
10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?

author:Henan Satellite TV


Summer vacation has arrived for primary and secondary school students

Great time

In addition to doing summer homework

Have you considered going to some special places?

What about broadening your horizons?

The history and culture of the Chinese nation stretches back thousands of years

Many places are full of history

In these thousands of years of sun and moon changes

There are many places that have changed their names several times

There is also a place with a name called for thousands of years

There are also places that have changed their names for a short time

But after all, it went back to its original name


Let's take a look


Luoyang has a long history, as early as the Paleolithic Age, about 560,000 years ago, there were ancestors living here.

In the early years of the Xia Dynasty, Yu divided Kyushu, Heluo belonged to the ancient Yuzhou land, and Luoyang was the center of the Xia Dynasty's founding and activities.

In 1046 BC, after the Yin Dynasty of the Western Zhou Dynasty, he began to build the capital of the country in Luoyang. The Duke of Zhou built the royal city and the city of Chengzhou on the north bank of Luoshui, and the history called the king of Cheng "the first move to the house in Chengzhou", "Dingding in Jiajun", and "Zhaizi China". At that time, Luoyang was called Luoyi, Xinyi, Dayi, Tianmur, China, etc., also known as Zhounan.

In the first year of Guangwu Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25 years), Liu Xiuding made the capital Luoyang and changed Luoyang to Luoyang. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties (220 years), Emperor Wen of Wei Cao Pi made the capital Luoyang and changed Luoyang to Luoyang.

Luoyang is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization, the eastern starting point of the Silk Road, and the center of the Sui-Tang Grand Canal.

In history, there have been 13 dynasties to build the capital in Luoyang, which is the earliest, the longest and the most dynasties in China, and one of the four holy cities in the world.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


Speaking of Handan, you are certainly no stranger. That's right, it's Handan in "Handan Toddler". If you were told that the name "Handan" had not changed for 3,000 years, would you be shocked?

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Handan was the capital of the Zhao State. According to the "Bamboo Book Chronicle", the late Shang Dynasty built a palace annex in Handan, confirming that Handan City has a history of at least 3,100 years.

How profound the historical and cultural heritage of Handan is, you will know for example.

Among the more than 10,000 idioms in Chinese, 1,584 are from Handan, and most of these idioms have historical allusions. For example, in addition to "Handan toddler", there are also "encircling Wei to save Zhao", "returning to Zhao after completion", "taking the guilt of Jing and asking for guilt", "friends with necks", "making peace", "Mao Sui self-recommended", "talking on paper", "one word", "fighting against the water", ...... As a result, Handan is known as the "Capital of Chinese Idioms and Allusions".

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


In the Paleolithic Age, 15-200,000 years ago, there were primitive human activities in Changsha, and clans and tribes were formed in the Neolithic Age.

After Qin unified the Six Kingdoms, Changsha County was established. It is one of the 36 counties in the country. Since then, the name Changsha has never changed.

During Qu Yuan's demotion to Changsha, he was still concerned about the country's fortunes, worried about the country and the people, and left immortal poems such as "Lisao" and "Nine Songs". In 278 B.C., Qin broke through the Chu capital Ying, Qu Yuan's work "Huaisha", threw himself into the Miluo River and died, known as "Qu Changsha" in history.

More than 100 years later, during the Western Han Dynasty, the famous minister Jia Yi was demoted to Changsha and built a house in the place where Qu Yuan washed, and was known as "Jia Changsha". Wang Bo also has the famous sentence "Qu Jia is friendly in Changsha" in the "Preface to the Pavilion of King Teng", so Changsha is known as "the hometown of Qu Jia".

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


Nanyang has a long history, as early as 560,000 years ago, the "Nanzhao ape man" of the same era as the Beijing ape man made stone tools and lived a life of gathering, fishing and hunting.

About five or six thousand years ago, villages and houses appeared, and handicrafts such as agriculture, animal husbandry, and pottery were born. In the Shang Dynasty, it was called "Nanxiang", and in the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was called "Southern Zhou" by the Zhou people.

Like Changsha County, after Qin unified the Six Kingdoms, Nanyang was named "Nanyang" because it was located south of Funiu Mountain and north of Hanshui, and Nanyang County became one of the 36 counties in the country.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu raised troops in Nanyang and achieved the emperor's cause, so Nanyang was called the "Emperor's Township".

Zhuge Liang once lived in Nanyang, in the "Teacher Table", Zhuge Liang said: "Chenben cloth, ploughing in Nanyang." In addition, allusions or legends such as Pangu mythology, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, and the sheep continue to hang the fish all originated here.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


When it comes to Jingzhou, we will think of "Guan Yu's carelessness in Jingzhou". The earliest record of Jingzhou can be traced back to the Xia Dynasty, according to the earliest geographical masterpiece "Yu Gong" in the mainland, "Jing and Hengyang only Jingzhou", that is to say, the ancient emperor Yu divided Kyushu, Jingzhou is one of them.

Since the Chu State established its capital in 689 in Jingzhou Jinan City, six dynasties have built their capitals here, and a total of 34 emperors have ruled here, so Jingzhou has the reputation of "the capital of emperors".

There are more prime ministers born in the history of Jingzhou, Zhang Juzheng, Sun Shuao, Cen Wenwen, etc. are among the best, and there are many celebrities in other fields, only in the Spring and Autumn Period, there are Boya, Wu Zixu, Qu Yuan, etc.

In addition, the world's earliest rice planting technology, the most advanced iron-smelting technology, and the most exquisite silk weaving technology all came from the land of Jingchu.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?

