
Song on the Day of the Founding of the Party (two songs)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Xu Yunmin/Jimu Chu Tianshu

Song on the Day of the Founding of the Party (two songs)

Songs were played on the founding day of the party

Xu Yunmin (Shangqiu, Henan)

July 1st ushered in the founding day of the party, and Shenzhou broadcast hymns.

The red boat swayed a thousand waves, and the war drums beat open the ten thousand peaks.

The people of the whole country rose up together to open up a new life.

Now we are stepping forward from the beginning, singing the wind all the way.

Song on the Day of the Founding of the Party (two songs)

Forever meet joy and look up to Shaoshan Mountain

Jimu Chu Tianshu (Hubei)

Emperor Shun Yuyin, Shaoshan sunrise, Huaxia auspicious.

Shangwu Changying, Longfeng Chongjun, Ping rest Shen Feng Shui.

Quiet water droplets, enlightenment of the South School, Mao's ancestral hall assembly.

The square is wide, the statue of Kaiyuan, and the flowers will always accompany the hero.

This life is lucky, a lifetime of fate, four dragons to know the cloud.

Bring your family, invite your own colleagues, or a few friends.

Spring flowers are beautiful, summer lotus is beautiful, autumn is beautiful Jiulong Peak.

Taste Shao music, taste braised pork, and get drunk.

The second rhyme and the two benevolent brothers are interesting

Jimu Chu Tianshu (Hubei)

The spirit of strength follows the two, and the talent is higher than the oil in the belly.

Huan Fei Yan is delicate, what is the posture of the big worry.

Song on the Day of the Founding of the Party (two songs)

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Chang Xianyun/Song Xianlin "Qingyanwei Literature" Editorial Department