
The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!


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Recently, the goalkeeper position of Taishan Football Club has really experienced a big drama.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Our old god Wang Da Lei had to temporarily bid farewell to the arena due to injury problems.

This made the fans scratch their heads in a hurry, pinching their sweat one by one, and silently chanting in their hearts, "Da Lei, hurry up and get better!"

"There was no way, the club had to send Liu Shibo, who was introduced last year, this young man is a highly anticipated newcomer.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Last season, Wang Dalei's performance was like a god, and his physical condition was also good.

Liu Shibo can only sit on the bench and his butt hurts, looking at the infinite scenery of the thunder every day, and his heart is sour!

But the opportunity finally came, as Wang Dalei got older, his body began to "strike", especially after the national team game, and the injury was even worse.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Now Liu Shibo finally waited for the opportunity he dreamed of playing, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

The development of young goalkeepers is often at such a critical time, but can Liu Shibo seize this opportunity?

As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Liu Shibo's performance on the court really surprised and anxious the fans.

In the FA Cup match against the lower teams, Liu Shibo conceded 3 goals, including a direct mistake caused by a conceded goal, which made people cover their faces and couldn't bear to look at it directly.

Everyone thought that he would find his form in the next game, but in the match with Yatai, Liu Shibo still couldn't keep a clean sheet against his opponent, his movements and reactions were half a beat slower, and the gap with Wang Dalei was clear at a glance.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Fans complained on social media, "This goalkeeper is distracted, right?" "Liu Shibo, how can you make the thunder so embarrassing!

Some people directly suggested that the club should quickly make adjustments in the goalkeeper position and not be so "willful" anymore.

Liu Shibo's actual performance is indeed a bit disappointing, but the road to growth is always full of thorns, and I hope he can learn from it and gradually improve his ability.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

The changes during this period are like the twists and turns in life, and only by facing the difficulties can we usher in a bright future.

The goalkeeper position of the Taishan team is really like a roller coaster, with ups and downs, ups and downs.

Having said that, our Great Thunder King, an old and strong door god, is usually as stable as Mount Tai, how do you know that this injury is riddled with illness, it is really worrying.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

Every time I see his domineering figure when he saves on the court, I feel relieved.

But this time, he actually played in the national team with an injury, but the injury worsened and he could only recuperate temporarily.

The fans are so anxious, they are even more nervous than watching the male protagonist in the TV series fall into the abyss.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

However, the so-called "mountains and rivers have no way out, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village", at this critical moment, Liu Shibo finally ushered in the opportunity to play.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and Liu Shibo can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and seeing the moon.

However, he never expected that he would concede 3 goals against a lower team in the FA Cup, and even made an "oolong" mistake.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

At this moment, the little ninety-nine in the hearts of the fans has become a question mark.

Everyone complained: "Liu Shibo, why are you half a beat slow in your saving action?" Didn't you have breakfast? ”

In the face of the disappointment of the fans, Liu Shibo can only practice silently, hoping to have a better performance next time.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

In fact, if you think about it, you can understand, who hasn't made a mistake? As long as we continue to work hard, the future is still full of hope.

Just like those Internet jokes say, "Life is a marathon, I'm not afraid that you are slow, I am afraid that you will stop."

"As long as Liu Shibo continues to improve himself, he will one day become a hero in the hearts of fans.

The first signing of Taishan summer window is shocking! The 1.94-meter-high tower returns, or become the next king of thunder!

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