
How to wean piglets correctly and what problems should be paid attention to when weaning?

author:Lao Zhou said three farmers
How to wean piglets correctly and what problems should be paid attention to when weaning?

Nowadays, most pig farms have implemented self-farrowing in order to reduce production costs and prevent the introduction of general. Due to the incorrect way of weaning piglets, resulting in diarrhea, growth and development of weaned piglets, and some even formed a stiff pig that only eats meat and does not grow long, and its growth and development are delayed for a long time. Piglets from weaning methods are incorrect, at the beginning of fattening will appear different degrees of growth disorders, piglets do not eat, emaciation and even death. The right transition method can improve the survival rate of weaned piglets, obtain the best daily gain, and lay a good foundation for fattening pig production. What should piglets pay attention to when weaning?

How to wean piglets correctly and what problems should be paid attention to when weaning?

First, weaning time: the lactation period of sows after giving birth is generally relatively short, about 15 days after giving birth to the peak of lactation, 45 days of lactation has been very little, if not weaned in time, the health of the sow and the development of piglets are not good. In the past, weaning was 60 days old, but early weaning is now commonly used to improve the reproductive capacity of sows. In this century, 21 days of weaning has been promoted, but not piglets can be weaned as a whole at 21 days, generally 21-35 days of age weaning, it must be noted that piglets weigh more than 5 kg, and the weight is too low to be weaned. Those who have conditions can be weaned in advance, and those who are not generally weaned at the age of 35 days.

Second, do a good job in the disinfection of the enclosure and the feeding of sows: the pig house and the site should be strictly disinfected. The barn is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected with 10-20% lime water or 3% sodium hydroxide solution.

Third, the weaned piglet pen should be warm and dry, pay attention to the insulation of weaned piglets, "piglets are afraid of cold, big pigs are afraid of heat", the smaller the pig, the more afraid of cold, the newborn piglets are very delicate, the body is small and thin, the heat preservation ability is poor, less heat production and more heat dissipation, plus the piglet thermoregulation center has not been fully developed, the ability to keep the cold is very low, if the ambient temperature is too low, it will be cold and die, keep the temperature of the pen 22-25 °C. In the cold season, the doors and windows of the pigsty can be covered with film or straw mats, all ventilation holes can be blocked, and the doors can be opened regularly for air exchange. It is also possible to set up a fire dragon or a heating coal stove in the pig house, and infrared lamps can be used to help the piglets heat where there is electricity.

Fourth, piglets should not leave the original living enclosure when weaning, do not mix with piglets in other litters, but leave the sows, so as to reduce the stress response of piglets weaning. Because the piglets have no milk to eat after weaning and are isolated from the sow, if the piglets are transferred to a new circle and several litters of piglets are merged together, resulting in strong and weak mixed breeding, they will bite each other, which is more unfavorable to the piglets, so the piglets stay in the circle of raw materials when weaning, just leave the sows, let the piglets be raised in the original pigsty for about 15 days, and then transfer to the new circle in groups.

Fifth, feed piglet feed to gradually transition, must keep the lactating feed unchanged, in order to make the piglet transition from lactation to the feeding period, add flavor additives that induce appetite in the feed. For the first 15 days after weaning, the feed must be kept unchanged during lactation, and after 15 days, it must be gradually changed to weaned piglet feed.

Sixth, the number of feeding meals from more to less, gradually transitioning, the initial half a month before feeding 6 times a day, after gradually reducing the number of feeding meals, half a month later can be changed to feed 4 times.

7. Ensure that weaned piglets can drink clean and sufficient water at any time, and add a variety of vitamins to the drinking water to improve the body's resistance.

8. In the grouping, it is necessary to divide the group according to the size and strength, and it is better to have 10-15 heads in each group.

How to wean piglets correctly and what problems should be paid attention to when weaning?