
The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

author:Beiqing Community Newspaper Changping Edition

On June 20-21, 2024, the 2024 National Energy Internet Conference with the theme of "AI Empowering Energy Internet, Innovating and Developing New Quality Productivity" was successfully held in Future Science City, Changping District, Beijing. More than 1,000 representatives from energy-related enterprises (453), scientific research institutions (237), IT companies (214), financial institutions (102), news media and government agencies (183) attended the conference, and 130,000 viewers watched the live broadcast online. 75 domestic and foreign news media, including CCTV, Global Times, AP NEWS and the Associated Press, reported on the conference.

At the meeting, Gao Feng, Vice President of the Energy Internet Innovation Institute of Tsinghua University and Deputy Secretary-General of the National Energy Internet Industry and Technology Innovation Alliance, released the "2024 Annual Report on the Development of the National Energy Internet".

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

The establishment of the Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute of Tsinghua University was established with the approval of Tsinghua University after General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the strategy of energy revolution in 2014. The 2014 energy revolution was the starting stage of the energy Internet. The energy Internet is the means and specific carrier of the energy revolution, and the energy Internet promotes the energy and power system to be clean, low-carbon, safe, abundant, and cost-effective through supply and demand coordination, flexibility and intelligence.

With the introduction of the energy revolution, the Energy Internet Innovation Institute of Tsinghua University supports the national energy authorities in issuing the National Energy Internet Action Plan, the Guiding Opinions on Internet + Smart Energy, and promoting the first batch of demonstration projects of the Energy Internet. In 2016, the issuance of guidance represents the official start of the voyage. By 2018, the three-year period will be the construction stage of the energy Internet demonstration project, and from 2019 onwards, it will be the stage of diversified and real-time development of the energy Internet. At this time in 2018, the Energy Internet Innovation Institute of Tsinghua University was commissioned by the National Energy Administration to compile a white paper on the development of the National Energy Internet, which was officially released in 2019. This is the fifth anniversary of the energy revolution.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

With the diversification and large-scale development of the energy Internet, the Energy Internet Innovation Institute of Tsinghua University continues to promote this achievement, and under the guidance of the National Energy Administration, it has begun to regularly release the Annual Report on the Development of the National Energy Internet, with the core goal of showing the development level of the mainland energy Internet to the industry and helping everyone quantitatively evaluate the development of the Energy Internet. Since 2020, such annual reports have been released every year, and the 2024 annual report released this year I think has played two roles: one is to present the latest relevant progress in 2023 to everyone, and the second is that this report has a very special significance, it is the moment of the 10th anniversary of the energy revolution, and we are equivalent to reviewing the achievements of the energy revolution in the past ten years from the perspective of the energy Internet.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

We have a complete annual work report team, from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, Tsinghua University Energy Internet Innovation Research Institute, Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, National Energy Internet Industry and Technology Innovation Alliance and other institutions to draw key members, build an annual report working group, carry out special work, by Dean Kang Chongqing as the leader of the annual report working group, by Guo Hongye and Zhang Ning as the leader of the writing team and establish relevant working mechanisms. Every year, we will regularly update the relevant data of the energy Internet, including the retrieval of official data, the analysis of the number and market value of enterprises, the literature retrieval and analysis, etc., and analyze the relevant demonstration projects, and collect major hot spots through questionnaires to solicit the views of academicians and experts.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

The content of the annual report is a complete set of framework, which will be continuously improved every year for new features, for example, the new power system, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality are now placed in it as important themes, and the core is to show you a relatively comprehensive panorama of the energy Internet through the perspectives of government, industry, academia and research.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

The first is the policy aspect, which corresponds to two aspects, one is that the policies related to the energy Internet in 2023 involve these aspects, and the overall situation from 2014 to 2023 can also be reviewed.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

To summarize the energy Internet standards, 57 new energy Internet-related standards will be added in 2023, which is also the key page I want to introduce to you. What is the important role of the Internet of Energy? Driven by industrial development, the network of the energy system is becoming more and more obvious, and cross-border has become the unanimous choice of energy Internet enterprises, including traditional energy enterprises to develop in the direction of comprehensive energy, including digital Internet enterprises, to the Internet +, to the energy field.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

The number of energy Internet enterprises is increasing dramatically, and the number of energy Internet entrepreneurs will exceed 300,000 in 2023. That's about 50 percent more than last year.

Looking back on the process of the past ten years, in 2014, there were more than 3,000 energy Internet enterprises, and by 2023, there will be more than 320,000 energy Internet enterprises, which can be said to be an increase of nearly 100 times. I estimate that the annual compound growth rate is about 50%, and the average annual enterprise data is growing at 50%, so the benefits of such an industry are very obvious.

When General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward specific requirements to promote the energy technology revolution and drive industrial upgrading, it is necessary to base ourselves on the national conditions of the mainland, closely follow the new trend of the international energy technology revolution, take green and low-carbon as the direction, promote technological innovation, industrial innovation, business model innovation and closely integrate with high-tech in other fields, and cultivate energy technology and related industries into new growth points that drive the optimization and upgrading of mainland industries.

From the perspective of the new quality productivity proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we also realize that the new quality productivity is green biodiversity, how to support the development of green biodiversity from the perspective of energy, and how to combine with digitalization and artificial intelligence to promote the development of new quality productivity, which is the huge role of our energy Internet.

I believe that in the next few years, with the further integration of artificial intelligence and energy, the industry-driven benefits will be further amplified in the process of moving from digitalization to digital intelligence.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

We have also updated the construction and development related to the Energy Internet, including the specific indicators and details, you can refer to the content of the report, and also continue to update the relevant featured projects and update our public ecological concerns. In 2023 last year, there were nearly 1,000 newly registered energy Internet-related organizations, and the top three words that everyone paid attention to were energy storage virtual power plants and new power systems.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here
The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here
The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here
The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here
The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

We hope that this annual report can gather the consensus of all sectors of society on the energy Internet, provide a basic and forward-looking reference for enterprises, governments and research institutions to participate in and carry out energy revolution actions, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the industry. We also hope that everyone can actively participate in and support our work, and thank the National Energy Administration for its full trust in the research work of Tsinghua University's energy Internet, the strong support of the Alliance, its members and partners, the hard work of the writing team, and the attention and report of media friends. In the future, we will cooperate with more institutions to make the annual report a sustainable brand and convey China's voice to the world.

The "2024 Annual Report on the Development of National Energy Internet" was released in the Future Science City, and the interpretation of the results is here

Source: Institute of Energy Internet Innovation, Tsinghua University

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