
Set up a bridge to connect the heart and deliver services to your home - the "1233" work method of the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center has achieved results

author:Qinghai Legal News

Since 2023, the Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center of Guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture has always adhered to the original mission, aggregated multiple resources, improved multiple mechanisms, built a platform, and improved the work requirements of the public service, innovated the work model of the 1233 (one excellent, two increased, three extended and three sinking) social governance comprehensive service center, and strived to build a central service platform that allows the public to "run to one place at most and solve disputes in one station", and set up a bridge to serve the masses. The last mile of service has been opened.

Set up a bridge to connect the heart and deliver services to your home - the "1233" work method of the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center has achieved results

Leader inspection

Since its operation in August 2023, the Comprehensive Service Center for Social Governance in Guide County, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, has accepted 1,850 cases and 4,311 person-times of various matters, accepted 77 petition cases and 91 people, closed 63 cases, served 124 public law civil and criminal cases, accepted and mediated 485 cases by the spear mediation center, accepted 598 cases by the litigation service center, and mediated 598 cases, with a mediation rate of 100%.

One excellent

The Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center optimizes the convenient service process, and pays attention to the closed-loop optimization of the whole process from visit consultation, diversion guidance, transfer handling, result feedback, satisfaction evaluation, etc., so that the people who come to handle matters can enjoy the best quality service in the shortest time.

Set up a bridge to connect the heart and deliver services to your home - the "1233" work method of the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center has achieved results

Supervise work

The townships and towns of Guide County rely on the comprehensive management center or judicial office to integrate the high-quality resources with relatively concentrated hardware facilities to set up a comprehensive township social governance service center, and concentrate the advantages of human resources such as the comprehensive management center, judicial office, and police station, so as to provide high-quality outpost services for the masses who come to do business, and solve the problem of multiple running away. 10 management service systems have been studied and formulated, and the "13510" work operation mechanism of registering, tracking, and clearing the number of letters and calls has been established to ensure that all petition incidents are responded to and implemented. Up to now, the comprehensive service center of social governance in various towns and towns in Guide County has accepted more than 3,000 person-times in 2,008 cases of various matters.

Two increases

On the basis of integrating the five resources of the county-level social governance comprehensive service center for the first time, in view of the gradual increase in the number of petition matters such as migrant workers' wage bargaining and labor dispute arbitration, coordinate the labor and personnel dispute arbitration court, labor inspection brigade and public security mediation room to be stationed in the center to provide the masses with labor dispute arbitration, migrant workers' wage bargaining, rule of law publicity, and public security mediation, especially in the form of the county-level leadership package system, integrate service force resources, and strengthen daily information communication and docking with various industry authorities and financial institutions. It has taken the initiative to resolve major cases of wage arrears and existing cases, and has embarked on a new path of joint and coordinated resolution of petition contradictions and disputes. Since entering the Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center, the Labor Inspection Brigade has accepted 320 cases of migrant workers' wage arrears, closed 320 cases, with a completion rate of 100%, recovered 6.94 million yuan of migrant workers' wages, closed 23 cases involving 1.6 million yuan in labor and personnel dispute arbitration courts, and accepted and assisted more than 60 cases by other departments in the public security mediation room.

Set up a bridge to connect the heart and deliver services to your home - the "1233" work method of the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center has achieved results

Mediation site


That is, the service organization, matters and responsibilities are extended. The Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center firmly grasps the favorable opportunity for the village (community) to connect closely with the front-line people, plays the role of the main channel in grassroots social governance, and relies on the village-level mediation committee and women's committee village-level organization to take the lead in coordinating the organization, performing duties, and undertaking the implementation of services. One legal adviser per village took the initiative to follow up and participate, providing the masses with services such as policy and legal consultation, conflict and dispute mediation, etc., forming a vertical extension and horizontal connection of county and rural three-level services, realizing where the functions and responsibilities are extended and where the masses are served.

Set up a bridge to connect the heart and deliver services to your home - the "1233" work method of the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center has achieved results

Convene a meeting

Since August 2023, the village-level mediation committee of Guide County has mediated 53 conflicts and disputes, and the "One Village (Community) One Legal Adviser" has carried out 136 offline rule of law lectures, 233 online live broadcasts, 1,200 online and offline legal consultations, 24 conflicts and disputes mediation, about 156 village rules and regulations, and 56 village collective economic contracts reviewed and revised.

Three sinking

That is, the investigation and guidance of contradictions and disputes, the resolution and mediation of contradictions and disputes, and the sinking of work guidance and research. Relying on the "Fengqiao Experience" to create activities, the Guide County Social Governance Comprehensive Service Center adheres to the service concept of resolving contradictions and disputes on the spot, so that the situation of localization of Fengqiao experience has taken shape. The two-level centers of Guide County and Township adjusted the idea of sinking services, and changed the passive mediation of the center to the active investigation and mediation of the villages. At the same time, the masses have changed their petitions to leaders' petitions, formulated and issued the "Notice on Continuing to Carry Out Visits by Leading Cadres", and arranged for county-level leaders to go to the center every Thursday to carry out open day activities for receiving and visiting contradictions and disputes, mediating contradictions and disputes face-to-face, and carrying out policy consultation. Combined with the county's "overcoming difficulties" activities, the county and township cadres carried out large-scale research activities, went deep into the grassroots to ask the people and the needs of the people, and created a new situation in the construction of a harmonious society at the grassroots level. Up to now, more than 8,700 investigations have been carried out on contradictions and disputes, 508 cases have been mediated, 31 cases have been mediated by leading cadres, and 27 cases have been successfully resolved. (Text/Photo: Yang Lianjun)

Editor: Daniel Zhang

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