united, which can make Cang Weng full of tears.

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

Seven Laws: Worry about the Changsha flood

Zhou Qizhang (Hunan)

I was shocked to hear that the water in Hunan and Chu had become a disaster, and the rain in beautiful Changsha came.

The subway paused, and Juzhou wandered at the beginning of the flooding.

Thousands of families are surrounded by sorrows, and thousands of households are planted with sorrows and shadows.

But I hope that the sky will clear and the flood will recede, and Star City will smile again.

Seven Laws: Tianshui Nostalgia

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

In Tianshui to praise handsome, Boyo is a talent.

The noble family originally came from Jiang Shang, but the high skill was sent to Kong Ming.

Fortunately, he returned to the Western Shu and saved the Three Kingdoms, and wanted to unify the Central Plains for nine times.

The face is expressive and the tattoo is Tai Chi, and the courage and strategy are very majestic.

Shichiritsu Giyama Gojohara Reiko

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

Follow the traces of Zhuge Qi Mountain, and go south to worship the temple gate.

Several generals followed Shu Xiang, and several monuments praised the soul.

Quietly look at the female Jieyue Ying Palace, and hate the autumn wind Wuzhang Yuan.

In the fierce battle, Weibin was exhausted, and the meteorite lost Wei and Wu Tun.

Seven Laws Zhuozhou Nostalgia

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

At the end of the Han Dynasty, the heroes rose from all directions, and Emperor Miao Liu Bei knew Guan Zhang.

Taoyuan became brothers, and Zhuojun raised troops to chase tigers and wolves.

The ring-eyed leopard-headed swallow will be fierce, and the beautiful beard and red face will be long.

The green dragon glaive mandarin duck sword, the eight snake spears expand the Shu territory.

Description: Guan Yu is a good person and is nine feet long; The Mandarin Duck Sword is a double-strand sword, which is Liu Bei's weapon.

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)


Dengzhi Zhang (Jiangsu)

The egrets are flying over the lake, and the goldfish stir the water with joy.

A pool of lotus leaves hit the beads, and countless silver plates played chimes.

Rare tender yellow double diqian, rare purple solitary.

The breeze is slow and fragrant, and the drizzle is fragrant.

Seven Laws: Midsummer Scenery

Chen Ziling (Shandong)

In midsummer, the mountains are covered with green makeup, and the spring flowers are ruined crape myrtle.

The fresh fruits of the forest garden are swinging in the wind, and the branches of the pomegranate trees are burning wildly.

Wild birds fly and sing green willows, and pond lotus blooms with fragrance.

The layers are colorful and beautiful, and the saucy is full of rhyme.

Seven Laws: The grass returns to the soul after the rain

Dengzhi Zhang (Jiangsu)

Exposure to the sun harvests the wilts and is nearly decaying, and the drooping dead leaves lose the cyanine.

The whole day is always morning and dusk, and the next day is still paralyzed.

The rain moisturizes and replenishes one after another, and the elixir continues to supplement the camp.

The sprouts are straight and multiplying green, and the root system is deep to resist drought and caracal.


Chen Ziling (Shandong)

In June, Hibiscus came out of the water, and the fairy came down to earth.

Yanzi is clean and flawless, and the bones are soft and unstained.

The willow shadow on the shore shakes the frog drum music, and the pond lotus fragrance overflows with butterflies.

Wan Tingyu is drunk, but I hope that the lotus flower will bloom forever.

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)


Liu Qinghu (Shanxi)

The water shines on the light lotus and the blue yarn, and the wind blows the butterflies chasing the flowers on the shore.

White gulls fall on floating grass in the distance, and koi ponds are accompanied by frogs.

Feeling the year of ploughing and mulberry is very dry, and the guests stay at home when they hear the thunder and rainfall.

Three cups of turbid wine, new poetry, half-drunk and leisurely slow-brewed tea.

Seven Laws: Lingering rain

Dengzhi Zhang (Jiangsu)

The strange rain is extravagant and continuous, and the joint Wusu continues to extend.

The mountain is now covered with a curtain of mist, and the field is green and smoky.

Reserved and slow dripping river rises slowly, impatient pouring river speed abyss,

It's hot and suffocating, and it's cool and comfortable.

Note: Wusu is a Shanghai dialect Huangmeitian.

Seven Laws Recall the production team when the wheat collected public grain

Sun Zhanqi (Hubei)

Striding high, singing red songs and wafting the fragrance of wheat.

You chase me to increase the momentum, and rush to be the first to cut off.

The chariot sack queue lined up far away, paying public grain to prepare for the famine.

Straw hats and towels wipe sweat, and the rich country is dedicated to the frontier.

The Seven Laws · Walk for the heavens

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

The wandering rivers and lakes are called chivalrous, and the sword is suddenly swordsman.

Saliva is not afraid of the mouth of the big worm, and the ground is biased to find the head of Tai Sui.

Punish the corrupt officials and shock the country, eradicate the bullies and solve the people's worries.

For the heavens, they want to fulfill their public responsibilities and set an example for them.

Note: "Big insects (tigers) salivate in their mouths" describes boldness

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

The Seven Laws · Qufu three holes nostalgic

Liu Guoping (Shijiazhuang)

Why the Forbidden Mountain? Qufu Zhongling has great sages.

Thirty generations of Confucianism have been passed down to Confucianism.

