
Guarding the clear water of a river flowing eastward

author:Qinghai Legal News

Xunhua Salar Autonomous County of Haidong City is a gentle water town in the embrace of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the earliest hot land for spring messengers to visit the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the gallery of customs flowing in the upper reaches of the Yellow River. The Yellow River meanders more than 90 kilometers here, feeding 160,000 Xunhua children.

Walking on the bank of the Yellow River, here the summer is shallow, the greenery is rising, the Danshan is faint, and the blue water is murmuring; Watching the shallow bottom of the fish, watching the birds soaring in the blue sky, watching the wind blowing the wheat waves and fruits, it is a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Guarding the clear water of a river flowing eastward

Take a look at the Yellow River beach area

It is a picture scroll, but also an answer sheet: the county's air quality rate is more than 90%, the water quality of the Yellow River section is stable above Class II., the largest area of "public interest litigation forest" in Qinghai Province has been built, and the county's Yellow River waters have achieved full coverage of digital monitoring......

This is an answer written in the Lushui Dan Mountain, and it is also an answer sheet handed over to the people of Xunhua.

Grasp the "focus point"

Strengthen the system and lay a solid foundation

The Yellow River is the mother river of the Chinese nation and the cradle of the Chinese nation.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Qinghai, he made it clear that "Qinghai's greatest value is in the ecology, the greatest responsibility is in the ecology, and the greatest potential is also in the ecology, and the construction of ecological civilization must be placed in a prominent position."

"The ecological restoration project on both sides of the Yellow River has restored the original bank slope and planted vegetation, which has improved the ecosystem and enhanced the self-purification capacity of the water body. Li Xiaoting, director of the Propaganda Department of the Xunhua County Party Committee, said.

In recent years, Xunhua County has thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin and the spirit of the important speeches and instructions during the inspection in Qinghai, firmly grasped the positioning of the "three largest" provincial conditions and the strategic position of "three more important", and under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the Haidong Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, it has adhered to the implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and has always put the "ensure" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Qinghai The eastward flow of clear water from the river is a major political responsibility that Qinghai cannot shirk and cannot afford to miss" as a fundamental follow, firmly establish and practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", focus on the comprehensive implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, and create a new highland of ecological civilization, with the Yellow River Protection Law, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecological Protection Law, the "Yellow River Basin Ecological Protection and High-quality Development Three-year Action Plan" and other laws, regulations and documents, and cooperate with political and legal organs, water conservancy, natural resources, ecological protection, Culture, sports, tourism and other departments, coordinate protection, development and safety, take the initiative to shoulder the responsibility of the main stream, strengthen the responsibility of the source, carry out strategic planning and make major arrangements for the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and compile and complete the "Xunhua County "One River, Lake, One Policy" Implementation Plan", "Qingshui River Health Evaluation System" and "Jiezi River Health Evaluation System", continuously improve the scientific management system of rivers and lakes, highlight the control of tributaries, the restoration of the main stream, and the governance of the coast, and vigorously promote the protection of the tributary main stream and the left and right bank systems. Scientific policies have vigorously promoted the high-quality development of the county economy, the quality of the ecological environment has been continuously improved, the excellent air quality rate has reached more than 90%, and the water quality of the section out of the Yellow River has been stable above Class II.

At the same time, it continued to strengthen cooperation with surrounding brother counties (districts), and closely connected with each other in the promotion of the long-term system of rivers and lakes, water pollution prevention and control, river sand mining, and the "four chaos" of rivers and lakes, so as to realize the co-governance of upstream and downstream, left and right bank waters, and effectively protect the Anlan of the Yellow River. Xunhua County has always given priority to ecological protection as the first choice, and green development as the brightest background color for high-quality development, so that the concept of ecological civilization of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" has been deeply rooted in the land of Xunhua, so that the people's sense of gain, happiness and security has continued to improve.

Finding the "Junction Point"

Promote management and protection to highlight the effectiveness

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to protect the ecological environment like protecting eyes.

Based on the "two overall situations" and the "great man of the country", Xunhua County fully implements Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, makes full use of the unique location advantages of the Yellow River flowing through Xunhua County for more than 90 kilometers, implements the requirements of "the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment", and actively integrates into the protection of the ecological protection of the Xunhua section of the Yellow River Basin, and 29 tributaries, 7 reservoirs, 3 irrigation canals, 2 lakes, and 1 drinking water source in the county are included in the management scope of the river and lake chief system. A total of 186 river and lake chiefs have completed 5,948 river patrols, and the inspection coverage rate of major rivers, lakes, reservoirs and key river sections has reached 100%.

Xunhua County is committed to protecting the ecological environment with the strictest system and the strictest rule of law network, unswervingly being the guardian of the "China Water Tower", and building a solid judicial barrier for ecological civilization. Up to now, a total of 237 leads on administrative public interest litigation cases have been accepted, 215 cases have been filed, 1 criminal attached civil public interest litigation case has been filed with the Xunhua County People's Court, 165 cases have been handled through the formulation and issuance of procuratorial suggestions and consultation mechanisms, 11 cases are being handled, 41 hearings have been held, 58 procuratorial suggestions have been publicly announced, and 63 public interest litigation cases have been invited to participate in people's supervisors. Among them, two cases have been rated as typical cases of public interest litigation by national and provincial procuratorates.

