
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

author:Tongling Social Science Garden
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On December 15, 2023, a group of 10 Tongling students of the "Head Goose" project of Anhui Agricultural University, under the leadership of Zhang Xiansuo (second from right), strengthened exchanges and interactions and promoted the cultivation of the "Head Goose" project to improve quality and efficiency. (Image source: Anhui Net)

He is an authentic peasant child, and he is an ordinary rural youth. However, his ideas and drive are extraordinary, he relies on his own hands and vision to start a business and get rich, which is a typical example of rural revitalization entrepreneurship in the new era, and also a model for rural revitalization entrepreneurship learning.

He was muscular, with short black hair, and his skin was tanned by the sun, as if covered with a healthy bronzer. His eyebrows are like two thick swords, with sharp edges and corners, showing his masculinity. A pair of small eyes shimmered with a simple light, just the right amount to highlight his deep eyes. He is the hero of this article, Zhang Xiansuo, chairman of Tongling Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. and representative of the Tongling Municipal People's Congress.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo, member of the Communist Party of China, deputy to the Tongling Municipal People's Congress, and chairman of Tongling Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.

Zhang Xiansuo, male, 46 years old, from Xihu Town, Tongguan District, Tongling City, Anhui Province, the author first met him one morning in June 2023, and he gave people the impression that he was enthusiastic, honest, energetic, unpretentious, and amiable.

Haunted by the dream of the hometown road

Zhang Xiansuo, after graduating from junior high school in 1993, farming, in 2002, facing the wave of reform and opening up, from the countryside to the city, went out to work for many years, worked hard in the construction industry, from the beginning to be a mason, and gradually to contract civil engineering "Boss Zhang", although the career has been a small success, but has maintained the simplicity of farmers and strong local feelings.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "a strong country must first strengthen agriculture, and a strong agriculture can make the country strong". To revitalize the countryside, industrial prosperity is the foundation, and industry to prosper and innovate management is the key.

Although Zhang Xiansuo did not receive a systematic education in modern management thought, he understood that "agriculture is the foundation of the national economy." To meet the needs of the people for a better life, to achieve high-quality development, and to consolidate the foundation of national security, agricultural development is inseparable."

Zhang Xiansuo has a keen thinking, in the practice of industrial development, good at holding the pulse of the times, after many investigations and careful analysis and judgment, he realized that in the process of urban-rural integration, the rural industry is no longer just the primary industry, the modern service industry will gradually become the leading industry, and the integration of the three industries will become the direction of future development.

At the beginning of 2017, Zhang Xiansuo took advantage of the development opportunities of national agriculture, actively innovated the business model, and combined with the local land, tidal flats, water surface resources, cultural landscape, location advantages, etc., established Tongling Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., with an investment of 16 million yuan. The construction of Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park with a planned area of 1,000 acres will develop green ecological planting, healthy breeding of aquatic products and farm stays. The development of "ornamental agriculture", "tourism agriculture" and "popular science agriculture" and other new forms of business, thus opening a new journey of rural revitalization in the new era.

Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Hengtang Village, Xihu Town, Tongguan District, only 2 kilometers away from the West Lake Wetland Park, the New Gymnasium and the Green Lake Park, adjacent to Wuyue Square, with superior location conditions and convenient transportation.

Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park was officially put into operation in 2019, with a total production of 170 tons of high-quality aquatic products, 120 tons of high-quality ecological rice, 20 tons of fruits and vegetables, 82,000 tourists per year, and a total annual income of 6.5 million yuan, including 3.5 million yuan from agricultural product sales and 3 million yuan from leisure and tourism. By 2023, the total annual income will reach 10 million yuan, including 6 million yuan from the sales income of agricultural products and 4 million yuan from leisure and tourism. Zhang Xiansuo also realized the gorgeous transformation from a traditional farmer to a civil construction boss, and then to a professional new farmer. From an ordinary rural villager in the past to the person in charge of a private small enterprise, it has developed into a well-known rural industrial base in Tongling City and even Anhui Province, and has become an advanced model for rural revitalization.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲A bird's-eye view of a corner of Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park

Science and technology lead the creation of a brand

The key to agricultural modernization lies in the modernization of agricultural science and technology. In Tongling Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., agricultural science and technology innovation is taking advantage of the spring breeze of rural revitalization, and is sprinkled to this land with the innovative attitude of high-standard fruit planting, high-standard farmland construction, and high-standard talent training, bringing vitality and infinite hope to the field.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park has extended the depth of agricultural diversification

