
What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

author:Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine

One of the most common questions many people ask about some common physical ailments is "What should I eat?" "Indeed, in addition to medicines, many common foods in daily life can play a good role in the body's recovery. Today, I would like to introduce you to some foods that have "good effects".

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

What should I eat when I am sick?


The liver is not good, eat red dates

Jujube is rich in trace elements, which has the effect of promoting the synthesis of albumin in the liver and can adjust immune dysfunction. Eating three jujubes a day has a good conditioning effect on symptoms such as physical weakness, neurasthenia, spleen and stomach disharmony, and indigestion. Moreover, red dates are a warm food, which can also reconcile qi and blood and achieve the effect of warming the body.


Poor heart function, eating apples

Apples are a heart fruit that is good for cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that apples have similar effects on cardiovascular health as statins and others, and eating an apple a day can help reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, especially in people over the age of 50.


The spleen and stomach are weak, eat white lentils

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

White lentils have the function of strengthening the spleen and neutralizing, and can be used for people with weak spleen and stomach who do not eat and drink, vomit and diarrhea.

Take 100 grams of japonica rice and wash it, soak it in cold water for half an hour, remove it, put it in a pot, add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water, and boil over high heat; Put 100 grams of fresh white lentils in a pot and boil over low heat to make porridge. Add brown sugar (or rock sugar) to the porridge, stir well, simmer for a while, and serve when the sugar dissolves.


Liver and kidney deficiency, eat wolfberry

Goji berries enter the liver and kidney meridians, and eating some wolfberries can well replenish kidney qi, benefit the eyes, nourish blood, and delay aging.

It can be used to boil porridge with wolfberry and fresh yam, which has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing the lungs, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and is a good food therapy for people with lung deficiency and cough. You can also use wolfberry and chrysanthemum to make tea and drink, which can clear the liver and eyes, delay skin aging, and is suitable for office workers who have been sedentary for a long time.


Have a bad stomach and eat pumpkin

Pumpkin tastes sticky because it is rich in pectin, which protects the stomach from irritation. You can put a few pieces of pumpkin when cooking porridge, or make a pumpkin soup, which is simple, convenient, nutritious and delicious.


Kidney deficiency and low back pain, eat chestnuts

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Whether chestnuts are eaten raw or cooked, they are sweet, fragrant, and hunger-resistant. Eating 6~10 chestnuts a day has a very good effect on the spleen, kidney and waist. People who usually have low back pain can also try it.


If the lungs are not good, eat white fungus soup

The lung moisturizing effect of white fungus is similar to that of bird's nest, and it contains gum to keep the throat and lungs moist. It is recommended to soak the white fungus soup, first soak the white fungus, wash it and tear it into small pieces, blanch it in water, and then add water with wolfberry, red dates, rock sugar and put it in the pot and cook it until the white fungus is soft and rotten. Finally, add sweet corn kernels and cook for another 15~20 minutes.


Constipation, eat brown rice porridge

The sugars in brown rice are wrapped in crude fiber, which is slow to digest and absorb by the human body, which can increase satiety, help control food intake and blood sugar, and is a good choice for obese, "three high" people and constipated people. However, brown rice is particularly difficult to cook, so it should be soaked for two hours in advance, and it is best to cook it in a pressure cooker, which is easy to cook, soft and easy to digest.


Insomnia, eating mulberries

If you can't fall asleep or wake up early, it affects your rest, so you might as well eat some mulberries. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that mulberries can nourish the yin of the liver and kidneys, and when the kidney yin is sufficient, sleep will be better. At the same time, fresh mulberries contain a lot of dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, and eating some regularly can help laxative, help detoxify and nourish the skin.


High cholesterol, eat hawthorn

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Hawthorn is the fruit with the highest pectin content, with a content of about 2%. Current pharmacological studies on hawthorn have shown that it has the effect of lowering blood cholesterol, enhancing myocardial contractility, increasing coronary blood flow and promoting bile discharge. If the hawthorn taste is too sour, you can boil it in soup and boil it in water, or add a small amount of sugar to boil it into hawthorn sauce.


High blood pressure, eat celery

Celery can not only lower blood pressure but also liver fire, and people with high blood pressure can eat some. Because celery can cool blood and stop bleeding, it can eliminate liver fire, play a role in calming the liver and calming the nerves, the liver fire is gone, blood pressure will naturally not rise, and celery can also laxatively cleanse the intestines. You can choose from scrambled eggs with celery, stir-fried tofu with celery, etc.


High blood sugar, eat cinnamon

Eating 3 grams of cinnamon a day helps people control their blood sugar levels. The reason why cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels is because cinnamon contains flavanol polyphenol antioxidants, which can improve insulin resistance, increase insulin sensitivity, protect pancreatic islet cells, and promote insulin secretion.


Dry skin, eat pine nuts

The elderly are prone to itchy skin, and eating pine nuts can moisturize the skin and prevent and assist in the treatment of dry skin. At the same time, pine nuts contain 681 kcal per 100 grams, which can provide higher calories to the body when eaten regularly, especially in the cold winter, and it is beneficial to supplement the body's energy for the elderly and frail.


