
Jiugongge live broadcast to make money: "Big Brother" spent tens of millions of rewards, and the anchor earned 200,000 yuan a month

author:Tech Planet
Jiugongge live broadcast to make money: "Big Brother" spent tens of millions of rewards, and the anchor earned 200,000 yuan a month

Source | Tech Planet

Text | Zhai Yuanyuan

In 2022, live streaming suffered a major industry shock. The "Opinions on Regulating Online Live Streaming Tips and Strengthening the Protection of Minors" stipulates that online platforms should cancel all tip lists within one month of the release of the "Opinions", prohibit ranking, draining, and recommending online anchors based solely on the amount of tips, and prohibit ranking users based on the amount of tips. The new regulations are introduced, and the voice of the "big brother" disappearing in 2022 is very loud.

However, as long as human beings have social needs, the "big brother" will not disappear. They just dispersed and moved to other live streaming formats or platforms.

Jiugongge live broadcast, a very popular live broadcast game on Douyin, under the background of the decline in the traffic of the entire live broadcast format and the decline of the live broadcast of the show, the Jiugongge live broadcast has attracted countless people to enter the venue, and countless people have become rich through this game.

A person in charge who participated in the Jiugongge live broadcast entrepreneurship last year revealed to Tech Planet that the Douyin Jiugongge model is a live broadcast form of selecting goddesses and male gods, and a live broadcast room is a "hall", and there are 9 anchors in the hall: a host, 8 guests. The live broadcast adopts an elimination mechanism, and a game is about 2 hours, and the guests decide whether to advance or stay through the number of votes. The votes of the guests are the rewards of the "big brother on the list" and "big sister on the list" in the live broadcast room, and the more rewards, the higher the votes.

Jiugongge used to make a lot of money, as a guest role, the head guest, the monthly income can reach 200,000, and the monthly income of the medium guest is 100,000.

Not only Douyin, but also video accounts and Tik Tok are also important positions for Jiugongge live broadcast. The operator of a head Jiugongge live broadcast hall on the video account revealed that there are guests in the hall he operates, who can pull 6 million votes a night, corresponding to a reward of 600,000 yuan. TIKTOK LIVE BROADCAST BONUS IS FLOURISHING, AND XIAO YUE, THE ANCHOR WHO DOES A PART-TIME NINE-SQUARE GRID LIVE BROADCAST, SAID THAT TIK TOK IS MORE FRIENDLY TO ORDINARY PEOPLE, FOREIGNERS HAVE STRONGER REWARDING POWER, AND THE AESTHETICS ARE NOT "WHITE AND THIN", SHE DID A NINE-SQUARE GRID LIVE BROADCAST, AND FINALLY EARNED 2400 YUAN.

In the hidden corner, the story of Jiugongge's wealth creation is still being staged.

made a fortune with a muffled voice, and the head guests earned 200,000 yuan a month

Different from individual live broadcasts, the threshold for live broadcast of Jiugongge is relatively not so high. Fans, experience, appearance, talent, these are not necessary conditions. Xiao Jiang, the operator of a head Jiugongge live broadcast hall of the video account, told Tech Planet that even if an anchor is not particularly outstanding in appearance and is not so versatile, as long as his emotional intelligence is high enough to provide emotional value to the "reward big brother", he can earn money if he can keep them.

A person in charge of operations who does a live broadcast of Jiugongge on Douyin said that in terms of appearance and talent, the higher the appearance, the more advantageous it will be, and the starting point will be higher. Talent is better if you can have singing and dancing skills, and it doesn't matter if you don't have it. In the recruitment requirements for Jiugongge anchors on the Internet, some demanders clearly write that they do not have high requirements for the anchor's appearance, and they can cooperate with the host in the live broadcast room. There is also a demand that 0 experience and 0 talents are acceptable, the older the better, mainly single, and even 0 fans have the opportunity to participate in the live broadcast of Jiugongge.

Zhang Chi originally did eating broadcasts and store exploration accounts on Douyin, but in 2021, the competition in the store exploration model intensified, and the involution was serious, and Zhang Chi's team began to seek transformation in desperation. Inadvertently discovered the business opportunity of Douyin's "Jiugongge", a 2-hour Jiugongge live broadcast competition, the champion guest can receive 100,000 sound waves, and his personal income reaches several thousand yuan. The speed of money came so fast, Zhang Chi felt that there was a lot to be done, so he began to look for hosts and guests everywhere to save up the "nine-square grid".