At the same time, according to the requirements of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Water Resources and other 9 departments on carrying out the special action of "working together to clean up the four chaos and protect the mother river", give full play to the "river chief + procurator general" mechanism, and promote the rectification of a number of outstanding problems of the "four chaos" such as indiscriminate occupation, indiscriminate mining, indiscriminate piling, and indiscriminate construction. The Supreme People's Procuratorate has handled the case of 31 farms in the forbidden area of the Xunhua section of the Yellow River Basin, and the case of building buildings within the protection boundary of the Yellow River that obstructs the safety of flooding, and promptly eliminated potential safety hazards such as poor flooding in rivers and lakes, cleaned up more than 213 tons of garbage in the river, and widened the flood channel by 386 meters. In 2022 and 2023, the Ministry of Water Resources has completed on-site review and system entry of 203 outstanding problems that hinder river flooding, and the 10 river-related problems reported by the Provincial Department of Water Resources have all been rectified, actively using the power of the rule of law to protect the ecological environment of the Xunhua section of the Yellow River Basin.

Among them, the public interest litigation case of ecological protection of forest land in the reservoir area of the Yellow River Jishixia Hydropower Station was handled by the procuratorate and the procuratorial suggestions were formulated and issued, urging the administrative organs to perform their duties, and this case led to the construction of the largest area of "public interest litigation forest" in our province, restoring and planting 90.6 hectares of trees in other places, and restoring the ecological functions of the destroyed forest land. The case was also rated as a typical case of public interest litigation by the national procuratorate and was reported by the Procuratorate Daily. Carry out the "four chaos" of rivers and lakes on a regular basis, resolutely investigate and deal with illegal acts such as indiscriminate occupation and construction, indiscriminate encirclement and blocking, and indiscriminate discharge, adhere to the "sky view, water patrol, ground inspection, and online management" throughout, continue to improve the construction of the river and lake long-term information platform, and achieve full coverage of digital monitoring at 15 sensitive waters and important points in the county. At the same time, the rivers, lakes and registered reservoirs included in the long-term management of rivers and lakes were demarcated and confirmed, and 2,631 physical piles and electronic piles were buried on both sides of the main stream of the Yellow River, further delineating the red line of management and protection, and clarifying the bottom line of supervision.

Stick to the "foothold"

Strengthen publicity and cohesion

Xunhua County is an important ecological security node in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, with more than 90 kilometers of the Yellow River meandering through the city, 13 first-class tributaries with a total water flow of 264 million cubic meters such as Qingshui River and Jiezi River directly flowing, 4 large and medium-sized power stations with a stepped layout, and the water area of the reservoir area is nearly 6666.67 hectares. It connects the Yellow River Color Basket Modern Agricultural Sightseeing Resort, the characteristic fruit picking base of Xiatan Village in Qingshui Township, and the Qingshuiwan Scenic Area to form a natural ecological tourism belt along the Yellow River.

Xunhua County resolutely implements the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, takes the construction of ecological civilization in the Yellow River Basin as an example, and always takes publicity and education as an important starting point to promote the sustainable development of the protection of the Yellow River. Continuously improve the awareness of the people of all ethnic groups in the protection of the water ecological environment, and strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to jointly support and protect rivers and lakes.

Focusing on the in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, firmly establish and practice the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", adhere to a higher position to pay close attention to the rectification of feedback problems from the central environmental protection inspectors, promote the global ecological revitalization project of Hemei Xunhua with higher quality, protect the clear and long-term peace of the Yellow River, and go all out to ensure that the clear water of the river flows eastward.

Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization and the Yellow River Protection Law will be included in the theoretical study center group of the Xunhua County Party Committee and the important content of the theoretical study of the county's cadres, and through special counseling and continuous discussions, the awareness of protecting the Yellow River and protecting the ecology will be truly ingrained in the mind.

Deeply excavate the value of the times contained in the Yellow River culture, and correctly grasp the connotation and extension of the Yellow River culture. Through the theme class meeting, keynote speech, drawing hand-copied newspapers and other forms in the school, the majority of children and teenagers are led to pay attention to and carry forward the Yellow River culture, inherit the cultural genes of the Yellow River, tell the story of the Yellow River in the new era, and cultivate the sense of responsibility of young people to protect the mother river from an early age. Relying on the construction of the New Era Civilization Practice Center, the majority of volunteers will be mobilized to carry out the action of "'River' I Protect the Mother River Together" on a regular and solid basis, and consciously become a firm believer and faithful practitioner of Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, and an action and doer in the construction of the United States and the United States. Spread the culture of the Yellow River at major events. Strengthen the dissemination and publicity of the Yellow River culture in large-scale activities such as the China-Qinghai International Yellow River Crossing Extreme Challenge, expand the communication space of the Yellow River culture, and enhance the influence of the Yellow River culture.

Use traditional media and new media to publicize the Yellow River culture from multiple angles and in an all-round way, tell the story of the Yellow River well, let the story of the Yellow River enter the organs, enterprises, schools, classrooms, communities, and thousands of households, and enhance the people's sense of responsibility for the protection of the Yellow River. Carry out essay competitions around the spirit of the Yellow River, hold the "Yellow River Anlan" poetry meeting, etc., show the Xunhua people on the banks of the Yellow River in the form of literature and art to fight for a happy life and forge ahead, extract themes, get inspiration, absorb nutrients from traditional culture, and launch a number of masterpieces, so that the spirit of the Yellow River can be implanted in people's hearts in a way that is touched by ears and eyes. (Text/Qinghai Legal Daily, Legal Eye Reporter Bao Chenghui, Correspondent Ma Zhonghua, Photo/Shen Xiaochen)

Editor: Daniel Zhang