
If the work content changes, you have to pay a deposit first, what is the routine behind the part-time job of "theater ticket inspection"?

author:Tide News

Chao News client reporter Huang Yuhuan intern Yuan Haoyu

Purchasing errands, programming orders, theater check-in, ...... As soon as the summer vacation arrives, there are more and more part-time job information on the Internet. It is important to note that there may be hidden routines in these job postings.

Recently, Hangzhou Xiao Wang was looking for a part-time job on the Internet, and a human resources company said that he could introduce the work of theater ticket checking, with a salary of 200 yuan per day. He signed a contract with the other party and paid a service fee of 480 yuan.

However, he soon found out that the work provided by the other party had nothing to do with the theater at all, but tasks such as pushing, filling, and being a supporter.

Chao News Qianjiang Evening News "Reporter Gang" investigation found that Xiao Wang is not the only one who has similar encounters, and some human resources companies that provide part-time information services have a lot of sales routines.

promised to introduce "theater part-time jobs", but after signing the contract, it was found that it was wrong

At the beginning of June, Xiao Wang was looking for a part-time job on A recommendation of "theater check-in, 200 yuan per day, including meals" made his eyes shine, "It looks like the work is relatively easy, and the salary is good." ”

He left a message on the platform, and then added the other party's WeChat. When I wanted to know more about the situation, I was told that I needed an offline interview, and the location was about to be in the T1 building in Gongshu District.

At 1 p.m. on June 3, Xiao Wang came to the agreed place and met the person in charge, Mr. Pan (pseudonym). The other party said that their human resources company can help introduce the work of the theater, "I will choose the nearest theater arrangement, but the work content is not necessarily ticket inspection, it may be replaced by cashier, selling dolls, etc." ”

Considering that the work was quite easy, Xiao Wang agreed and signed a contract with the other party. During this period, Mr. Pan told him that the specific part-time job information would be released through his WeChat circle of friends, and collected a deposit of 480 yuan on the grounds that he was "worried that the part-time workers would take away the items inside the theater".

Soon after signing the contract, Xiao Wang found that the work content updated by the other party's circle of friends had nothing to do with the theater work he promised, and was full of tasks such as pushing, filling, and being a supporter.

Xiao Wang realized that he might have been tricked and his request for a refund was denied.

"I didn't say that I could only provide a job in the theater, didn't I say that there would be some other jobs?" The other party replied.

Angry, Xiao Wang chose to call the police and report to the platform. However, in the offline communication, Xiao Wang did not leave evidence of the other party's promise to introduce the work of the theater, and it was difficult for the police to deal with it.

The platform subsequently removed the relevant part-time job information, but there are still many similar ones.

If the work content changes, you have to pay a deposit first, what is the routine behind the part-time job of "theater ticket inspection"?

The "part-time information service contract" signed by Xiao Wang and the other party Photo provided by the interviewee

The reporter noticed that Xiao Wang and Mr. Pan signed a "part-time information service contract".

According to the contract, "Party A publishes no less than 100 part-time job information for Party B every month (including but not limited to regular part-time jobs such as libraries, bubble tea shops, factories, escape rooms, cinemas, convenience stores, express sorting, catering and hotel services, coffee shops, car shows, house shows, star meet-and-greets, concerts, on-site activities, distribution of flyers, gifts, doll plays, etiquette reception, assistance in maintenance, customer service calls, security on duty, indoor filling, Taobao impulses, etc.", "The service period is 1 month, The information service fee is 480 yuan, ""Party B (i.e. Mr. Wang) has worked for 15 working days in the part-time position information position provided by Party A, and after Party A verifies that it is correct, Party B shall bring a valid work certificate and attendance (with official seal) issued by the employer for a full refund".

According to this, if Xiao Wang wants to return 480 yuan, the procedure is quite complicated.

In response to Xiao Wang's report, the reporter tried to contact Mr. Pan many times, but the phone has not been answered.

There are many people who have similar experiences, and some people leave immediately when they hear that they have to pay money

Looking for part-time jobs on the Internet, Xiao Wang is not the only one who has this kind of encounter, and many netizens said that they have encountered a similar situation.

"I also went to this place yesterday, and it was a beautiful sister for an interview, and I opened my mouth to pay 380 deposit."

"I just went yesterday, and after I went in, I felt unreliable, and as soon as I said I wanted to pay the money, I left, and there was music playing inside so that you couldn't hear her clearly."

"It's a special intermediary, it's completely different from what I said at the beginning, and if I asked, the customer service said, I don't know."

The reporter contacted one of the job seekers.

If the work content changes, you have to pay a deposit first, what is the routine behind the part-time job of "theater ticket inspection"?

Kobayashi and the other party's chat history Courtesy of the interviewee

Kobayashi, who has just graduated from university, said that at the end of last month, he saw a similar part-time job information on the part-time platform of the Youth League Club, and the other party said that "there are currently recruiting cashiers in cinemas, distributing 3D glasses, and ticket inspectors", and the salary is also 200 yuan per day.

Xiaolin also specially consulted whether there was a fee, and the other party said that he didn't need to, just go to Mingyang Building in Shangcheng District for an interview.

In the afternoon of the next day, Kobayashi came to the agreed interview place. The person in charge of the interview said that he needed to pay a service fee of 380 yuan, and he could get a refund after 15 days within 3 months.

Kobayashi immediately left the scene and did not sign a contract.

A number of theaters said they had never worked with labor agencies

Subsequently, the reporter registered the information of job seekers in, and after searching, he found that there were many similar part-time job information, most of which were written "theater ticket checking".

If the work content changes, you have to pay a deposit first, what is the routine behind the part-time job of "theater ticket inspection"?

Cinema part-time information on the Internet

The reporter randomly selected a few and contacted the person in charge, and the other party's statement was basically the same as what Xiaolin described: offline interview, no intermediary fee.

One of the people in charge informed online that a "certificate and information fee" would be charged for signing the contract, saying that the money was used to make an electronic work permit, "for the collection of meals and on-site equipment, and also for the service fee of providing part-time positions." ”

In addition, there are two ways to collect the "certificate information fee" of 150 yuan and 380 yuan: if you choose to pay 150 yuan, the full amount will not be refunded; If you choose to pay 380 yuan and work for 15 working days within 3 months, you can get a full refund. "The nature is the same, that is, one retreats, and the other does not retreat."

On the Internet, there is so much information about part-time jobs in theaters, so is there a strong demand for summer part-time jobs in theaters, and how do they recruit? The reporter consulted the heads of several theaters.

Many theaters said that they do recruit part-time staff in the summer, but basically they will not be recommended through labor agencies, and most part-time workers are recruited through the form of theater front desk registration or recommendation from old employees.

Regarding the employment agency on the recruitment website that claims to provide part-time "cinema ticket checking", Mr. Ho, the manager of Dana Cinemas Zhongda Yintai Store, said that "I have never cooperated with them", and Ms. Chen, the manager of Xintiandi Huanyao Cinemas, also said that "I have never heard of them." ”

If the work content changes, you have to pay a deposit first, what is the routine behind the part-time job of "theater ticket inspection"?

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