
【Night Reading · Prose] "Shan Qing, you passed! ”

author:Dongfeng Express
【Night Reading · Prose] "Shan Qing, you passed! ”

"Shan Qing, you passed, great!"

Shan Qing smiled in response to the enthusiastic affirmation of the soldiers of the same year, and looked left and right, as if searching for something. Suddenly, Shan Qing's eyes lit up and she ran towards a figure in front of her......

It all started three weeks ago, on a sunny and muggy afternoon.

On the runway, countless figures were running forward, but at that time, Shan Qing's throat was not only hot and painful, but every time he took a step forward, his lungs seemed to explode immediately.

"Report!" Shan Qing finally shouted.

This is the first 3,000-meter run assessment that Shan Qing has participated in since joining the army - she did not finish the whole race. In the college physical test, her 800-meter run score was at the top every time, why can't she do it now? Shan Qing thought, and a layer of fog gradually formed in her eyes. She slowly moved to the lawn, and saw the squad leader Su Li talking to the company commander in a whisper not far away, and the squad leader seemed to glance in her direction a few times.

The squad leader must have been disappointed in me! Shan Qing bit her lower lip, ashamed and sad.

【Night Reading · Prose] "Shan Qing, you passed! ”

When folding the quilt at night, remembering the physical test during the day, Shan Qing's tears couldn't stop flowing, she secretly wiped her tears with her sleeve, and when she turned around, she found that Squad Leader Su was standing behind her.

"Hello squad leader!" Shan Qing immediately stood up and blurted out.

"The quilt is well folded, much stronger than when I first came!" Su Li had a smile on his face.

"Squad leader," Shan Qing stopped talking, and finally burst out with a shudder, "I'm sorry to disappoint you." ”

"Why did you let me down?" Su Li beckoned Shan Qing to sit on the chair next to her and looked at her.

"Everyone basically passed the 3,000-meter run, but I didn't finish the run......"

"That's it?"

Shan Qing was a little surprised, isn't this serious? She raised her head, turned her gaze to Su Banchang, and found that her eyebrows and eyes were stretched, as if she was really not angry.

"I'm very happy today, our comrades have improved more than the usual running performance in class, especially you, yesterday there were three laps left and you ran a fork, but today there is only one lap left, and you still insist on reaching the finish line, isn't this worth being happy about? But ah, to put it mildly, you, the running method is still not right, the breathing rate is too fast, the plateau is already hypoxic, if I were you, I would have to fall headlong to the ground. ”

Speaking of this, Su Li paused, and a conversation with the company commander came to mind-

"Today, you Ban Danqing didn't run down alone, Xiao Su ......"

【Night Reading · Prose] "Shan Qing, you passed! ”

"Company commander," Su Li was a little apprehensive, "Shan Qing is a good seedling, maybe not very adaptable, I'll figure out a way." "Su Li is the first time to take recruits, and he also drums in his heart for Shan Qing's performance after that, but his performance in the recruit company is also average, and it is the old squad leader who has been affirming and encouraging himself, so he has today. She still remembers that the most common sentence of the old squad leader is - there are no bad soldiers, only squad leaders who can't teach!

Thinking of this, Su Li patted Shan Qing's shoulder, "Also, no matter when, you have to keep running, run one step, run one step more, so that you can make a breakthrough." I believe in you, you can. ”

Hearing this, Shan Qing's eyes moistened again, and she secretly decided: No matter what, she must cross the running hurdle and must not live up to the trust of the squad leader.

After that, you see, there is Shan Qing among those who ask his comrades how to adjust the rhythm of breathing and pace, Shan Qing among those who persist in variable speed running, and Shan Qing must also be in the team that takes the initiative to practice during the weekend break. Everyone said that Shan Qing was on the 3000-meter "bar", but only she knew that she was fulfilling her promise to the squad leader.

Time returned to the present, Shan Qing quickly caught the familiar figure in the crowd, ran forward and hugged her, with an uncontrollable smile on her face.

"17 minutes and 43 seconds, it's okay - you can't hook your shoulders on the training ground, let it go!"

Shan Qing deliberately coquettish: "I don't call it hooking shoulders and backs, but calling comrades-in-arms deep." Thank you, squad leader, I wouldn't have passed without you......"

"Hey, thank yourself if you want to thank yourself. You still have room to improve, try to score 17 points next time! ”

The squad leader walked away, and Shan Qing's eyes moved to the mountains not far away—a group of black and white goats were chasing and jumping, and there was a shepherd waving a sheep whip in his hand faintly next to him......

Author: Liu Wenqian

Announcer: Six six

Source: Rocket Soldier Daily