
The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

author:Ma Qingyun

On July 2, the summer season has officially arrived. In this year's summer file, domestic films and television and European and American blockbusters compete together. Looking at the summer movies that have been set at present, the ones that can generate a good box office and finally compete for the box office champion should be the following 8 works. We might as well take a quick look at these 8 movies and make a simple and clear recommendation for everyone's viewing choices.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Ke Wenli "Silent Killing"

Released on July 3, written and directed by Ke Wenli, starring Wang Chuanjun and Zhang Junning, it is adapted from a foreign movie of the same name. The content of the story is campus bullying and revenge, suspenseful roads, and finding the real culprit. Such a movie has two major characteristics. The first feature, because it is the beginning of school bullying, is easy to gain the emotional recognition of fans. The second feature is that because it is a serial killing and finding the real culprit, the story is extremely strong. This kind of story-based movie will not be low at the box office.

It also has minuses. The first minus is that it is based on a foreign film. In our country, many high-grossing suspense films are adapted from foreign movies, which is easy to make fans feel pimples. The second minus is that this kind of movie is often in an alternate geographical environment, not to mention China. This point is a matter of opinion.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Wang Junkai "Wild Child"

Why did "Silent Kill" mention the director first, and "Wild Child" first mentioned the starring role? Because "Wild Child" is a typical movie starring traffic stars, the main group is still traffic fans. This movie, starring actors such as Wang Junkai, Deng Jiajia, Chen Yongsheng and Pan Binlong, tells the story of a group of wandering wild children who are adopted by a bad guy and make them thieves and thieves, and then the wild children start to rebel. This story has a realistic background. More than 10 years ago, near train stations in major cities, such wild children were often seen.

"Wild Child" was released nationwide on July 12. Similar to the traffic movie "Wild Child", the "Welcome to Me" released on July 5 is also a typical traffic movie, starring Yu Shi, a romance film, grinding and chirping has nothing to see, just rushing to harvest fans. Or "Wild Child". This movie has a relatively realistic start, and there is a high probability that it will hit the street in the second half. Many of our screenwriters and directors are realistic at the beginning, writing, writing, and writing, but they don't have that ability. The film should still be watched with caution.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Tang Jili "Legend"

Released on July 12, written and directed by Tang Jili, starring dozens of well-known actors such as Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, and Guli Nazha. The film, like "Myth", focuses on a big brother Jackie Chan who travels through the sky and the earth, and fights in all directions in the environment of thousands of troops and horses in ancient costumes. This is a very typical commercial blockbuster with a war theme, which is to let the audience watch the ancient wars. Such a movie, on the contrary, is very sincere, and if you want to see it, you will naturally watch it. If you don't want to see it, you beg him to come, and he won't come, unless his girlfriend wants to see it, and he will come in a fart, a fart.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Shen Teng Ma Li "Catching the Doll"

Released on July 16 (raised), written and directed by Yan Fei and Peng Damo, starring Shen Teng and Ma Li, it tells the story of two rich people who pretend to be poor and raise children, but the fake becomes true. This movie is also very sincere, it is pure amusement. Moreover, the stalk it catches is very clear, that is, there is money and no money. This stalk, in our China, is too marketable. At present, the box office of this movie is worth looking forward to. Fans need to have fun so much. The fun of "Catching Dolls" is estimated to make it start at the box office of 2 billion yuan.

Wu Ershan "Under the Alien"

Released on July 26, written and directed by Wu Ershan, starring Hu Xianxu, Feng Shaofeng and other actors, it tells the story of "aliens". The story of this movie already has an animated version and a TV series version, and the audience is very familiar with the content of the story and the setting of "Inhumans". The film is aimed at its anime audience. Director Wu Ershan still has two brushes in the creation of "Strange Forces".

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Hu Mei "Dream of Red Mansions: Golden and Jade Romance"

Released on July 26, directed by Hu Mei and starring Lin Peng, Lu Yan, Zhang Miaoyi, etc., it tells the story of "Dream of Red Mansions" that everyone is familiar with. This movie will definitely have a lot of fans complaining. However, if you don't take a look, there are always regrets. This film is the first choice of the old editor for my summer file, no matter how bad it is, I think it is better than the mess of "Under the Alien". Obviously, the film is for fans.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Zhang Ruoyun "Safe Evacuation from the 21st Century"

Written and directed by Li Yang, starring Zhang Ruoyun, Zhong Chuxi, and Song Yang, it will be released nationwide on August 3, a sci-fi comedy, about three young people, in the world of sci-fi, from a small role at the bottom to a big hero who tries to rescue the whole world. This kind of story is a nonsensical way to rescue the entire universe that young fans are more familiar with. The film is obviously very suitable for Zhang Ruoyun's performance style, and his fans can carnival.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

Xu Zheng "Retrograde Life"

Released on August 9, Xu Zheng wrote and directed the screenplay and starred, telling the story of white-collar laid-off food delivery. This story itself still has a basis in reality. Xu Zheng is also good at using realistic things to make the beginning, using comedy baggage to do the middle part, and using tragedy and sensationalism to make the ending. This movie is just laughing and saying bitterness, which is harmless.

However, Xu Zheng's current reputation is not good, and as soon as "Retrograde Life" was finalized, it was intercepted by word of mouth, saying that rich stars like Xu Zheng, who earn 2.03 million a day, still joke about the suffering of the people at the bottom, have fun, and then make profits. This way of word-of-mouth interception is really too damning. You don't think it's right, it does seem to hit the nail on the head. After all, a movie with real temperature should not be funny, but should be seriously realistic, ask why it is so, and so on.

In addition to these 8 domestic movies, there are several other movies that are worth paying attention to. Of course, their box office may be relatively average.

"Despicable Me 4" released on July 12. This American cartoon has a fixed fan base and needs no introduction.

"Erlang God's Deep Sea Dragon" released on July 13, cartoon, domestic. Why should you pay attention? Because the quality of domestic cartoons is uneven and uneven, there will be a box office hit. Of course, there are many reasons for whether it explodes or not, not only looking at the quality, but also the capital operation behind the scenes. You'll want to keep asking, sorry, but I won't say anything more.

"Tornado", an American blockbuster released on July 19, focuses on action, thriller and disaster highlights, that is, the tornado is coming, and human beings are so sad.

The summer file opens, with a quick preview, 8 blockbusters compete, and the box office champion will be produced among them

"Deadpool 3", which was released on July 26, was released simultaneously in China and the United States. The fan audience of this movie is also clear, if you like the first two, you should go to the theater to watch the third part, it is very interesting, violent, bloody and foul-mouthed, very unlike superheroes, there is no positive energy, just have fun in anti-positive energy.

The cartoon "White Snake: Floating Life" released on August 10, a domestic cartoon, is sometimes good and sometimes bad, sometimes high and sometimes low, and there are many factors that determine the box office, so I will not repeat it. (Text/Ma Qingyun)