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park green planting vegetable planting area

Zhang Xiansuo has experienced a lot of ups and downs since he started his business, and he, like many enterprises, is sometimes confused by some problems, and even falls into a dilemma. However, no matter what difficulties and obstacles he encounters, he has always adhered to the concept of "science and technology to help promote the development of modern agriculture", respecting knowledge and talents. The company has 6 technicians and invests 1.84 million yuan in research and development every year. Through the establishment of a long-term strategic cooperative relationship with Anhui Agricultural University and Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, through the way of introduction and going out, continuous learning and research and development, the introduction of advanced achievements, high-quality varieties and advanced technology has formed a modern high-tech agricultural system with Hengtang characteristics. Zhang Xiansuo has invited provincial and municipal agricultural and rural experts and leaders to inspect and guide the park for many times, and introduced the research and development achievements, advanced technologies and concepts of Professor Zhang Dewen of Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, which have been applied to rice planting and achieved a significant improvement in rice quality.

The company introduced high-quality and efficient "Suxiangjing 100" from the Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences for planting, and after two years of trial planting, the variety showed excellent disease resistance and stable and high yield, and the market sales were stable and high. During the planting period, Zhang Xiansuo invited the surrounding large growers and small farmers to come to observe, study and evaluate, and provided them to large and small farmers as improved varieties at the price of commercial grain. Up to now, this variety has been promoted in the city for more than 20,000 mu, with an average yield increase of about 70 kg per mu, and a net increase of about 200 yuan per mu of rice that year.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park obtained the "Utility Model Patent Certificate".

Due to the emphasis on technology research and development, the purchase of technology, the introduction of varieties, the introduction of scholars, the introduction of results, etc., the industrial upgrading has been promoted. The "Yangtang" brand rice produced by Zhang Xiansuo Green Ecological Park has passed the green food certification and obtained the "Anhui American Agricultural Products" brand, and the strawberries planted have passed the "organic certification". And applied for 3 trademarks, 3 utility model patents, 1 of which has been authorized. Invented two patents: "Agricultural Intelligent Aquaculture System" and "Agricultural Green Rice Planting System". "The initial formation of Hengtang ecological agriculture as the base, for the drive of Hengtang Village and surrounding villages of modern ecological agriculture to become bigger and stronger has laid a solid foundation.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On April 24, 2024, Wang Shuchun (right), Secretary of the Tongguan District Party Committee, led the main responsible comrades of the District Culture and Tourism Bureau and the District Agriculture and Water Bureau to Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection.

Make a fuss about the features

The times need innovation, the countryside needs to be revitalized, make use of the local advantages of the countryside, develop characteristic industries, make the countryside rich, retain the hearts of young people, and retain the happiness of the elderly.

"No one has me, no one has me, and no one has me" is the fundamental orientation to promote the development of Hengtang's "characteristic agriculture" and "agricultural industry" clusters, give full play to comparative advantages, and cultivate competitive advantages. Focusing on this orientation, we will make efforts in the high-end and clustering of the industrial system, so that more surrounding people can taste the sweetness brought by Hengtang's "characteristics".

Zhang Xiansuo is good at thinking, and after repeated thinking, he has researched and developed "Hengtang characteristic agriculture" and realized the idea of comprehensive development of business formats. From the original single rice planting, to aquaculture, fishing and entertainment, ecological picking and other fields. In order to continuously expand the agricultural function, 20 acres of popular science plantation have also been built, space planting has been introduced, and the method of planting compared with conventional planting has been adopted, so that consumers can not only truly feel the power of science and technology, but also expand the business format of the ecological park.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo inspects the quality of dishes in the kitchen.

In order to solve the longitudinal and in-depth development of the rural economy, Zhang Xiansuo vigorously developed farmhouses. More than 1,000 square meters of farmhouse restaurants have been opened, and 5 self-service large pot stoves have been built, allowing tourists to experience the whole process from the field to the table and from the fish pond to the table in 30 minutes. At the same time, do everything it takes to satisfy visitors to experience the fun of a farmer's kitchen on their own. Thus, it greatly enriches the connotation of leisure agriculture, rural tourism and farming experience tourism.

