
Daily word 945: tribute

author:The book is about to come out
Daily word 945: tribute

What I shared today is: the word "tribute".

Gong, pinyin gòng, was first seen in the Warring States period, and its ancient characters are shaped by "bei" and sounded by "gong". From "shell", it means that it is related to property, and the original meaning refers to the sacrifice of items to the imperial court, and also refers to the gift of the upper to the lower and the contribution of the lower to the superior.

Daily word 945: tribute

The upper part of the "work" character is flat and wide, and the first horizontal is cut obliquely into the pen with the open front, do not write long, and the shoulder is rounded; Vertical painting pen to the left, vertical body should be short, slightly apostrophe; Long horizontal square pen, left probe, left shoulder, to the right line of the pen slightly lighter, press the vertical painting of the pen and pass, the right part is slightly flat, the pen is slightly pressed down to make it slightly arched.

The lower part of the word "shell" corresponds to the center of gravity above, and the left vertical pen is open to the front, with a slight arc, and the downward slope is slightly left; Fold up the pen horizontally and connect with the left vertical, draw the shoulder horizontally, fold the pen in place and then fold the pen down to write the right vertical, the vertical body is slightly heavier and slightly longer, the inside is straight and the outside is bent, and the left vertical is slightly contrary to the trend; The angles of the two small transverse shoulders in the middle are the same, and the spacing is equal; The bottom horizontal is slightly left to probe, hold the left vertical pen, parallel to the above horizontal painting equidistant, and the pen is hidden in the right vertical; The small apostrophe is located on the right side of the left vertical, and the pen is picked up from the bottom and horizontal, and the skimming body is slightly straight; The right point position is down, the form is full, the triangle is belly, the center of gravity falls down and supports the right vertical.

Daily word 945: tribute

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Simplified Chinese writing of the word "tribute":

Daily word 945: tribute

How to write the word "tribute":

Daily word 945: tribute
Daily word 945: tribute