
After the fiasco of the first debate, the "real president" behind Biden finally surfaced, and it turned out to be a woman

author:Professor Su Hao

According to the Global Times, French media revealed that Biden's performance in the first televised debate with Trump on June 28 was seen as disastrous. As a result, Biden's approval rating has further decreased, and there have been voices in the Democratic Party to replace Biden and let others run. However, key members of the Democratic Party made a statement of support for Biden on June 30. The Biden administration has also denied the suggestion that a crisis meeting was held.

After participating in the televised debate, Biden held three fundraisers in New York to reassure his supporters. Biden's poor performance in the televised debate has led to a lot of discussion in American public opinion that the Democratic Party should replace Biden and let others participate. According to poll data, the proportion of people who believe that Biden should no longer serve as president of the United States due to psychological, cognitive, and health conditions accounts for 72%, and the number of participants in the poll is 1,130. Leading Democrats have called for support for Biden on the grounds that "Trump is worse".

After the fiasco of the first debate, the "real president" behind Biden finally surfaced, and it turned out to be a woman

It claims that despite Biden's poor performance in the televised debate, Biden has been in good office, and in any case, the return of Trump to the United States would be disastrous. Therefore, Biden should be unanimously supported. Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who has been included in China's sanctions list, claimed that a televised debate could not represent Biden's presidency, and that Biden and Trump have significant differences on issues such as guns, gas changes, and jobs.

Democratic Senator John Koons deflected the blame Biden faces by attacking Trump. Koons acknowledged Biden's poor performance in the televised debate, though he called Trump "ugly," claiming that Trump had lied continuously, even if he could articulate it clearly. According to a poll in favor of Biden, about 40 percent of respondents believe that Biden has indicated actual information, and Trump is about 32% on this point. Biden, the current president of the United States, is considered by leading Democratic Party figures to be the only candidate to defeat Trump.

After the fiasco of the first debate, the "real president" behind Biden finally surfaced, and it turned out to be a woman

US media NBC quoted sources on June 30 to reveal that Biden discussed the follow-up campaign with his family at Camp David on the same day. The U.S. media exaggerated that the only person who can decide whether Biden will continue to run is Biden's wife Jill Biden. Biden's poor performance in the televised debate made some Democrats panic, so much so that the previously "unspeakable" words of replacing Biden and allowing others to run for election began to surface.

Some Biden supporters said that Biden's performance was worse than ever before, so bad that Trump's lies could not be taken seriously. The American media "New York Times" published an article calling for Biden to withdraw for the sake of the United States. Some US media quoted a spokesman for the Biden campaign as saying that Biden will continue to run. The Biden campaign conducted public relations with its grassroots supporters, saying that the concerns calling for Biden to withdraw from the election came from "a small number of scholars who are far away from the grassroots in the United States" and could not represent the real voice of the people.

After the fiasco of the first debate, the "real president" behind Biden finally surfaced, and it turned out to be a woman

The team attacked Democrats who called for Biden to withdraw from the race, claiming that the rhetoric would cause chaos and infighting. The Biden campaign team also took public opinion precautions in advance on the situation that the follow-up approval rating may continue to decline. He claimed that the decline in support was a temporary effect of frequent "reactionary" reports. The Biden campaign has also tried to downplay the impact of the televised debates, claiming that the number of people tuning in to the televised debates is down from 51 million in the past, which is encouraging. The team also cited "internal data" to say that the American public's perception of the election has not changed because of the televised debate. Biden's wife Jill Biden, who was played up by the US media to decide whether Biden will continue to run, claimed last Friday that she had made it clear to Biden that "she will not let 90 minutes define a four-year presidential career."

Based on the Democratic Party's selection rules, unless Biden himself withdraws from the election, there is basically no feasibility for someone else to replace Biden. Biden has extensive connections at the top of the Democratic Party, making Biden's candidacy likely to be assured. The dispute between Biden and Trump is a sign of the division and decline of the United States.