
Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong


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Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Jin Yong's demon girl is far more vivid and agile than the famous lady.

The stunningly beautiful and "not right" woman is alive and beautiful, and she refuses to keep her duties like a lady, which makes the righteous gentleman unable to resist, and the defender can't help but scold her as a "demon girl".

For example, as soon as Huang Rong appeared, Guo Jing's master scolded her as a "little demon girl"; Yin Susu is also a "demon girl"; Ren Yingying is a "demon witch"; He Tieshou, Blue Phoenix and others are naturally enchantresses; Even Zhao Min, the lord of Mongolian counties, is also called the "little demon girl".

Jin Yong alone supported a martial arts universe.

In the flying snow shooting white deer in the sky, and the smiling book god leaning on the blue duck, he portrayed countless vivid women who are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Among them, there are poor girls in the countryside, noble daughters, and demon witches......

Speaking of Jin Yong's daughter, there is Princess Changping first.

In "Blue Blood Sword", Princess Changping gives the strongest impression of her extremely beautiful appearance and noble temperament. According to the story, the heroine of the story must be the most beautiful woman in the book, but the most beautiful in "Blue Blood Sword" is not Wen Qingqing, but Changping, who is known as Cheng Qingzhu, the leader of the Qingzhu Gang with the pseudonym Ah Jiu and his master, robbed the dart. Even the actor Yuan Chengzhi thought so, although he didn't dare to say it.

The second time he met Yuan Chengzhi was on the way to hunt outside the capital.

The reader only thought that Yuan Chengzhi would fall in love with the princess, but who expected that the princess would be obsessed with Yuan Chengzhi, and the third watch painted his portrait in the dormitory in the middle of the night and put it in front of the bed. Yuan Chengzhi was found to be in the palace at night and strayed into the princess's bedroom, so he not only recognized the identity of "Ah Jiu", but also gained insight into her girlish feelings. Later, on the day of the city break, Chongjiao wanted to kill Changping with a sword, and after cutting off her arm, she was rescued by Yuan Chengzhi. In the end, she cut her hair and was escorted to Huashan by He Tieshou, Jin Yong wrote that she was "picturesque, haggard", wrapped in a white fox fur, and wearing a white fox fur hat on her head, although it was inconsistent with the identity of the monk, but it effectively maintained her luxurious image, although the surface was superficial, but it was very effective.

Changping is a teenage girl in "Blue Blood Sword", and when she reappears in "The Legend of Deer and Ding" as the role of the white-clothed nun in the nine difficulties, she is already in her thirties, still beautiful and noble. But this time the nobility is more subtle, dressed in white, dusty, lonely, and doesn't talk much, but it has its own majesty, and even Wei Xiaobao doesn't dare to make a mistake in front of her.

Miao Ruolan is also one of Jin Yong's daughters. This golden-faced Buddha and Miao Renfeng's daughter is a beautiful lady, and of course she is beautiful. She doesn't know martial arts, but she is soft but not weak, and she is very imposing. Jin Yong wrote about her in a slightly humorous and exaggerated way, making people feel that she was a little funny when they liked her.

First of all, before anyone appeared, the girl had come up first, and the old mother was holding a large number of toys in the cabinet, clothes, and sundries, and explained in a verbose manner that the young lady wanted to be like this, not like that, and at the top of the snow-capped mountain where the heroes gathered and the swords were tense, it was simply infuriating and funny.

and Li Yuanzhi. Li Yuanzhi is a veritable daughter of the government. 's father is a member of the court, she is an only daughter, smart and beautiful, empathetic, of course, she has to be windy, rain and rain, others are not afraid of her and let her, otherwise seeing that people like her actually whispered a plea, it was very smooth and happy to agree. Otherwise, she knows how to please people so much, she is pestering for something, and she can't do it if she doesn't agree to her - for example, Lu Feiqing, who was originally incognito, taught the hall to avoid enemies, was milled by Li Yuanzhi to ask him to teach martial arts, and finally accepted her as an apprentice.

Of course, a woman like Li Yuanzhi, if you let her get what she wants, she must be very good to you, making you feel very worthwhile, but only when you can't make her happy, she will let you see her cold and noble face.

and Guo Jing and Huang Rong's daughter Guo Fu. Guo Fu's family background is really amazing, her mother is the former beggar gang leader Huang Rong, her father is Guo Jing Guo Daxia, and her grandfather is Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island. The status can be described as a little princess in the martial arts. But this eldest lady is very annoying. She is arrogant, arrogant and willful, with low IQ and EQ, relying on the prestige of her parents to teach people everywhere, and as a result, she broke Yang Guo's arm and seriously injured Xiaolongnu with a poisonous needle, causing their husband and wife to suffer and be separated for 16 years.