Gray hair, eat black beans

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black beans have the effect of relieving surface and clearing heat, nourishing blood and flattening the liver, nourishing the kidneys and strengthening yin, and replenishing deficiency and black hair. Therefore, you can try black bean porridge for kidney tonic and black hair diet therapy at home.

Take an appropriate amount of black beans, yams, sesame seeds, glutinous rice, wolfberries, and black dates. Soak the black beans in advance and then put them in a casserole with other ingredients, add an appropriate amount of water, change to low heat after boiling over high heat, and then boil the black beans to cook rotten, and add an appropriate amount of salt or sugar according to the personal taste, which has the effect of replenishing qi and blood and generating liquid.


Sore throat, cough, eat turnips

White radish has the effects of clearing away heat and generating Jin, cooling blood and stopping bleeding, widening the lower qi, eliminating food and stagnation, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, and smoothing the qi and dissolving phlegm. Therefore, white radish has a good adjuvant treatment effect on acute and chronic pharyngitis, which can relieve the symptoms of sore throat, dry throat and cough, and is also effective for children.

Boil a large pot of white radish soup and drink it in the morning and evening. If you have chronic pharyngitis and chronic tonsillitis, you can often take this decoction to clear your throat.


Anemia, eat black chicken

People with anemia are dizzy and weak, and their faces are pale, so they can usually make some black chicken soup, and when making porridge, use chicken soup as the "base material", add a small amount of shredded chicken meat, and then boil it with fragrant rice to make porridge, which can supplement various nutrients and taste good. Black chicken is a good food therapy product for nourishing the body and nourishing qi and blood.

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

There is also a summary of the efficacy of health ingredients to share with you.

Summary of the efficacy of common health ingredients


Moisturizing and drying, clearing the heat of the six intestines

Peel and core the raw pear, squeeze the juice with a juicer, take about 400ml, and then cook it with 10 grams of rock sugar and 1 fat sea, and take it after 20 minutes.


Nourish the heart and spleen, nourish the blood and calm the nerves

Put 30 grams of longan, 3 grams of sugar, put it in a bowl, put it on the drawer and steam it, and flush 1 spoon of boiling water each time, which can greatly replenish qi and blood, and is also called substitute ginseng ointment.


Nourish the spleen and kidneys, warm and warm

Take 60 grams of mutton, two pieces of tofu, 15 grams of ginger for later use, boil the mutton until it is eight ripe, add ginger and tofu, and season it after cooking.


What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Relieves oiliness and aids digestion

Pick fresh and plump garlic, remove the skin and place in a clean, oil-free and water-free glass bottle. Then pour some aged vinegar and cover with garlic. Cover and seal, leave for two weeks, the color slowly turns green, similar to laba garlic, eat directly or as a side dish with porridge and eat one or two pieces a day.


Warm to relieve pain, dissipate cold and dehumidify

6 grams of Sichuan pepper, 3 grams of nutmeg, decoction in water to extract juice, take morning and evening. 1 dose per day, 1~5 doses in a row, can relieve cold diarrhea


Clears away heat, invigorates and moistens dryness

Drinking a glass of sugarcane juice (200 ml) every day has a good tonic effect. Or peel the sugar cane and cut it into thin slices, put it in a small pot and simmer for 20 minutes, drinking the soup will nourish the throat.


Evacuate wind and heat, clear the liver and eyes

6 grams of chrysanthemums, brewed with hot water at forty or fifty degrees Celsius, drink 3~4 cups a day. Smoking your eyes with the rising steam can also relieve eye fatigue.


What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Clears away heat, detoxifies, and moisturizes the skin

After cooking, it can be mixed cold, stir-fried, and can also be made into soy milk, tofu, bean curd, etc.


Moistens the lungs and dissolves phlegm, invigorates qi and laxative

When boiling porridge, add a few pieces of pumpkin or steam it directly. Or wash the pumpkin, clean all the pumpkin pulps, add goji berries and other ingredients according to your preference, and cover the cut pumpkin cover. Put it in a steamer and steam it.

wax gourd

Dispel heat, dampness, diuretic

Winter melon with skin, 30~60 grams per day, decoction as tea, drink it several times, and take it for 1~3 months. It can reduce weight and blood lipids.


Supplement the five inside, grow muscles

Stir-fry whole sesame seeds (not paste), flatten them on a cutting board, and then roll them out with a rolling pin or crush them with a small stone mill before eating. Drink it directly, add it to milk and soy milk, or dip it in steamed buns.

Chinese cabbage

Relieves fever and relieves annoyance, nourishes the stomach

Wash the cabbage and shred it, and mix the sweet and sour sauce in a bowl. Pour the juice over the shredded cabbage. Sweet and sour is very appetizing.


What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Nourish the heart and calm the nerves, moisten the lungs and relieve cough

Lily syrup. 100 grams of lily and an appropriate amount of sugar. Wash the lily first, soak it in water, boil the soup, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and then eat.

