
The man eats toast and eats a big finger bug Netizen: This bug can be eaten, and it is expensive!

author:Qinzhou Fusion Media
The man eats toast and eats a big finger bug Netizen: This bug can be eaten, and it is expensive!

According to China Blue News, June 29, Hangzhou, Zhejiang. The man ate toast and ate the big finger bug, the person said that when he found the bug, he had bitten off its antennae, I don't know what the worm is, and I don't know if it's poisonous, I was surprised and a little disgusting, I haven't encountered it for more than 30 years, and I plan to leave the bug as a souvenir.

As soon as the video came out, the comment area exploded, and the insect cricket also entered the field of vision of netizens, some people said that this insect could be eaten, and some people said that this insect was very expensive.

The man eats toast and eats a big finger bug Netizen: This bug can be eaten, and it is expensive!

There is a saying: "Can you not grow crops when you listen to the crickets?" "It's about not delaying farm work just because of the pests in the field. From this sentence, it is not difficult to see that the bug cricket is not pleasant, but may affect the growth of crops. In fact, the scientific name of the cricket is "mole cricket", which usually lives in the soil, maintains the characteristics of diurnal and nocturnal, and will not only eat the newly sown seeds, but also eat the young stems of crops, which is a typical representative of pests.

The man eats toast and eats a big finger bug Netizen: This bug can be eaten, and it is expensive!

So, for farmers, it is an extremely disgusting insect. For foodies, the cricket is a delicacy, and in the northern region, some people will catch the cricket and fry it into a table delicacy. Friends who have eaten it should know that it tastes delicious and has a little shrimp and crab taste, but is this kind of thing really nutritious? Will it be harmful to the body?

Mole crickets occupy a place in traditional Chinese medicine, and traditional Chinese medicine believes that its taste is cold and salty, returns to the stomach and bladder meridians, and has the effects of diuresis, swelling, and detoxification. In particular, diuresis and swelling have a certain effect, so traditional Chinese medicine is often used to treat edema, gonorrhea, urine and other problems. In addition, mole crickets can also be seen in the treatment of cell clothing and tooth pain in traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions;

Moreover, mole crickets are rich in a large amount of egg white matter, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, etc., of which the egg white matter content is as high as 66%, and the fat content is about 20%, in addition to the presence of a large number of amino acids in mole crickets, of which human essential amino acids account for 34.28% of the total amino acids;

From these two points, mole crickets are indeed edible. However, in the process of planting, in order to make the food more fertile, substances such as chemical fertilizers are added, which may affect the health status of the crickets. Moreover, most of the crickets purchased on the market are not artificially cultivated, but caught in the wild, and there may be bacteria or parasites harmful to the human body in the crickets, if they are not thoroughly cooked, this harmful substance or parasite may enter the human body, thereby affecting health and even inducing various diseases.

Therefore, even if the crickets are edible, it is not recommended that you try them lightly. In addition, wild animals should not be eaten, you must know that wild animals may carry harmful germs to the human body, including pangolins, bats, etc., blind consumption will only cause harm to yourself, and even cause infectious diseases, so you must avoid it.

The man eats toast and eats a big finger bug Netizen: This bug can be eaten, and it is expensive!

In addition, judging from the complete body of the cricket, this insect is likely to crawl into the toast later, otherwise why was it not squashed. If this video is true, then this toast shop is in a big deal, and the hygiene situation is really worrying.

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