
Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

author:Tianshui online
Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

On July 1, on the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Maiji District held a unique new development party members and new employment groups to take the oath and watch red-themed films. The purpose of the activity is to strengthen the party spirit education of new development party members, and encourage new employment groups to remember history and inherit the red gene.

Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

At the beginning of the event, the representatives of the new development party members and the new employment group lined up neatly, facing the bright party flag, they looked solemn, raised their right hands, clenched their fists, and swore loudly: "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution and ......" The oath was sonorous and powerful, echoing in the venue, demonstrating their infinite loyalty to the party.

Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

After the oath-taking ceremony, the "Summer Cool Love Bag" was distributed to the employees of the new forms of new employment groups who participated in the event, and all the staff watched the red-themed film together.

Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

The film is based on real historical events and vividly reproduces the heroic deeds and selfless dedication of revolutionary martyrs. In the process of watching the movie, everyone was deeply moved by the great spirit of the revolutionary martyrs in the film, and expressed that they should remember history, cherish the hard-won happy life, and inherit and carry forward the fine traditions and styles of the revolutionary martyrs.

Maiji District held a centralized oath and watching red-themed films for new development party members and new employment groups

This activity not only strengthened the party spirit education of the new development party members, but also further stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the new employment group. They have expressed that they should devote themselves to their work with more enthusiasm and firmer beliefs, and contribute their own strength to the construction of a happy and beautiful new wheat accumulation.

(Source: Maiji District Rong Media Center Reprint: Kang Cuixia)

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