Xingtan Lile Yi Er, who is comparable to the Surabaya article.

The indoctrination program often follows morality, and the righteousness of spring and autumn is thin and cloudy.

Seven Laws • Three Su Shallow Groaning

Zhang Xiaozhong (Beijing)

Lao Quan Daqi was late and early in the morning, and he studied poetry and books hard to write.

Write a thousand words in an instant, and pass on the ancient and modern names of the two sons.

Po Xian is erudite and generous, and his heart is clear.

The three families in history are all giants, and they are coquettish and coquettish.


(1) Sansu: refers to Su Xun and Su Shi, Su Zhe father and son.

(2) Lao Quan: Su Xun, No. Lao Quan.

(3) Second son: refers to Su Shi and Su Zhe.

(4) Po Xian: Su Shi's alias.

(5) Xiao Zhe: refers to Su Zhe.

Seven Rules: Essays on Poetry

Geng Jiliang (Anhui)

Don't take stupidity as talent, scrape your stomach and intestines to piece together poems.

Peel alive and swallow yourself, and you are confused.

Yu did not delve into the things in the text, but he often translated ancient poems.

The classics are mostly clear sentences, and the most concise words are circulated.

[2. Quatrain]

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

Seven Uniques: He Chang'e returned home on the 6th

Sun Zhanqi (Hubei)

The mysteries of the Toad Palace are naturally miscellaneous, and Junjie Flying Car Technology is checked.

The Jade Emperor knew the will of the country, and Chang'e carried it home.

He Chang'e-6 returned from the moon exploration triumphantly

Guoyunfeng (Shandong)

The body of a meteor lightning dragon is like an arrow returning to the heart of the earth.

The miracles of the creation are recorded in the annals of history, and the sons and daughters of China are shaking their spirits.

Hello Chang'e

Geng Jiliang (Anhui)

After several generations of hard work, Chang'e's words to the moon came true.

Scientific research rejuvenates the country and builds a new dream, and the universe is like a neighbor.

Seven Uniques: He Chang'e-6 triumphed in lunar exploration

Fan Jihua (Hebei)

Tanyu Huantian returned smoothly, and Chang'e-6 showed its talents.

Pick the moon soil and open the wine together, and raise a glass together when you land successfully.

He Chang'e-6 returned safely

Ni Wenjiang (Hebei)

Chang'e-6 descended from the sky, and the lunar soil returned rarely.

Explore the cold palace at the beginning, and the journey is infinitely willing to fly high.

Seven Uniques and Teacher Ni Wenjiang "Seven Uniques: He Chang'e No. 6 Returns Safely"

Fan Jihua (Hebei)

Chang'e 6 went to the Toad Palace, and Wandao Xiaguang sent Haokong.

The back of the moon explores new sample soil, high-end technology Kyushu red.

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

Seven Uniques • Wenzhu

Wang Aimin (Guizhou)

The plain and slender posture is green, and the dancing is beautiful and soft.

Qingxin is elegant and shy, and her face is charming and refreshing.


Sun Zhanqi (Macheng)

The lightning thundered darkly, and the wind dragged the birds back to the forest.

The pouring rain poured on the palace, scaring the hearts of tourists on the shore.

Seven Uniques • Fitness

Li Fengjiang

The spring of the sixtieth year loves the evening breeze, and the light singing and dancing sunset is red.

Fang's heart is not healthy, and she is a gorgeous woman with her sleeves.

Seven absolutes. The lotus pond is the scene in the morning

Sun Zhanqi (Hubei)

The cicadas sing and screaming, and the frogs are noisy and drumming.

Take a pleasant walk and watch the flowers drunk, and the breeze blows the dark fragrance.

Seven Uniques: Yongshan Orchid

Wang Aimin (Guizhou)

Pleasant and strange to enjoy the fragrant flowers, elegant and clean bushes out of the cuiwei.

The color is beautiful, the bees and butterflies dance, and the fragrant fragrance is far away and forgetful.

Seven absolutes. I feel the founding day of the party

Yu Guanghua (Shandong)

The hammer and sickle are flying, and the century-old party has created brilliance.

Jingzhong is a new cause of national construction, carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future.

[3. Words]

A group of poems of comrades-in-arms of the railway soldiers (617 issues)

Zhonglu red embroidered shoes Yan's family motto

Zhang Xiaozhong (Beijing)

The troubled times are tragic and tragic, and the country is sad and desolate, but only the exclusive training is far and famous.

Governing the family and teaching the children to be prosperous, and making a fuss about the world. Historical monuments are appreciated by people.

Fortunately, there is a family style, children and grandchildren are righteous and glorious, and virtue is virtuous and virtuous.

Qingchen is knowledgeable, and his taste is like a title. Admired by millennials.

Looking at the grand occasion of the Yan family, the giant family is full of instructions, although it has declined and is proud of the Sui and Tang dynasties.

The court's ceremonial award will benefit the people. Loyalty, honor.

Couplet: Summer

Wu Wenwei (Hebei)

Evergreen fruits fall in front of the door, the auspicious breeze is not invited to send cool, the air conditioning is stopped, the cards are busy, and the whole family is in the hot summer;

The birds on the trees fly to find a suitable nest, the drizzle arrives to set off heat waves, the sun is blazing, the frogs are screaming, and the summer day is singing for thousands of miles.

Review: Liu Anguo, Xiao Chunbiao

Editor: Ni Wenjiang