
City of Glory, Red Culture "Moistens Things Silently"

author:Take a look at the news

Shanghai is the birthplace and original aspiration of the Communist Party of China, as well as the birthplace and inheritance of the great founding spirit of the party. Red is the distinctive background color of Shanghai's urban context, walking in Shanghai city, citizens and tourists can meet with the "red culture" at the corner, and more and more innovative forms of communication, so that Shanghai's red culture moistens things silently and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Although it has been raining continuously these days, the red landmarks in Huangpu District are still popular.

City of Glory, Red Culture "Moistens Things Silently"

"This photo is the scene on October 2, 1949, the day after the founding of the People's Republic of China, when the city's first five-star red flag was raised in our building." The old city hall building witnessed the bloody struggle of the Chinese Communists represented by Mayor Chen Yi to liberate and build Shanghai. Ms. Li, who works nearby, saw the news of the opening of this old building to the outside world on the official account a few days ago, and immediately signed up. "The narrator just said that this is the place where the first five-star red flag was raised in Shanghai, which really made me feel excited."

Explain that volunteer Yu Wei's job is a designer. At first, he signed up as a docent in the hope of introducing the unique architectural style and functional layout of the old building to everyone, but after explaining again and again, Yu Wei felt that he had gained more. "This building not only has architectural features, but also the heritage of the entire building, and the older generation of revolutionaries once had such a good story here that is worth passing on, which makes me feel a sense of mission and feel that I should tell more people about this period of history."

City of Glory, Red Culture "Moistens Things Silently"

Huangpu District has 143 red resources recognized by the first batch of "Shanghai Red Resources List", ranking first in the city. It is the original intention of Huangpu District to build the brand of "Red Open-air Museum" by excavating the stories behind red resources, promoting the inheritance of red culture and the activation and utilization of red relics, and attracting more citizens and tourists to enter red cultural venues. Today, more and more red sites are opening their doors to welcome visitors from all over the world.

For example, the Huangpu Theater on Beijing East Road was the premiere of the movie "Children of the Storm" on May 24, 1935, when the theme song "March of the Volunteers" was sung here and immediately spread throughout the country. As the earliest place where the national anthem was sung, the Huangpu Theater became a popular place for primary and secondary school students to visit during this time. "Inspired by the "March of the Volunteers", the Chinese nation rose hard and finally won the victory, which made me very excited and excited." "When I saw these histories and the previous deeds, I felt the blood in my body boiling all of a sudden, and I really felt the connotation of that history."

According to Li Xi, director of the Huangpu Theater Office, "it is open to the public every day, 365 days a year, and citizens can come in." Hu Yan, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Huangpu District Party Committee and director of the District Civilization Office, also said: "We hope to create an atmosphere of 'touchable and emotionally identifiable' global red culture, strive to promote the integration of red culture into daily life, explore the formation of a mechanism for centralized and unified management of red resources with pluralistic co-governance, and strive to build a core demonstration area of Xi Jinping's cultural thought as the best practice." ”

City of Glory, Red Culture "Moistens Things Silently"

Shanghai is the birthplace and original aspiration of the party, and the red culture dissemination methods in various districts are also constantly innovating. Citizens and tourists stroll through the streets, and they can meet the "red culture" unexpectedly around the corner.

In Cai Yuanpei's former residence on Huashan Road, the actors are nervously rehearsing the new scene party class "May I Grow This to Serve the Country". This is an immersive drama based on the life and deeds of Mr. Cai Yuanpei. "I hope that all the participants can travel back to that turbulent era at that time, experience some of Mr. Cai's life choices, and then better understand how difficult it is to be Mr. Cai and how patriotic he is." Fu Duoduo, director of the scene party class "Willing to Grow and Serve the Country", introduced.

Five years ago, the first drama scene party class in Jing'an District was staged at Cai Yuanpei's former residence, and the social response was enthusiastic. In the past five years, there have been 10 situational party classes with different styles, which have successively held more than 3,000 classes in 7 red venues in the district, attracting more than 90,000 audiences.

City of Glory, Red Culture "Moistens Things Silently"

Qian Jia, head of the Propaganda Department of the Jing'an District Museum of Culture and History, said: "We are constantly exploring new party classes and new models, such as Liu Changsheng's former residence, which has made a red 'script killing', and Cai Yuanpei's former residence has also created a 'psychological drama experience party class', so that the red museum can see people, things, spirits, and thoughts." Zhu Feng, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Jing'an District Party Committee, also said: "Through special activities such as mobile exhibitions, ritual education, immersive party classes, red line city walks, summer research, stage plays, and red markets, we will innovate forms, tell red stories with heart and affection, and give full play to the educational and guiding role of red resources." ”

Take a look at the news reporters: Hong Huanquan, Qiu Xuli, Liu Yiran

Editor: You Yinghui

Video Editor: Zhu Lingmin

Cinematographer: Sun Ming, Shen Xi

Editor-in-charge: Li Yintao

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