The lack of rural culture and the local plot are the "heart knots" of most urban people, so in order to let tourists feel the local culture and experience the local atmosphere, it has become the pursuit of many urban people. In recent years, Zhang Xiansuo has made continuous efforts to set up "Provincial Yinong Information Agency", "Tongling Daily Little Reporter Practice Base" and "Hengtang Agricultural Reading Point" in the park. innovative entertainment and leisure projects; It has built a rural cultural stage, an agricultural cultural corridor, an agricultural furniture display area and other local cultural functions, and realized the improvement of corporate culture and the comprehensive strength of the enterprise.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On May 30, 2024, Pan Ronghua, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda (right)

Came to Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. for inspection.

Nowadays, people walk into the park to carry out fishing, lobster fishing, strawberry picking, and cute pets. Hands-on farming activities, rice planting, rice cutting, firewood cooking...... The comprehensive ecological tourism and leisure ecological park integrating fishing leisure, hand-made dishes, tasting farmhouse native vegetables, agricultural sightseeing, research and ecological protection has attracted many tourists to come to feel the unique charm of suburban and rural tours.

Get rich and don't forget the folks

"Rural revitalization is not about how many cattle you raise, how many sheep you raise, and how much money you make? And how many people are still in the village, the development of industry in the countryside is the foundation, if there is no industry, rural revitalization is empty talk. As a builder of the agricultural industry, only by allowing farmers to have a way to go in the countryside and be profitable can rural revitalization be realized in the true sense." Zhang Xiansuo said so and did so, he used his own practical actions to create a beautiful blueprint for rural revitalization of Hengtang homeland.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On November 3, 2022, at the on-site meeting in Hengtang Village, Xihu Town, Tongguan District, Tongling City, Anhui Province, science and technology commissioners were guiding farmers to harvest and plant in autumn. (Image source: People's Daily Online)

In the process of starting a business, Zhang Xiansuo overcame difficulties, and actively fought for relevant government support projects to improve the production and living conditions of the surrounding residents with the perseverance of grasping iron marks, stepping stones, and making long-term contributions. Regardless of gains and losses, he planned and used the land transferred from farmers in nearby villages, including many low-yield fields, and the relevant farmers increased their annual income by more than 500,000 yuan through paid land transfer. It fully embodies that Zhang Xiansuo is not only a concept to drive farmers to get rich together, but also to show the personality strength of Communist Party members with exemplary actions.

In terms of enterprise employment, Zhang Xiansuo adheres to the principle of giving priority to local rural labor, and gives priority to arranging employment for local migrant workers. Among the 40 long-term employees, 30 are farmers in the village; It has led to more than 20 family farms and 128 small farmers in the surrounding area to increase production and income, of which 27 poor households have become rich. Farmers in the village and surrounding areas are given generous remuneration, and the annual per capita wage income is between 5 and 100,000 yuan. Provide seedlings and technical guidance to farmers free of charge, and recover the agricultural products produced by farmers at a guaranteed price, which reduces the industrial risk of nearby farmers and drives the average annual income of a large number of farmers to exceed 60,000 yuan.

Vigorously promote organic fertilizer instead of chemical fertilizer, green prevention and control, comprehensive planting and breeding technology, cooperate with e-commerce platforms, give priority to the sale of agricultural products of local farmers, and solve the problem of farmers' difficulty in selling products "without leaving home", and the average annual income of relevant farmers has increased by more than 20,000 yuan.

"Do your own thing, do something practical for the development of the village, and create vitality and vitality for the land that gave birth to me and raised me!" Zhang Xiansuo said. At present, Zhang Xiansuo has invested in a new round of renovation and construction of the park. He said: "I will continue to promote the construction of high-standard farmland, the construction of agricultural tourism integration base, the promotion of farming culture into the scope of enterprise expansion, in order to innovate the new mechanism of agricultural tourism integration development, broaden the development space of agriculture and tourism, and strive to create Hengtang characteristics of agricultural tourism integration service project, Hengtang into the 'back garden of the city, the leisure place of citizens, the happiness of villagers, and the new star village of Tongguan', so that all villagers are busy and rich." ”

Enthusiastic about public welfare

Zhang Xiansuo attaches great importance to social welfare undertakings, does not forget his original intention, helps the weak and the poor, and takes it as his responsibility to devote himself to public welfare undertakings and fulfill social responsibilities.