In a nine-square grid hall, almost half of the running water is contributed by the head guests. Zhang Chi said that there was a guest who worked very hard and maintained cooperation with them for 2 years, and they took 20% of the guest's commission. The average monthly turnover of the guest is almost 8-100,000 yuan, and Zhang Chi's team can commission 1-20,000 yuan.

The entire live broadcast track, unlike the high-profile live broadcast with goods, Jiugongge belongs to the muffled fortune, the flow of a top-level Jiugongge hall can reach more than 1.5 million commissions, and the monthly income of the lower-middle hall is also two or three hundred thousand yuan. "The monthly income of the head guests is as high as 200,000 yuan, the average guests can reach about 100,000 yuan a month, and the entry-level guests are at least 10,000 yuan." In comparison, if an individual live broadcast wants to achieve the same level of income, the anchor needs to have millions of fans.

Not only self-employed individuals like Zhang Chi, but also many guilds and MCN organizations are eyeing this business at the same time. Zhang Chi said that Douyin's head guild Wuwu Media will also lay out Jiugongge in 2022, and their model is to use big anchors to earn fame and small anchors to make money. Sign a big anchor, use the influence of the big anchor to attract many beautiful little anchors, and the small anchors contribute income to them. Tens of thousands of people start broadcasting, if each anchor contributes 500 yuan per month, there will be tens of millions of income without worry.

The sharing ratio between the platform and the guests is usually 6:4, and the anchor only gets 40% of the reward amount. For intermediate characters such as guilds or Zhang Chi, earning money is a task reward given by the platform to the hall.

The most critical role is to "reward the big brother". The reward in the live broadcast room mainly relies on a few powerful "big brothers", and after forming a fixed circle of "big brothers", they continue to use "big brothers" to attract "new big brothers" to brush gifts.

If you watch a few Jiugongge live broadcasts, you will find that there are not many people online in those live broadcast rooms, some dozens of people, some one or two hundred people, and few can reach 1000 people online at the same time. But the "big brother" alone can make the entire Jiugong Grid Hall flow super impressive.

The "big brother" who rewarded tens of millions of dollars in the live broadcast room

This is a monetization model that hunts for "big brothers".

Prepare lighting equipment, sound card equipment, and have a certain appearance, you can participate in this live game.

The purpose of setting up the PK competition system is mainly to stimulate the motivation of the "big brothers" to vote for the anchors, and there is one more reason to vote than the personal live broadcast. A live broadcast with a higher or lower number of votes is related to the "life and death" of the anchor, and it is also related to the face of the "big brother" behind the anchor.

Those with low votes will be eliminated one by one, the first guest to be eliminated is called "cannon fodder", the second is called "head cannon", and the third is called "second cannon". In order to defend his face and the anchors he supports, the "big brother" can only keep throwing money and rewarding, so in the end it becomes a money contest between the "big brothers".

"Big Brother" is generous, and many "Big Brother" are high-level users of level 10-40, reaching level 40 means that their reward amount may reach hundreds of thousands of levels. Therefore, maintaining the "big brother" has become the core task of the guests in the Jiugongge live broadcast hall.

The identity of the guests is free, they usually do not only broadcast live in a nine-square grid hall, they may have to catch up with different halls for live broadcast a day, which is called "climbing the microphone" in the industry. From 0 to 1, there is no other shortcut, and climbing the microphone is the shortest path to get started. Every guest can learn basic canvassing skills and processes by climbing the microphone, as well as find a "big brother" who is willing to spend money for himself, and the anchor and the "big brother" complete the deep binding through hazy emotions.

The income of Jiugongge live broadcast guests is usually higher than that of the host, but there is a certain metaphysics in the income of guests. Muzi, an operator, said that there is a certain element of luck, and hard work is also more important. Generally speaking, it is not particularly easy to do, generally if you live broadcast normally, you can become a mature guest in 1-2 months, and it should not be difficult to go up with a monthly income of 7,000 yuan.

Xiao Jiang, another Jiugongge live broadcast operator, also told Tech Planet that the income of guests is related to luck and strength. The hall he is responsible for operating has a turnover of tens of millions. There are guests who earn about 4-50,000 yuan a month, and there are also guests who are lucky enough to meet a "big brother" who is willing to spend money and earn more than 100,000 yuan a month.

