
After three years, when I saw "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search, I still felt a chill down my spine

author:It's dawn


After three years, I saw the word "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search again.

After three years, when I saw "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search, I still felt a chill down my spine

I still feel a chill down my spine and a little creepy.

What is the truth?

Three years have passed since he overturned, and no one knows.

But Lin Shengbin has disappeared, he clamped his tail and behaved, and he no longer dared to show off any affectionate characters.

Lin Shengbin was on the hot search this time because China Eastern Airlines appealed against Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and because Lin Shengbin and his deceased wife's affiliated companies were operating abnormally.

What is Lin Shengbin's current situation?

Some netizens said that he has married a new wife and had a new child, how old the child is, they immigrated to Australia to settle down, and the brand of Tongzhen's life has also been cancelled.

His life was restarted, and he was living well in another country with his new wife and children.

Look, even if there will be a lot of sadness, how pitiful he was at that time, if he hadn't been torn off the hypocritical beloved wife at the beginning, would he still be able to pretend to be able to continue. We ordinary people once thought that the things that happened to him were human suffering, but when we think about it, what is it for a person who has no heart? He can take this opportunity to play for his own benefit.

"My wife and children are in heaven, and I will marry a second room on earth", Xiaozhen and her three children are really pitiful.

It's all justice, but it's all business.

I used to write about Lin Shengbin, and I once said:

In fact, netizens' anger towards him has never been remarriage and having a daughter, but his insincerity.

Some netizens said: "I really can't understand that while crying and opening a live broadcast to bring goods, I really can't understand that I am marrying a wife and having children, can a person's personality be so split?" It's like Kobe's wife cries and misses Kobe every day, and then turns her head and hides from everyone to remarry and have children, you ask who can stand it. Remarried, frankly, it's nothing? Why deceive everyone? Some people say that this is a private matter, but when he asks everyone to sympathize and support, it is not a private matter for him to remarry and have children. At first, we all thought he was sincere and paid attention to him and spoke up for him, but now we don't know which one is the real him. ”

The anger of netizens is completely understandable, you can remarry and have children and start a new life, it's nothing? But you really shouldn't continue to sell miserably, win everyone's sympathy, and shamelessly harvest traffic.

Those rumors at that time, what kind of soul well, may be just rumors. Lin Shengbin can also get out of the public opinion turmoil smoothly, the Zhu family did not settle accounts with him, and the nanny Mo Huanjing has already been executed, Lin Shengbin can't find any fault in the law, but he can't escape the moral trial.


After three years, when I saw "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search, I still felt a chill down my spine

Remember this photo from seven years ago?

In the corner, a man looks up to the sky and weeps bitterly, as if he has lost his whole world.

Later, Lin Shengbin changed his Weibo name to "Wife and children in heaven" to seek justice for his deceased wife and children, and netizens paid attention to him because they sympathized with him. He portrayed himself as the first affectionate husband since ancient times, and he has been immersed in grief and can't get out, and from time to time he posts on Weibo on the Internet to record his memories of his deceased wife and children. He also registered the brand of "Tong Zhen Life", saying that in the name of "Tong Zhen Life", so that his wife and children can still have a continuous spiritual existence.

After three years, when I saw "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search, I still felt a chill down my spine

It's really good, and netizens also think it's true, but they didn't expect the so-called affection to be actually business behind the scenes.

Why did Lin Shengbin suffer from public opinion? Is he innocent?

In this world, what we most admire is often "truth, goodness and beauty", while the opposite is quite rejected is "false, evil and ugly". And when everything that seems to be magnificent and beautiful, once it is linked to "false, evil and ugly", it will also be pushed off the altar by everyone.

At that time, we paid attention to the "nanny arson case", and felt that Lin was a very unfortunate man, in our opinion at that time, his love for his deceased wife and three children must be true, we sympathized with his plight, and helped him to do justice, even if we didn't know him so well, but what Lin represented was "truth, goodness and beauty": he was a sincere and kind person, he loved his wife and children so much, he suffered such misfortune, how could he not make people indignant and sympathetic?

One after another netizens who sympathized with Lin Shengbin's experience praised him as "Mr. Yes". Four years after the "nanny arson case", Lin Shengbin is also very familiar with this character, and he occasionally expresses his emotions on the online platform, as well as the current situation of his life over the years. Everyone saw his deep affection for his deceased wife, everyone felt that he was a good father, everyone sympathized with him as an unfortunate man, and everyone praised him for his public welfare behavior.

But what's the problem?

People keep telling you that "all this is fake, Lin is sick and an acting school", can you stand it? This is also the main reason why Lin Shengbin was angrily scolded by everyone today. Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize a boat, Lin Shengbin's insincerity and hypocrisy made the people who had supported him and sympathized with him really disappointed.

"No matter what the circumstances, people must be upright. If you don't hesitate to endanger others in order to get something, it will be a waste of water after all. ”

This sentence is suitable for Lin Shengbin.

What "I'll come to see you again after this life", looking at these affectionate words now, I just think it's too ridiculous.

After three years, when I saw "Lin Shengbin" on the hot search, I still felt a chill down my spine

Especially now that Lin Shengbin has emigrated abroad, I don't know if he will dare to worship his deceased wife and children during the Qingming Festival.


It has been three years since Lin Shengbin overturned.

There is no so-called truth and result, only Lin Shengbin's tail clamping and being a man and the abnormality of running the company.

Although there are some things that our visitors have a lot of dissatisfaction, but the decision does not affect anything, he still has a good life with his new wife and children.

I have to sigh, we still have to love ourselves more in this life, don't believe in the so-called affection and how much that person loves you, the person next to the pillow is sometimes the most hypocritical. Don't easily believe in any affectionate men on the Internet, maybe the so-called affectionate are fake, this is human nature and reality.

The Lin Shengbin incident made everyone see the real humanity and this ridiculous and ridiculous world.

The truth may never be known, as long as he comes out, everyone will shout and beat, so let's hide.

If you don't evaluate anything, you can't really fake it, you can't really fake it, if you really do something dirty, you shouldn't be happy.

There are gods in the first three feet, so let's do it ourselves.


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