Jin Yong's writing about Guo Jing and Huang Rong's daughter seems to be intentionally disappointing at first glance, but when you think about it, it is actually both a bold creation and a reasonable one. Guo Fu was born with Huang Rong's delicate appearance, but inherited Guo Jing's chaotic brains. But although Guo Jing is stupid, he has many personality advantages, and he was taught by his mother and masters to be an honest, upright, tenacious and chivalrous hero. But Guo Fu is so lucky, she was unfortunately born in a privileged environment, noble since childhood, and was spoiled early in the morning, so in addition to being stupid and reckless, she also has to add arrogance and willfulness, which is really a mess.

In the minds of ordinary people, the descendants of loyalty and goodness must be loyal and good, and geniuses are also bound to be blessed. In fact, otherwise, with Huang Rong's willful protection, she naturally will not control her baby daughter well, and Guo Jing advocates strict control, but she is blindly strict and has no way, one tight and one loose, this lovely and respectable couple raised a lawless and reckless daughter. Jin Yong's Guo Fu is reasonable.

In contrast, Jin Yong's demon girl is far more vivid and agile than the famous lady.

The stunningly beautiful and "not right" woman is alive and beautiful, and she refuses to keep her duties like a lady, which makes the righteous gentleman unable to resist, and the defender can't help but scold her as a "demon girl".

For example, as soon as Huang Rong appeared, Guo Jing's master scolded her as a "little demon girl"; Yin Susu is also a "demon girl"; Ren Yingying is a "demon witch"; He Tieshou, Blue Phoenix and others are naturally "demon girls"; Even Zhao Min, the lord of Mongolian counties, is also called the "little demon girl".

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Next, let's take a look at these lively demon girls in Jin Yong's pen.

The first place, Huang Rong

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Many people don't like Huang Rong, especially the middle-aged Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", thinking that she is too smart and a little almost gloomy.

When I read "The Condor Heroes", I never liked the middle-aged Huang Rong, because I loved Yang Guo the most.

Mr. Ni Kuang criticized Huang Rong, and he also said: Huang Rong in girlhood is so cute, and she is very uncute when she reaches middle age.

The girl Huang Rong is not only peerless in appearance and delicate, but also ice and snow smart, elf cute, and cooks good food, becoming the most popular heroine in Jin Yong's fans.

Huang Rong's appearance in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is described as follows:

The young man was about fifteen or sixteen years old, wearing a swarthy torn fur hat crookedly on his head, his face and hands were full of black coals, and he could no longer see his true face, and he held a steamed bun in his hand, grinning, revealing two rows of shiny snow-white teeth, but they were extremely incommensurate with his whole body. The eyes are dark and very smart.

And such a "little demon girl" with "dark eyes and very smart" has become a middle-aged woman who is scheming and mean in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

Not to mention anything else, Guo Fu cut off Yang Guo's right arm, and Huang Rong's reaction was enough to make people complain.

The book describes as follows:

I only heard Huang Rong persuade softly: "Fu'er cut off one of her arms, I was afraid that you would punish her, so I escaped and hid there for more than ten days, I remember it to death." It's easy to look forward to her coming home, and for so many days, you still refuse to see her. Your own daughter, how can you be so ruthless! Brother Jing, you listen to my advice, then when you see her, you will scold her fiercely, or beat her hard with bamboo. She's afraid that you're so scared, you've lost almost ten pounds these days. You are really angry, make your dragon descending eighteen palms hit her ass a few times, and it will be over. When she said the eighteen palms of the dragon, there was already a smile in her voice.
Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Guo Fu cut off Yang Guo's right arm, Huang Rong didn't care about Yang Guo's future situation and circumstances, but was worried that the upright Guo Jing would blame her daughter Guo Fu, "Slap her ass a few times, it's over", as easy as punishing a child who made a small mistake! can't help but be reminiscent of the line that ruined the three views, "Luping, you just lost a leg, and Ziling, what she lost was love!" ”

In the same context, the middle-aged Huang Rong expressed the meaning: "Yang Guo just lost his right arm, and Guo Fu has lost 10 pounds."