1. Filial piety, respect for the elderly, and love. Zhang Xiansuo often thinks about the difficult groups in society,

A volunteer service team was formed in the company. In the early morning of July 10, 2021, the volunteers gathered early and set off from the company's residence to the picturesque Xihu Town, Tongling City. When I arrived at the nursing home, in the courtyard surrounded by green trees, the old people were already waiting there, and many old people were full of happy smiles on their faces, and they were greeting all the members of the volunteer service team led by Zhang Xiansuo.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲All the members of the volunteer service team led by Zhang Xiansuo came to the Xihu Town Nursing Home to express condolences.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo and volunteers distribute gifts to the residents.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo and volunteers delivered peeled oranges and bananas to the elderly.

In the Xihu Town Nursing Home, Zhang Xiansuo and the volunteers greeted them politely, and at the same time seized the time to distribute gifts to the elderly, talked cordially with the elderly, asked them about their physical condition and living conditions, and interacted with the elderly. The old people happily introduced the bits and pieces of life, and the atmosphere was harmonious. Among them, 90-year-old Grandma Wang told the story of her youth and became the focus of the audience, and everyone sat around her to listen to those precious memories in the long history.

Then the entertainment program began, and the song performance of several volunteers won bursts of applause. In particular, we saw a chess game played face-to-face by several volunteers and several elderly people, and the scene was both relaxed and humorous, and laughter was heard from time to time.

At lunchtime, volunteers assist the staff in bringing meals to each senior, ensuring that everyone has a hot meal. During the after-dinner break, Zhang Xiansuo trimmed the nails of the elderly, and some volunteers chatted with the elderly in the shade of the trees or took photos in the garden, enjoying this rare leisure time together.

As the sun sets, the condolence activities are also coming to an end. Although it was only a short day of getting along, at the moment of parting, the old people held the hands of the volunteers who came to express their deep gratitude and looked forward to meeting again next time.

On the occasion of farewell, Zhang Xiansuo proposed to establish a long-term liaison mechanism to continue this love. Everyone responded one after another, planned regular return visits, and continued to pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly, so that the friendship would last forever.

Condolences to the nursing home in Xihu Town are just a microcosm of the love of Zhang Xiansuo and the employees of the company. Every New Year's holiday, Zhang Xiansuo can't forget to organize volunteers to participate in various love activities, send condolences and daily necessities, and make "love meals" for them, haircuts, and nail clippings, so that they can feel strong family affection. In recent years, Zhang Xiansuo and his company have donated more than 500,000 yuan to various social charities.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On September 23, 2023, the Tongguan District Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Tongling Hengtang Rural Ecological Park.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On June 1, 2023, the "Hengtang Rice Planting Festival" will be held to experience traditional farming and let students enjoy the fun of labor.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲One day in August 2019, Zhang Xiansuo trimmed the nails of the residents of the West Lake Nursing Home in Tongguan District.

In recent years, every Double Ninth Festival, Zhang Xiansuo has held a "Filial Piety and Respect for the Elderly Condolences Party" in the park, bringing the elderly near the village to visit the park, gather for festivals, and watch performances. He organized the grand "2023 Tongguan District Farmers' Harvest Festival"; The "Hengtang Rice Planting Festival" was held, and students were personally led to experience traditional rice planting activities, inherit corporate culture, experience traditional farming, and let students enjoy the fun of labor.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On September 9, 2023 lunar calendar, the Double Ninth Festival will be held to comfort the elderly in the village.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲On April 2, 2024, on the World Autism Care Day, a small drop of water in Tongling City

The Children's Rehabilitation Center and the Tongguan District Yixin Children's Rehabilitation Center presented a pennant to Zhang Xiansuo.

2. 10,000 catties of rice were donated to Wuhan. As a party member and private entrepreneur, Zhang Xiansuo has never forgotten to assume a social responsibility.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲At 7 o'clock in the morning on February 4, 2020, Zhang Xiansuo and his nephew Zhang Qiang drove the loaded 10,000 catties of green rice to Wuhan.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in Wuhan, he always paid attention, and when he understood the urgent need for daily necessities in the local area, early in the morning of February 4, 2020, Zhang Xiansuo and his nephew Zhang Qiang drove a truck loaded with 10,000 catties of green rice to Wuhan. At around 11 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, Zhang Xiansuo drove to Wuhan Daishan Hospital, the designated donation receiving unit in Wuhan, the community health service center of Danshuichi Street, Jiang'an District. After returning to Tongling, he was quarantined for 15 days in accordance with the epidemic prevention requirements before returning to his work.

