
The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

author:Tani Hihei

In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, we summed up a truth: What you can't get on the battlefield, you can't get at the negotiation table! In fact, the armistice of any war is essentially the result of a balance of strength, in other words, the battle line on the battlefield will determine the ceasefire line on the negotiating table and the profit and loss of the forces participating in the war in the future. Recently, Ukraine released a so-called "armistice negotiation plan", but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a "delaying strategy" once again released by the Ukrainian authorities and Western countries, the purpose of which is to delay time and prepare for the Ukrainian army's "summer counteroffensive".

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(Zelensky is asking for a sky-high price, and there is obviously no sincerity for peace at all)

According to a report on the "Russia Today" website on June 29, local time on Friday, Zelensky met with visiting Slovenian President Moussa in Kyiv, and at a joint press conference, he suddenly announced that Ukraine is considering a "comprehensive peace plan" to end the war with Russia by the end of this year. But what is the content of Zelensky's so-called "comprehensive peace plan"? First, Russia should withdraw its troops from all "occupied Ukrainian territories", including the four eastern regions of Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula; second, the need to pay astronomical war reparations to Ukraine; Thirdly, all "war criminals" must be handed over and tried by special courts.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(In the past May, the Ukrainian army lost 35,000 people on the battlefield, and at this rate, by the end of this year, Ukraine's human resources will probably be exhausted)

In this regard, the Russian media assessed it as: an unequal treaty. But the reason why the Ukrainian side put forward this so-called "peace plan" is nothing more than two ideas: first, to win international moral support for itself, no matter what the content is, after all, it is a peace plan proposed by Ukraine, which can sound better in terms of reputation, and it is more convenient for Zelensky to go to other countries to "ask for food" in the future. And anyway, if you make a request, of course, it is a sky-high asking price, after all, if Russia also wants to talk, it will definitely have to bargain, so you must shout a little higher at the beginning, which is also to leave enough room for yourself to make concessions in the future.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(Because the Russian army controls air supremacy, NATO does not dare to use air transport to Ukraine, and all of them transport equipment to Poland or Romania, and then arrive in Ukraine by land)

Secondly, Ukraine used the "peace talks" to release a smokescreen to buy time for the upcoming "summer offensive". According to reports, in the second half of last year, the weapons and ammunition promised to Ukraine by NATO, especially the United States, are gradually in place, and at the same time, the recruitment of the Ukrainian army has also begun to show progress. According to reports from the Ukrainian side, they have completed a new round of conscription. In this way, Ukraine has both NATO weapons and equipment, as well as enough soldiers, so the next step is obviously to prepare to organize a new round of counteroffensive.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(On the one hand, Ukraine has stepped up its efforts to "catch the strong men", and on the other hand, it has also stepped up training for heart disease)

Due to the continuous offensive of the Russian army in the first half of this year, the current defense of the Ukrainian army's front line is in jeopardy, due to heavy losses in personnel and ammunition can not be replenished, the Ukrainian army has shifted to a strategic defensive posture on the entire front, while the Russian army has steadily advanced in Donbass and Kherson, and has also opened up a new Kharkiv front. In this case, NATO's assistance to Ukraine is obviously not as good as before, you must know that when NATO is fully aiding Ukraine, the Ukrainian army is still unable to stop the Russian army, and now the West is half-hearted in its aid to Ukraine, and the losses of the Ukrainian army are greater, but the results are smaller.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(Field fortifications like the Ukrainian army simply cannot withstand the bombardment of large aerial bombs by the Russian army)

In this case, Zelensky is well aware that only by making achievements on the battlefield - even if it is only a partial advantage, can re-boost the morale of Western countries and thus win more external assistance for Ukraine. So Ukraine has no choice at this point, as long as the Zelensky government still wants to remain in power, it will have to launch a large-scale counteroffensive, as in the summer of 2023. But can everything really be as Zelensky thinks? It seems that the failure in the summer of 2023 still hasn't really brought Zelensky to his senses.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(NATO weapons are gradually being put in place)

Judging from the current situation, NATO has indeed injected a new vitality into Ukraine: in order to win this "final decisive battle", starting from June 21 local time, a "temporary air corridor" has been opened between the United States and Poland, and the United States has transported a large number of armored vehicles, anti-tank missiles, army tactical missiles, artillery equipment and tens of thousands of tons of ammunition to the Rzeszow region of Poland, and then transported to Ukraine by land from here; Tanks and infantry fighting vehicles from Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Portugal and Germany arrived in Romania by sea and then transported overland to the Odessa region of Ukraine.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(The Russian army is closely monitoring the activities of the Ukrainian army)

At the same time, NATO has secretly sent "advance teams of military doctors" from Denmark, Britain and Norway to build large medical centers in Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Mykolaiv to prepare for the future treatment of Ukrainian wounded; Croatia, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium have sent about 2,300 health workers to Ukraine. The three Baltic states and Finland have sent electronic warfare experts to assist the Ukrainian army in building a new electronic countermeasure system to weaken the Russian army's electronic warfare capabilities and provide electromagnetic cover for the Ukrainian army.

The casualties were too great, Zelensky wanted to end the war and put forward three demands, Russian media: unequal treaty

(The Russian-Ukrainian war provoked by NATO is destined to wipe out a generation of Ukraine, but unfortunately Ukraine has not yet woken up)

According to reports, at present, 22 NATO countries have provided more or less military assistance to Ukraine, but Zelensky's combat intentions this time are much smaller than in 2023, as long as the Ukrainian army can seize the tactical initiative in some areas, it will be a victory! Because as long as the Ukrainian army can seize a certain initiative, Zelensky can continue to persuade Western allies to increase aid to Ukraine, and the war in Ukraine can continue, and the "Zelensky" in the Ukrainian government can continue to reap more personal interests with peace of mind, as for how many casualties Ukraine will have, they don't really care! As for what to do if you lose the battle, it's a big deal to pay compensation for the land cution, anyway, there is nothing in Ukraine that cannot be betrayed.