The coldness and lack of empathy in my heart are exposed, and people can't help but shudder.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Thinking that Huang Rong was not bound by etiquette when she was a girl, she didn't obey her father's arrangement to marry Ouyang Ke, who was the right person, but she wanted to marry the "silly boy" Guo Jing, but when she reached middle age, why did she also carry the banner of the world and began to use "etiquette and religion" to resolutely oppose Yang Guo's marriage?

From a little demon girl who does not abide by the etiquette and law, she has become Mrs. Guo who is full of righteousness, and even her father Huang Yaoshi said, "She herself is married to a good husband, so she doesn't miss the pain of lovesickness of others?" My baby daughter is only to her husband, hehe, marry and obey her husband, three from four virtues, great! ”

Jia Baoyu said:

"A girl is a priceless jewel when she is not married; got married, somehow there were a lot of bad problems, although it was a bead, but it was not a glorious jewel, it was a dead pearl; No matter how old it is, it's not the beads, it's the fish eyes. ”

Could it be that the middle-aged Huang Rong has also become a fish eye?

But I also have to admit that Huang Rong is one of Jin Yong's best-written female characters.

I especially appreciate his handling of Huang Rong's personality development from a young girl in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" to a middle-aged woman in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Most of the other female characters are flat characters, but Huang Rong is a real person who is alive, has advantages and disadvantages, grows up, changes, and ages.

Familiar with these two sets of novels, I feel that understanding Huang Rong's life is rare among Jin Yong's successful roles.

When we are middle-aged, we have been in society for half a lifetime, we have a soft underbelly, we have to grow worldly armor, and no matter how free and uninhibited a girl is, we have to worry about firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Jin Yong's precise brushstrokes in writing Huang Rong are not like creating a character, but like describing a person he knows and loves very well.

In fact, Huang Rong is not "powerful", except for being particularly smart and beautiful, she is just an ordinary woman. When I was a girl, I loved to play, and when I met a young man I liked, I just wanted to be with him day and night, stay with him for the rest of my life, and I wanted to marry him as a wife.

After getting married, he devoted himself to helping him succeed in his career and raising children for him. She doesn't have big ambitions, but she puts her husband first and worries about her children.

Even in terms of intelligence, Huang Rong's intelligence is limited to quick thinking and a particularly good memory. Poetry and songs, couplet riddles she never forgets, martial arts arithmetic is a little bit of understanding, but she does not have extraordinary wisdom, a lamp master Zen machine she is at a loss to know what to do. She is impatient, lacks perseverance, and is not necessarily particularly sympathetic, seeing that Mu Nianci is trapped by love, she only feels curious and playful. Jin Yong said that smart people inevitably lack empathy. It wasn't until he was helplessly separated from Guo Jing that he began to understand the taste of sorrow, and it was frustration and suffering that forced Huang Rong to grow up.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Mu Nianci said that Huang Rong is a smart woman, and she has a good life.

It is undeniable that Huang Rong's life is really good. 's father is the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master, her lover is Guo Jing, who is loyal and honest and almost obedient to her, Ouyang Feng, the Western Poison, always suffers at her hands, the Southern Emperor loves her, and the Northern Beggar, Hong Qigong, is her master, Zhou Botong is afraid of her, and the only person who can have such a background in Jin Yong's pen is Huang Rong. She is smart and witty, she lives uninhibitedly, and lives by nature.

And the role of Huang Rong is very entertaining. I especially like the plot where she debunked Ouyang Feng and Yang Kang killing the six monsters in Jiangnan on Peach Blossom Island in Yuewang Temple, starting from her writing in the palm of Ke Zhen's evil hand: "Sue my father for killing me", and then forced Ouyang Feng to let Ke Zhen, who finally understood the inside story, go evil, analyze and reason, step by step insight into the opportunity, tense and exciting, like reading the most tortuous detective novel. But this time I have begun to see Huang Rong face danger with wit, no longer only easy to fight wit, and gradually stepped into the bitter situation of "wise men's concerns" in the later "The Condor Heroes".

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Guo Jing and Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" (1994).

Why did the elf and delicate Huang Rong marry Guo Jing, who is clumsy and not necessarily handsome?

One explanation is "turnip cabbage, each with its own love". This explanation is tantamount to saying that there is no reason for love.

There is a new school explanation that Huang Rong just took a fancy to Guo Jing's stupidity and was easy to control, which was too rational.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Huang Rong met Guo Jing for the first time, but Ying Ying was fifteen, rude and willful, and her father had a great background, so she was not afraid of being bullied by anyone.