White radish

Eliminate food and accumulation, dissolve phlegm and relieve fever

It can be cooked with rice porridge, or boiled with eggs to make radish and egg soup, or it can be eaten directly with meat stir-fry. With a slight cough, you can also drink white radish juice. Buy a white radish and take its tail and beat the juice.


Nourish deficiency and invigorate qi, nourish blood and calm the nerves

Soak three jujubes in water or cook porridge each time, it is best to tear the jujubes in advance, and eat the jujubes after drinking.


Appetizing and digesting, invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Pour 400~500 ml of water into 8~10 dried hawthorns, and the boiling water temperature is better at 80C~90°C. Don't drink on an empty stomach, wait half an hour after eating.


Nourish the lungs, moisturize the skin and beautify the face

Tear the white fungus into small pieces and soak it in warm or cold water. When cooking, add more water at a time, first boil over high heat and then turn to low heat and simmer slowly, try not to add water in the middle of cooking.

Black beans

Nourish the kidneys and strengthen the body, benefit yin and invigorate blood

It is not recommended to use black beans as a staple food. It is best eaten with cereals, such as steamed and boiled with rice and noodles, or beaten into soy milk, which can help absorb them.

mung bean

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Clear away heat and heat, detoxify water

Mung bean soup to drink. Note: First, if you boil the pot under water, the color of the mung bean soup will be maintained better. When the second boiling, cover the pot, and boil for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and put it out, which has the strongest ability to clear heat.


It relieves swelling of the intestines, strengthens the spleen and stomach

Soak the barley for three hours, put it in a pot and add an appropriate amount of water to boil, turn to low heat and boil for about an hour after boiling, and cook until the barley blooms and the soup becomes a faint white.

Red beans

Diuresis and swelling, spleen and stomach

The red beans are soaked in water for several hours, and then steamed with rice to make red bean rice, which is soft and glutinous and sweet.


Clears away heat and replenishes the middle, detoxifies and moisturizes dryness

One hour before or two hours after meals, take 30~60 grams of honey and wash it with warm boiled water below 60 °C.


What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Nourish qi and spleen, benefit kidneys and lungs

About 30 grams of fresh yam, clean, but do not peel, steam together with the root hairs, and eat together with meals, three times a week.


Nourish the kidneys, nourish the liver and brighten the eyes

Wash 30 grams of wolfberries every day before going to bed and chew them slowly. Or use 15 grams of wolfberries, brew with boiling water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes, and drink.

White lentils

Strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish deficiency and stop diarrhea

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that lentils have the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, replenishing deficiency and stopping diarrhea, and are especially suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, loss of appetite and loose stools. In addition, white lentils are also rich in trace element zinc, which can promote the growth and development of the body and hematopoietic function.


Strengthen the spleen and nourish the middle, calm the heart and calm the nerves

Poria cocos is a kind of mushroom Chinese medicine that has both medicine and food. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that Poria cocos has a sweet and light taste, which can strengthen the spleen and nourish the middle, and calm the mind and nerves. According to modern research, the polysaccharides contained in Poria cocos can enhance the body's immune function. Poria cocos can be added to flour to make pastry to eat, which has a good spleen and stomach effect, especially suitable for people with weak spleen.

lotus root

What should I eat when I am sick? TCM has these recommendations

Strengthen the spleen, stop diarrhea, appetize and healthy

The lotus root exudes a unique fragrance, and also contains tannins, which has a certain spleen-strengthening and antidiarrheal effect, which can increase appetite and promote digestion. Generally, it is best to choose the lotus root with the texture of the noodles in the stewed soup, if it is a whole root, choose the short and thick part in the middle to cook the soup, and the pointed and long lotus root that grows at both ends tastes crispy and is suitable for stir-frying.


Strengthens the spleen and neutralizes the stomach, and sleeps well

Millet has the effects of strengthening the spleen, neutralizing and benefiting kidney qi, clearing deficiency and heat, etc., which is very nourishing. In addition, millet is also rich in vitamins BI, B2, etc. After millet is cooked in porridge, the starch is gelatinized, which is very digestible and suitable for any age group. Although millet is good, it should not be used as a staple food alone, and attention should be paid to the combination to avoid a lack of other nutrients.


Diaphoresis relieves the surface, warms the stomach and relieves vomiting

Buy a few catties of ginger, slice or shred, and soak it in vinegar to eat. Or drink some ginger soup from time to time. Note that ginger should not be eaten too much, a few slices at a time are enough.


Laxative, cough relieve, laxative skin care

Water chestnut juice is mixed with pear juice, fresh reed root juice, wheat winter juice, lotus root juice or sugarcane juice, and served evenly and cold, or slightly stewed and warm.

lotus seed

Clear the heat and quench the fire

Lotus seed cores are brewed with water to make tea, or fresh white lotus seeds are boiled in water to strengthen the heart and calm the nerves. ■

[Source: Health Times, China Traditional Chinese Medicine News, People's Daily and other WeChat]

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