
Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Ma Jukui (Henan)

Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)


The night rain washed through the day, and the corn belts squeaked.

Ten thousand phases moisturize the bird forest language, a fresh praise.

Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)


Gongmei Eagle City shows the wind and pursues the Chinese dream.

The five kilns are the first to be magnificent, and the Kuiru Chai porcelain is prosperous.


The golden light is brilliant lotus yellow, and the jade dew is crystal green and fragrant.

Hot shooting chases joy with emotion, and Cuilian's new taste is light and cool.

Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)


The summer day is churning dry and hot, and the sweat beads of the bathrobe are red in the sun.

The bamboo shakes the fire and flows, and the dancing pine clouds wash the air.

Summer fun

The warm wind blows the lotus dance, and the hot rain floats the leaves.

Red 蜓吻香尝delicious,青蛙击浪潜莲湖。

Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)

summer solstice

The summer solstice day is shorter, and the auspicious wind and hot night are long.

The golden carp in the pond welcomes the silk rain, and the lotus mandarin duck is accompanied by pure fragrance.


The long-term drought is sweet and rainy, and the rain is rich and the wind is clear.

Happy and comfortable smiling at the sky, the cultural eagle city is full of red.

Seven Uniques, Sunny After Rain (Outer Six)

About author:Ma Jukui, the word Kuiru, a native of Baofeng County, Henan Province, is a famous contemporary Ru porcelain expert, a senior arts and crafts artist, an art master in China's arts and crafts industry, and the president of Pingdingshan Arts and Crafts Industry Association.

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Chang Xianyun/Song Xianlin "Qingyanwei Literature" Editorial Department