And she is not only willful, but also infatuated, and she is really in love with Guo Jing. When she found out that Guo Jing was already a "golden knife horse", she said to her father:

"If he marries someone else, I will marry another; He only has me in his heart, and I only have him in my heart, I am your daughter, and I can't take me if others are unhappy, but I won't live long if he treats me like this. ”

"One more day with him will make you rejoice."

Huang Yaoshi saw that his daughter's eyes were lingering, and he was inseparable, knowing that the love was deeply rooted and irretrievable, so he could only accompany her to be sad.

You see, no matter how clever and clever a woman is, she will also suffer from love.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Guo Jing and Huang Rong in "Jin Yong's Martial Arts World" (2024).

Huang Rong is really in love with Guo Jing, if you want to explain, the logic can also be very clear:

Men generally love women with sex, and women love men, but it is based on worship. Guo Jing thinks Rong'er is "indescribably cute", but Huang Rong loves Guo Jing because "there can be no better person in the world than him", because he is a good person, a gentleman, and a person who has clear principles and strictly abides by them.

In psychological terms, Guo Jing is Huang Rong's moral category, and what he gives Huang Rong is the spiritual security she has always lacked.

In other words, Guo Jing is the "father figure" that Huang Rong longs for in her heart. Huang Yaoshi's relationship with his daughter has always been more of a friend than a father-daughter relationship, he taught her martial arts, talked with her about poetry and papers, but never disciplined her as a father. It is precisely because of this relationship that he has a lot of dissatisfaction with Guo Jing, many of which are jealous, and later Guo Jing and Huang Rong got married and had children, and Huang Rong became a good wife and mother, he was even more invisible, not only estranged from them, but also talked about Huang Rong with Yang Guo, which was still very sour.

Huang Yaoshi said: "If she marries a good husband herself, she doesn't miss the pain of lovesickness of others? My baby daughter is only to her husband, hehe, 'marry and obey her husband', three from four virtues, great! ”

Obviously, after meeting Guo Jing, Huang Rong's values slowly began to change.

The two most important men in Huang Rong's life, Huang Yaoshi and Guo Jing, are at two extremes: Huang Yaoshi is willful and straightforward, acting arbitrarily, and handling things first with his own likes and dislikes first; But Guo Jing has a self-sacrificing personality, and would rather be burdened by others than by others.

Before Huang Rong was 15 years old, her personality development was mainly influenced by her father Huang Yaoshi, but when she stepped into the rivers and lakes and met Guo Jing, her sense of morality and values began to be imperceptibly influenced by Guo Jing and gradually returned to the mainstream of society.

When Guo and Huang met for the first time in Zhangjiakou, Guo Jing not only didn't care about Huang Rong's vexatious squandering of money, but also undressed and gave away horses, caring for her, which deeply moved Huang Rong, and her love has been deeply rooted since then.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Subsequently, the first conflict of values between the two appeared when "Yu Zhou discussed taking medicine for the king":

Wang was seriously injured, Guo Jing searched for wound medicine but couldn't get it, and he was anxious, but at this moment, Huang Rong acted like she didn't care, and at this critical juncture, she also pulled Guo Jing to enjoy the scenery in the lake, and even said "Then let him be crippled, it's not you who are crippled, I'm crippled" Such cool words made the good-tempered Guo Jing can't help but "have anger on his face".

How smart Huang Rong was, how could she not detect Guo Jing's reaction? So since then, Huang Rong's behavior has obviously "improved" a lot.

In other words, Huang Rong was sensitively aware that Guo Jing didn't like her self-centered and lack of empathy, so she began to consciously change herself to conform to Guo Jing's values.

As she grows older, Huang Rong's brutality gradually decreases, although she still occasionally speaks angrily and makes a small temperament, but on the whole, her personality still tends to be calm and general, and she is becoming more and more self-sacrificing chivalrous.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

For example, when King Jinlun fought with Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu:

The two tried their best, but it was still difficult to parry...... (Huang Rong) thought to herself: "He (Yang Guo) sacrificed his life to save me, how can I only try to save myself and give it up?" "Stand at the top of the building and quietly watch the battle.