3. Volunteers during the epidemic. Since March 17, 2020, as a volunteer of the emergency rescue team of the Municipal Automobile and Motorcycle Association, Zhang Xiansuo has been driving a four-wheel drive off-road vehicle, and his main task is to provide emergency rescue volunteer services for the West Lake area. Together with other members of the association, he undertook the task of providing point-to-point transportation to experts and medical staff who supported Tongling's fight against the epidemic. In addition to the rescue team finishing the work of picking up and dropping off medical staff, he used the car horn to broadcast the latest notices and notices of the city and district epidemic prevention and control headquarters in more than 30 communities and nucleic acid testing points in various villages in the town, so that the masses can keep abreast of the government's latest policies and measures for epidemic prevention and control and improve their awareness of prevention. He said: "The epidemic is an order, prevention and control is a responsibility, and as long as the epidemic is not clear, my propaganda will not stop." In 2023, Zhang Xiansuo won the title of "The Most Beautiful Family in the Fight against the Epidemic" in Tongguan District and "Outstanding Communist Party Member" in Xihu Town, Tongguan District.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲This is a letter of thanks from the Tongguan District Committee of the Communist Party of China and the District People's Government to Zhang Xiansuo.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo received a certificate of honor from his superiors.

Ability and quality are further improved

No matter what age you are, only by constantly improving yourself will the spiritual world be enriched and abundant, your horizons will be broadened, and you will be able to face the thorns and ups and downs of life with more confidence and calmness. What you look like is entirely up to you. Keeping learning and improving is the best feedback to life.

In today's fast-paced society, we face a wide variety of tasks and pressures every day. In order to meet this challenge, it is necessary to maintain a self-learning attitude and an interest in new technologies and business development. At the same time, you will need to attend training and refresher courses in order to refresh your skills and knowledge.

Reading is the number one priority in life. Zhang Xiansuo deeply realized: "Learning is very important for personal growth. If a person wants to make a difference in society, he must keep learning. Through study, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, integrate the core socialist values into all aspects of social development, and transform them into people's emotional identity and behavioral habits. Learn new scientific and technological knowledge, apply new scientific and technological knowledge to practical work, and improve work efficiency and quality. He believes that learning is the best way to renew yourself. Learning is not simply to flip through a book and look at it, but to think repeatedly by reading a book; Strive to make use of all available opportunities to listen to professional knowledge lectures, participate in professional theoretical training, etc., and constantly improve their knowledge level and broaden their knowledge.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo obtained various training and education graduation (completion) certificates.

That's what Zhang Xiansuo said, and that's what he did. In 2019, Zhang Xiansuo obtained a diploma in civil engineering from China University of Petroleum. In December 2021, Zhang Xiansuo was awarded the title of socialization engineer; In November 2022, he participated in the special training camp of "Future New Huizhou Businessmen" of Shanghai Jiaotong University; In March 2023, he participated in the training on improving the ability of deputies to the People's Congress of Yan'an Cadre College in Shaanxi Province.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo was awarded the honorary certificate of outstanding representative suggestion in 2022 by the Municipal People's Congress.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲In October 2023, the Office of the Rural Work Leading Group of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China,

The Anhui Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs awarded Zhang Xiansuo the title of "Anhui New Farmer".

Due to Zhang Xiansuo's hard work and hard work, Tongling Hengtang Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., which he founded, has been awarded the honorary titles of "Provincial Ecological Farm", "Anhui Rural Tourism Trunk Engineering Base", "Demonstration Base for Audio-visual Education Distance Teaching for Party Members in the City", "Anhui Province 2023 Integrity Management Demonstration Unit", and in 2023, Zhang Xiansuo won the honorary titles of "Top Ten Grain Production Enterprises in the City".

In June 2024, Zhang Xiansuo's advanced deeds will be recommended as the "2024 Rural Culture and Tourism Leader" and reported to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo
A private entrepreneur who devotes himself to rural revitalization - Zhang Xiansuo

▲Zhang Xiansuo's company has won various awards.

Author's comments: Success is a kind of harvest, but also a kind of joy brought by persistence and dedication. Hard work will eventually pay off, hard work pays off, and more persistence than others will create miracles. Zhang Xiansuo's road is not smooth sailing, on the contrary, his entrepreneurial journey is full of thorns, but he does not forget his original intention, with the mission of rural revitalization, with the belief of not admitting defeat, perseverance, perseverance and perseverance, tenacious struggle, step by step, down-to-earth, to create a career platform to play their own value, but also for the villagers to find a road to common prosperity, he has made outstanding contributions to rural revitalization, to promote the rapid and good development of the local agricultural economy.

Author: Boom