六 (Lù) An

The Lu'an area has a long history of construction. The fief of the descendants of Xia Gaotao - Ying (now Jinzhai, Huoqiu),

Six (now north of Lu'an City), so Lu'an City is also called Gaocheng.

The name of Lu'an began with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, taking the first word of the six counties in Hengshan, Anfeng, Anfeng and other counties, and the country of Hengshan is the country of Liu'an, which has the meaning of "peace in six places and never rebel", and the name of Lu'an began and has been used to this day.

Lu'an is a famous old revolutionary area, known as the cradle of the Red Army and the hometown of generals.

"Lu'an Gua Pian" is one of the top ten famous teas in China, is the best in tea, and was once a tribute to the Qing Dynasty court.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


Qufu is the hometown of Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, and the name "Qufu" was first seen in the Book of Rites. Ying Shao of the Eastern Han Dynasty explained: "There is a Fu in the city of Lu, and it is seven or eight miles long, so it is called Qufu. ”

In the sixteenth year of Emperor Wen of Sui (598), the county was renamed "Qufu". During the time of Song Zhenzong, Qufu was renamed Xianyuan County, and after the Jin soldiers went south, the old name of Qufu County was restored.

Qufu was once the old capital of Emperor Yan, the birthplace of the Yellow Emperor, the ruins of Shaohao, the ancient kingdom of Shang and Zhoulu, and was an important birthplace of oriental culture. At least four of the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" of the Chinese nation have left traces of their activities here.

Because it is the birth, teaching, burial and sacrifice place of Confucius, it is called the "Holy City of the East" and is also known as the "Jerusalem of the East" by Westerners.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


The activities of the ancestors in Kaifeng can be traced back to the Neolithic Age. Several Neolithic tools have been found at sites such as Wanlonggang in Xiangfu District, Kaifeng City, and the excavation of early Peiligang cultural sites has proved that there have been human activities in Kaifeng City as early as five or six thousand years ago.

In the Xia Dynasty, from the emperor to the emperor, the capital was built in Kaifeng for 217 years, and it was known as Laoqiu in history. This is the first time that Kaifeng has a clear historical record of the establishment of the capital.

In the early Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng Zhuang Gong built a granary city near Zhuxian Town in the south of Kaifeng City, and named it Kaifeng with the meaning of "opening up and sealing the territory".

At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, in order to avoid the name of Emperor Liu Qi of the Han Dynasty, Qifeng County was renamed Kaifeng County, which is the earliest origin of the name "Kaifeng".

In the first year of Tianping of the Eastern Wei Dynasty (534), Emperor Xiaojing established Liangzhou, which governed three counties, including Chenliu, Kaifeng and Yangxia. Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty built five years (576 years), changed Liangzhou to Bianzhou, which is the beginning of Kaifeng called "Bian".

During the Five Dynasties period, the Later Liang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou successively set their capitals in Kaifeng, and called it "Eastern Capital" or "Tokyo".

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Kaifeng ushered in the most glorious era in history, when Kaifeng was the most prosperous metropolis in the world. The Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan's work "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival" vividly depicts the prosperous and lively scene and beautiful natural scenery on both sides of the Bianhe River in Kaifeng City, Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty during the Qingming Dynasty. In the second year of Song Jingkang (1127), after the Jin Kingdom destroyed the Northern Song Dynasty, Tokyo was renamed "Bianjing".

In the first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1368), Bianliang Road was changed to Kaifeng Mansion, Kaifeng County and Xiangfu County were merged, Henan Zhongshu was divided into provinces, Kaifeng Mansion was governed by the province, and Kaifeng City was rebuilt.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


According to the record of "Taiping Huanyu Ji", during the Zhou Dynasty, the capital was moved to Qidi, and there was a saying that "one year into a gathering, two years into a city, and three years into Chengdu", but at this time, "Chengdu" was just a word, not specifically referring to Chengdu.

It was not until the 4th century BC that the Enlightened Dynasty moved the capital of Shu to Chengdu, and borrowed the saying of King Qianqi of Zhou to name the new capital "Chengdu".

In the Shu language, "Cheng" has the meaning of "finished" and "last", and "Chengdu" means the last capital of Shu, which is also the good wish of the people for a stable life. Since then, the word "Chengdu" has been used as a place name to this day.

Chengdu has a long history and splendid culture, and is the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, giving birth to many places of interest and historic sites such as Sanxingdui civilization, Dujiangyan, Wuhou Temple, Du Fu Thatched Cottage, Jinsha Ruins, etc. Han is one of the five metropolises in the country; Tang is one of the most developed industrial and commercial cities in China, known as "Yang Yi Yi II"; The Northern Song Dynasty gave birth to the world's first paper money Jiaozi.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?


In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, Xiangyang City was built, and Xiangyang County was placed, which was named after the county seat located in Xiangshui (now Nanqu).

Xiangyang is the birthplace of Chu culture, Han culture, and the culture of the Three Kingdoms, and is known as "the first city in China, the iron-clad Xiangyang, and the place where soldiers must fight".

According to historical records, there have been 172 famous wars in Xiangyang in history. Among them, the war between the Yuan and Song dynasties lasted for six years, making the name of "Xiangyang of Iron Fighting" famous at home and abroad.

Although the dynasty has changed, the name Xiangyang has been used. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, its administrative area was merged into Xiangfan City, and it was officially changed back to Xiangyang City in 2010.

10 cities that haven't changed their names for thousands of years, do you have your hometown?

Due to space limitations, it is not possible to list comprehensively

Do you know any other places that haven't changed their names for thousands of years?

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Synthesized from: Classical Literature and Poetry, Lu Xun is Coming, Jin Xiaoyou, etc