
Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

author:Tianjin No. 2 Intermediate People's Court

On an ordinary working day, I received an unusual mediation assignment......

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

01 Gathering of Storms

The plaintiff, Xiao Zhou, a successful marriage agency owner, has matched countless single men and women and achieved a beautiful marriage, and her career has developed smoothly with her honest management and high-quality services. After five years of hard work, Xiao Zhou decided to move out after the rent expired and expand a broader business. However, before moving out, Xiao Zhou and the landlord Lao Zhang had a disagreement over the 4,000 yuan deposit.

Xiao Zhou paid a deposit of 4,000 yuan when renting a house, but when the rent expired and asked for a refund, Lao Zhang asked to use the deposit to deduct the property fee. It turned out that the property management company had not collected the property fee during the rental period of Xiao Zhou, and now it is required to make up the payment, but the specific amount has not yet been determined. Xiao Zhou agreed to pay the property fee, but resolutely disagreed with the deduction of the deposit, Lao Zhang insisted on using the deposit to deduct, and the contradiction between the two intensified.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

02 Tension

Xiao Zhou argued with Lao Zhang many times, but Lao Zhang's repeated shirk and refusal made Xiao Zhou's anger accumulate more and more, and he directly sprayed the words "rogue landlord" on the rented façade room, attracting onlookers from the neighborhood. When Lao Zhang learned of this, his face turned blue with anger, and he went to Xiao Zhou's residence angrily: "You are an insult!" It's slander! ”

"What you did yourself, you know yourself! If you don't pay back the deposit, we'll see! ”

The two of them were talking to me in the corridor, and their emotions became more and more excited, and they even began to push and shove. Seeing this, the neighbor was afraid that the dispute would escalate again, so he hurriedly dialed the police. The police arrived at the scene to separate the two who had been entangled, but Xiao Zhou and Lao Zhang were angry and refused to give in. After two mediations by the police, the two sides were still tense and could not reach an agreement.

The more Xiao Zhou thought about it, the more angry he became, and he had to make Lao Zhang pay some "price", so he posted the accusation of "rogue landlord not returning the deposit" on the online platform, which quickly attracted the attention and messages of netizens, and the contradiction between the two not only became a hot topic on the streets, but also became the focus of public attention on the Internet.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

03 Go for the best policy

In the face of the raging contradictions, I hope that mediation can bring a touch of coolness to this sea of fire. Taking a deep breath, I decided to communicate with both sides with peace of mind, using patience and understanding to forge a peaceful path to this dispute.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

Lao Zhang was so angry when he saw the video that he stomped his feet, sat in the mediation room with his brows furrowed, and kept tapping his fingers lightly on the table, as if to emphasize his firm position: "I am the landlord, and I have to decide this house, this deposit, and this property fee." His voice was not high, but his tone was unmistakable. Xiao Zhou clenched his fists, as if ready to explode at any moment: "This is not your personal property, you have no right to decide!" ”

I tried to calm the anger of both sides, but the emotions of the two people in front of me were about to erupt, and suddenly, Xiao Zhou got up suddenly, his face turned red: "I tell you, I've endured enough!" The money for the roller shutter door hasn't been calculated with you yet, so don't you have to inch in! Xiao Zhou left angrily in excitement, claiming to sue to the end.

It turned out that during Xiao Zhou's operation, a roller shutter worth 3,000 yuan was installed with the consent of Lao Zhang, and the two parties agreed to bear half of the cost, but Lao Zhang never paid his part, which undoubtedly added fuel to the fire and made the contradiction more and more prosperous.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

04 Peak loop turn

In the face of Xiao Zhou's departure and resolute attitude, I did not give up. Mediation is a "rushed" project, and sometimes "retreat as advance" can make both sides of the conflict get out of anger and impulsiveness, cool down, sweat, and look at the problem more objectively and calmly.

Over the next few days, I had separate phone calls with both parties with the intention of "divide and conquer". Xiao Zhou's mood has been very low, and he has always refused to mediate on the phone.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

Lao Zhang's façade room was on my way home from work, looking at the once bustling marriage agency now looking deserted and lonely, and the words "rogue landlord" sprayed on the façade were particularly dazzling in the sunlight, I couldn't help but stop and walked in.

Seeing me coming, a trace of surprise flashed in Xiao Zhou's eyes: "Uncle Wang, why are you here!" ”

I smiled and said hello: "Xiao Zhou, I know you're uncomfortable, come and see you, but can the big words at the door solve the problem?" Lao Zhang's face can't be hung up, the neighbors have seen it, won't the reputation of your marriage agency be affected? ”

Xiao Zhou looked melancholy, sighed and said, "Uncle Wang, I also understand that this is not appropriate, but I really can't swallow this breath!" ”

"Understand the grievances and dissatisfaction in your heart, but this will not only make you fall into passivity, but also may bring additional trouble because of breaking the law, we have to think in the long run and find a fair and reasonable solution."

Under my patient persuasion, Xiao Zhou gradually let go of his guard and expressed his willingness to solve the problem through mediation.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

05 Turn things around

After many times of communication and persuasion, the attitude of both parties gradually softened, and on the basis of the willingness of both parties to mediate, I organized a mediation meeting again, and after patiently listening to the opinions and demands of both parties, I put forward a more specific mediation plan.

In the end, the two parties reached an agreement: Xiao Zhou signed a letter of commitment to pay the property fee by himself and deleted the complaint video on Douyin; Lao Zhang returned the deposit of 4,000 yuan and paid 1,000 yuan for the roller shutter door, and the 500 yuan deducted was used to remove the traces of spray paint in the store.

This fierce conflict finally came to an end, Xiao Zhou got back the deposit and the cost of the roller shutter on the spot, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided; Lao Zhang also recognized his shortcomings and promised to respect the wishes and rights of tenants more in the future.

I am deeply relieved to see the two sides shake hands and make peace, which were once incompatible. As a people's mediator, I know that behind every contradiction is hidden complex emotions and interest entanglements between the parties, and I play a "helmsman", driving the wisdom boat of mediation, shuttling through the turbulent contradictions, with firm belief and meticulous communication, setting the wind and chasing the waves, leading both parties to raise the sail of understanding and tolerance, and finally sail to the other side of reconciliation.

Deposit record, mediation to settle the turmoil | Handshake "cigarettes" and mediation notes

Narrator: Wang Yunchao

Specially invited mediator of Muping Court

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