
The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

author:Starry Madrid

On July 1, Beijing time, Wang Dalei, the Taishan national gate who had just lost the Jinglu derby, fiercely confronted the Guoan fans who mocked him on social media. ”

The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

In the focus of the 17th round of the Chinese Super League last night, Shandong Taishan lost 0-2 away to Beijing Guoan. In this game, Wang Dalei, who returned from injury, started on behalf of Taishan, but only 5 minutes into the game, the goal he guarded was pierced twice.

The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

And throughout the game, Wang Dalei can also be called the most depressed of Taishan players. He was ridiculed and abused by the Guoan fans in the stands behind him almost all of the game, and the Guoan fans sang "Wang Dalei is not as good as Han Jiaqi in goalkeeping", and then greeted Wang Dalei with a uniform national scolding.

The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

Not only that, after Wang Dalei updated social media and wrote: "speechless", he was once again ridiculed and provoked by Guoan fans. A Guoan fan left a message: "I think I scold you because I love you, so next time I come to Gongti, we will still scold you!" ”。

The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

In this regard, Wang Dalei replied rudely: "Don't talk about these useless things, you are scolding people, and you are still pretending to be grandchildren!" There are also fans who left a provocative message: "Which one is Wang Dalei?" In this regard, Wang Dalei shot back directly: "I am your father!" ”

The whole game was scolded by Guoan fans! After the game, he was provoked by a message, and Wang Dalei replied angrily: I am your father

After finally losing the "Jinglu War", the Taishan team has been winless in 3 consecutive rounds in the Chinese Super League. At present, Taishan has been thrown off by Shanghai Port at the top of the table by 15 points, and with 13 rounds left in the league, the hope of winning the championship is quite slim.

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