
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

author:Qingyan Xiaosheng a

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India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Text: Quotations

Editor|Qingyan Xiaosheng a

Disclaimer: The content of this article is based on authoritative information, combined with personal views of the original content, the text is marked with the source of the literature and screenshots, please be aware.


As long as we mention India, the first thing that comes to our minds is "poverty" and "lack of hygiene", which seems to have been deeply rooted in our minds.

Moreover, as we all know, the climate type of India is mainly tropical monsoon climate, with high temperatures throughout the year, but it is divided into two seasons: dry season and rainy season.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

But can you believe it? The high temperature in India this year has soared to 52.9 °C, such a high temperature, many netizens are curious about how India lives.

India in the heat

India in June can be described as a flaming mountain, you don't even need to move when you go out for a walk, and you can sweat in less than half a minute.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Walking on the streets of the capital New Delhi is almost like "roasting", the whole person is like being thrown into the oven, and the heat makes people doubt life.

It is reported that the temperature in New Delhi, the capital of India, has reached a record high of 52.9 °C, what is the concept of 52.9 °C? To exaggerate, once a person's skin touches the ground, it can be scalded, and the ground can fry steak.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Some members of the public have relayed that in very hot weather, even touching the steering wheel of a car will be burned, and the temperature of the water in the tap is no different from that of boiling water.

In such a hot weather, even the form of work has become a problem, due to the high temperature of the metal materials, it is basically impossible to work from noon to 4 pm, and even if the work is restarted at 5 pm, the metal is still very hot.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

According to reports, on the streets of New Delhi, no animals can be seen during the day, and cattle can only be seen at night, and many shops next to them use aluminum basins to fill them with cold water to entertain passing cattle.

Information source: Great Wall Network 2024-06-02 report on at least 85 people in India a day suspected of dying due to high temperatures, capital residents: The water flowing from the tap is no different from boiling water
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Usually as long as the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, our human body can not stand it, and we just want to stay in an air-conditioned room and not go out, but this year India has soared to 52.9 °C, which is really unimaginable.

In the face of this phenomenon, India's "mother river" - the Ganges River has suffered an old sin, we all know that India has always regarded the water of the Ganges River as the mother river of its own country, and in their thinking, the water of the Ganges River can solve all problems.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Of course, this time is no exception, most Indians choose to soak in the Ganges water to cool down, and they are all stuck in the Ganges water, making the already unclean Ganges water even more turbid, and even the water surface is about to become "thickened".

Source: Hong Kong's China News Agency on June 3, 2024 reported on the high temperature in India More than 200 people died in the Ganges River
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Many netizens are curious, why doesn't India use electricity on such a hot day? But they ran to the Ganges River to cool down, and due to poverty and lack of electricity, Indians generally do not install air conditioning.

According to reports, only 9% of Indians currently own air conditioners, so it can be seen from this figure that air conditioners are not common in India and the use of air conditioners is very small.

Source: China Youth Daily client 2024-06-14 reported that only 9% of people in India have air conditioning in the high temperature
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

The heat has caused some wildlife to enter the village in search of water, and according to villagers, nearly 40 monkeys have been found in a well for cover as the lake has dried up.

Not only that, India is so hot that even the mosquitoes have disappeared, Huang Yinghong told reporters that there are farmlands around his community, and there will be many mosquitoes gathered in the evening in the past, but with the emergence of high temperatures, it is so hot that even mosquitoes are gone, whether it is indoor or outdoor, mosquitoes are nowhere to be found.

Source: Yicai 2024-06-03 About Even mosquitoes are gone! India is now experiencing extreme heat of nearly 50 degrees Celsius, and hydropower infrastructure is facing scorching reports
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

So, why is India so hot? What causes this?

Causes of high temperatures in India

Because most of India is located in the tropics and subtropics, it is more exposed to direct sunlight and thus receives more radiation, resulting in more susceptibility to warming.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

There are also many voices saying that India's extreme high temperature weather is related to the urban heat island effect, and some analysts have pointed out that climate warming is also a major cause of this round of high temperature in India.

As an important country in the South Asian subcontinent, India's geographical location and climatic conditions make it one of the sensitive areas for climate change.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

Some experts said that there have been extreme high temperature weather in many places around the world this year, as long as the average temperature rises in the context of global warming, and the occurrence of high temperature weather tends to be frequent.

Combined with the local strong high-pressure circulation system, it is more likely to cause extreme high temperature weather, although the nature of the high-pressure circulation system controlling different regions is different.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

All in all, the context of global warming is one of the important factors that lead to extreme heat weather.

Information source: China Meteorological News on June 7, 2024 on expert interpretation | Nearly 50°C! Why extreme heat has enveloped reports in India
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

High temperature is a silent disaster, which is gradually devouring human health and the home on which they depend, and water shortage has always been a big problem in India.

The water supply time is only 6 am to 9 am every day, and there is only one water supply time per day, and it is a luxury idea to use water to cool down, so many people choose to go to the Ganges River to take a bath to cool down.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

The high temperature has once again pushed this problem to another level, which makes people shudder.

According to the report, 49.72% of street vendors experienced a loss of income during the heatwave, and 80.08% of the respondents admitted that the number of customers decreased.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

50.86 per cent also said that they face a higher financial burden due to the additional families pointing out that they are facing a higher financial burden with an average additional expenditure of INR 4896.52 during the extremely hot months.

Not only that, but women and other marginalized groups are disproportionately affected, with 7 out of 8 women suffering from high blood pressure, and high temperatures also cause their menstrual cycles to be disrupted.

Source: Shangguan News 2024-06-14 reports on heat stroke, water shortage, inequality and death, India, which is approaching 50°C, is experiencing severe heat
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared
India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

The impact of high temperature is unbearable for us human beings, every high temperature represents environmental pollution, and high temperature threatens not only people's livelihood, but also an important issue for a country.

This heat disaster has sounded the alarm bell for us all over the world, global warming is intensifying, and environmental problems have seriously affected the survival of human beings.


The high temperature incident in India has brought a lot of lessons to India, and it has paid a painful price, many people in India have not survived this summer, the price paid for this lesson is too great, if it is not solved, I am afraid that the future will be more difficult, pay a more painful price.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

At the same time, this incident is also telling us that global warming is not a trivial matter, and we should pay attention to it immediately, and that the earth, as the home of our human existence, should be well protected, rather than destroying the ecological environment again and again.

Countries should work together to tackle global warming, so that the next tragedy can be prevented and India from following in its footsteps.

India has broken records again! The high temperature in the capital is 52.9 °C, the water of the Ganges River has become a cooling tool, and the mosquitoes have disappeared

The climate is seriously threatening our homeland, and our living environment has been seriously affected, and every country should pay attention to it, and taking measures is the most important thing we need to do at this moment.

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