Xiao Jiang has been in charge of operating the head nine-square grid hall on the video account for a short time, and it has been less than half a year. Prior to this, the hall was broadcast live on Douyin, because the video account had just emerged Jiugongge live broadcast, there was a certain window dividend, the platform was vigorously promoting streams, and it was very friendly to guests, and a lot of support policies were introduced, and his guild decided to switch from Douyin to the video account. At present, there is a certain gap between the video number and Douyin in the Jiugongge live broadcast field, the former has a slightly head hall view of 1-20,000 people, and the latter may be as high as more than 100,000.

The guild behind Xiao Jiang not only does a live broadcast of Jiugongge, but also does a solo broadcast, but according to him, Jiugongge is the lowest threshold and the best form of live broadcast for monetization.

Of course, there is a "28 rule" in any industry, and not all guests can earn 200,000 yuan a month. "Big brother" is a scarce resource, there are too many anchors, and there are too many monks and too little porridge. An anchor complained in the live broadcast room that he had three live broadcasts, and in the end, the canvassing did not exceed 10,000, and there were no 10,000 points a day. This means that she earns less than 400 yuan a day.

The dividend ebbed and went, and 80% withdrew

Another big rewarder corresponding to "Big Brother on the List" is "Big Sister on the List".

Jiugongge live broadcast not only hunts the eldest brother, but also hunts the eldest sister, and the eldest brother and the eldest sister have achieved equality between men and women in the live broadcast room. In the live broadcast room that ranked first in the Jiugongge live broadcast at a certain time on Douyin, the highest number of votes for male guests was as high as more than 700,000, and these votes were all completed by female viewers. 700,000 votes is not much for the head guests, but for many middle-waist live broadcast rooms, it is usually difficult to reach 10,000 votes.

Xiao Jiang said, "I can see that many male viewers also reward male guests, but compared to female audiences, they give less tips to female guests." ”

However, no matter what kind of live broadcast room it is, it is experiencing a period of ebb and flow of industry dividends. Zhang Chi introduced to Tech Planet that in the early days of the nine-square grid model, Douyin gave traffic support, and as long as there was a good host, he could make money. Later, you need a good host and a good guest to do a good job, and you need to spend money to invite guests. Later, Jiugongge not only needs the blessing of the host and guests, but also masters the traffic method, which is more difficult.

The quality of the Jiugongge live broadcast room has become uneven, Zhang Chi said that the top live broadcast hall is regular and does not rub the edges. The small hall has vulgar rubbing edges, verbally rubbing edges, and saying pornographic jokes. But most of the market is a small hall, and at the end of 2023, Douyin Jiugongge has formed a head team, and the guests and live broadcast hall are one company.

However, the bonus window for Jiugongge Live is very short. The background of the entire industry is that live streaming traffic is declining. In 618 this year, the live broadcast of the head anchors has shrunk collectively, and the anchors have either retired or played side jobs across borders.

Jiugongge's traffic on Douyin has also gradually fallen out of favor. Zhang Chi's team finally decided to disband the team and quit Jiugongge live broadcast under a series of internal contradictions such as "unable to recruit new anchors", "loss of old anchors", and "disheartened team". "Jiugongge can still make money now, but it may be 5% off the peak income, only the head team is left, and 80% of the halls and guests have withdrawn from the industry."

The live broadcast of the video number Jiugongge has also entered a stable period of no longer enjoying traffic privileges after strong support in the early stage of the industry. Xiaojiang, the operator, said that their guild switched from Douyin to Channels because they valued the initial support of Channels, and now that the development has entered a stable period, there is no longer the previous traffic tilt, and if it continues to deteriorate in the future, they may continue to consider changing platforms.

Relatively speaking, the overseas version of Douyin Tik Tok live broadcast is gaining momentum. An anchor who broadcast live on Tik Tok said that he participated in a nine-square grid live broadcast part-time and earned 2,400 yuan. Tik Tok big anchors have a strong ability to attract money, some people earn nearly 10,000 yuan a day in live broadcasts, and some people have a small goal a day. The overseas "big brother on the list" has a stronger rewarding power, and the aesthetics are different from the standards in the traditional sense of the domestic one.

On the whole, the nine-square grid live broadcast form is still creating a wealth myth for the industry, some people quit, and some people pour in.

There are also people who use information to check and harvest leeks, and many novices who are trying to enter the Jiugongge live broadcast find that many people are harvesting novices under the banner of knowledge payment. Some people specialize in accepting apprentices to teach the experience and skills of Jiugongge live broadcast, and the fees range from 298-498 yuan. These gold diggers don't even do the live broadcast of the nine-square grid themselves.