The Wu brothers urged repeatedly...... Huang Rong ignored them at first, listened to their urging, and said angrily: "If you don't speak the word 'chivalrous', what's the use of practicing martial arts?" What's the use of living in the world? This surnamed Yang is a hundred times stronger than you. ”

Although Huang Rong has always been prejudiced against Yang Guo because of Yang Kang, seeing that Yang Guo sacrificed his life to save him, even though he was in disharmony and unable to help, Yang Guo and the Wu brothers tried to persuade her to leave first, but Huang Rong still insisted on sweeping the formation, hoping that she could help Yang Guo at a critical moment.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

Huang Rong is not a "little East Evil", in personality she is just an ordinary woman, living a "normal" family life with Guo Jing, accepting his moral and ethical values, and at the same time being accepted by the society, she is very satisfied, she wants happiness in the world, don't be lonely and proud of the world, Huang Yaoshi is disappointed in her, there is no way. So later, compared to Huang Rong, Yang Guo and Huang Yaoshi became confidants.

Why does Huang Rong love Guo Jing, even if she doesn't understand it when she watches "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", she will understand it when she watches "The Legend of the Condor Heroes". Yang Guo is a copy of Huang Rong, this Jin Yong has hinted many times, and Huang Rong herself has repeatedly said it, the two are generally tricky and eccentric, smart and clever, infatuated and willful, one is delicate and handsome, the other is handsome, the difference is the life experience of the two.

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

When Huang Rong first met Guo Jing, she pretended to be a dirty ragged screamer, and Yang Guo was almost the same as screaming at all. Huang Rong later asked Guo Jing to meet at the lake, restored her original appearance, Guo Jing only felt that she was like a fairy descending to earth, Huang Rong said that when she wore such clothes, everyone would be good with her, but when she pretended to be a little flower, he treated her well, and that was sincere.

And Yang Guo's little flower is not pretending, no wonder everyone treats him badly.

When smart people are too smart, they will be all soldiers, no one can be trusted, therefore, there is no one to love, but Huang Rong and Yang are all people who need love very much, so they meet a straightforward person and stupid person who loves themselves wholeheartedly, because they are stupid and trustworthy, they are like saviors, love each other wholeheartedly, and follow each other to death.

Guo Jing is a stupid person, Xiaolongnu is a stupid person, Yang Guo loves Xiaolongnu and Huang Rong loves Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Yang Guo always have a knot in each other's hearts, and they can't love each other, which is the relationship between personalities.

Master Yilan praised the middle-aged Huang Rong for his wisdom and bravery, how to call it "wisdom", it seems that there is no need to explain, but there are many kinds of "brave". There is the fearless "courage to take the lead" of the ignorant, and there is also the courage to "not flinch when you feel fear" that is more worthy of admiration. Guo Jing heard that Du Shila Leopard was going to find Tuo Lei and was going to tell Tuo Lei to escape, Han Xiaoying asked him if he was afraid that even he would eat him, and he said, "I'm afraid." Han Xiaoying asked, "Then do you want to go?" Guo Jing replied: "I'll go." "That's the kind of bravery. The third type of courage is the courage to take action after rational analysis and planning.

Huang Rong went to save Yang Guo's life in order to obtain the only remaining love flower antidote pill, and persuaded Qiu Qianqi to beat her with three jujube core nails. This jujube core nail is very powerful, although Huang Rong is planning a plan, she still has to risk her life. Master Yilan praised her for her wisdom and bravery, which refers to this kind of bravery.

Another time was when she dived into the cold pool at the bottom of the Valley of Despair to find Yang Guo. Although Huang Rong has the best water nature, she was nearly fifty years old at the time, and no one knew what danger was at the bottom of the pool, so she tried her best to dive to the deepest depths she could dive, so that when she came up, her hair was also covered with thin ice, which is not brave.

This kind of calm courage is not inferior to the first and second kinds of bravery, on the contrary, the courage required to go all out after seeing the danger clearly requires even greater courage. However, the courage that requires the greatest courage is also the one that is least appreciated by the people. Huang Rong sacrificed his life twice to save Yang Guo, how moved was he? And how many readers were moved? It was a stupid and stupid fight, and they died together for no reason, and everyone felt extremely admired and happy.

To put it bluntly, the reason is also very simple, if someone is desperate to do one thing for himself regardless of the consequences, then it proves that he is important, has the power to influence the actions of others, makes people give up the power of reason, and makes himself have this sense of victory People are naturally very cute.

And Huang Rong is even controlled by reason in the face of life and death, of course, it is extremely "uncute".

Inventory of Jin Yong's demon girl: Huang Rong

- End -

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Yoyo-chan, likes to read, likes to travel, likes cats and dogs, and likes all good things. Serious lover of hot pot. It's not cold, but it's very attitude. The world may be cold, but the heart is still warm. Official account: Accompany you through the long years (ID: sunshine_phuket). Please contact the author in the background for reprinting.

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