
Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

author:Tani Hihei

Nowadays, we can see reports about the Russia-Ukraine war and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in various media every day, but in fact, there are many conflicts around the world, just because the warring parties are small countries with little international influence, so we are completely unaware of them. For example, two African countries, Libya and Algeria, are about to fight because of border disputes.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

According to reports, relations between the Libyan National Assembly government and Algeria have suddenly deteriorated in recent days, and Libya has begun to build up troops on the border, and it is now clear that the two sides are about to fight. In fact, since Gaddafi's successful seizure of power, Libya and its neighbors have more or less grievances, for example, Libya and Egypt have merged into one country, but the two sides parted ways in just 3 years, and then Libya claimed to spend money to "buy" a piece of land from neighboring Chad, for this absurd reason, the two sides fought for a full 10 years, and now although Gaddafi has already turned into yellow sand, but the Libyan government's habit of causing trouble can be said to be the same as that of Gaddafi.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Pickup army of the Libyan "national government")

According to the Libyan "national government", which claims "sovereignty" over about 32,000 square kilometers of land in the southeastern province of Ilizi, it has begun to build up troops in an attempt to seize Algerian territory by force. However, no matter from the political, economic or military point of view, the operation of the Libyan National Government can be called "magical"! Because Libya itself has not yet achieved national reunification, the current Libya is roughly divided into two parts: the "national government" controls the capital Tripoli, and has the recognition and support of Western countries, and is the "legitimate government" of Libya, while the eastern part of Libya is controlled by the "Libyan National Army" organized by General Haftar, and the two sides have been in civil war for many years.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Although the weapons are also very backward, the "National Army" looks significantly more "regular" than the "Pickup Army" of the "National Government")

What is even more interesting is that the forces of the Nationalist Government have actually been defeated and retreated in the contest with the Nationalist Army, and they currently only control a small number of areas in western Libya, including the capital, and such a so-called "legitimate government" that may be annihilated by the Nationalist Army at any time still has the courage to make territorial claims to Algeria when it is about to die, and even assembles troops on the border, putting on an attitude of really attacking Algeria, I don't know who gave the "Nationalist Government" the courage?

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Algerian Army in Desert Racing)

Moreover, the choice of this provocation by the Nationalist Government is also quite confusing. Although Algeria is indeed not conspicuous on the international stage, this country is definitely one of the most powerful powers in Africa, according to the 2023 global national military ranking recently released by the US website Global Firepower Index (GFP), Algeria ranks 26th in the world, second only to Egypt 15th, higher than South Africa 33rd, is the second most powerful country in Africa, and the "national government" that has been beaten to the death of the "national army" jumped out to provoke Algeria at this time, I don't know if I really think I'm long-lived.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Algeria equipped with Chinese SR-5 rocket artillery)

Unlike other African countries, the Algerian army is largely supplied by China and Russia, for example, the Algerian army is equipped with about 800 Russian-made T-72 tanks, and another 800 T-90 tanks are being delivered. The Argentine Army is also equipped with Chinese-made PLZ-45 155-mm self-propelled howitzers, SR-5 multi-launch modular rocket launchers, Russian-made 2S3 152-mm self-propelled howitzers, BM-30 rocket launchers and other weapons. Moreover, the Argentine army is also equipped with a large number of Russian-made Mi-28 and Mi-24 helicopter gunships, as well as various models of UAVs such as the Chinese-produced Pterodactyl-2, Rainbow 3/4 and WJ-700, which has an overwhelming advantage over the so-called Libyan "national government" army, which only has pickup trucks and AK-47 assault rifles.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Algerian equipped Chinese C-28A frigates)

And the Algerian Navy is also quite strong in the whole of North Africa, it is equipped with 15 frigates of various types, including 3 Chinese-made C28A and 3 056 type, as well as 3 Russian-made Kony-class and 3 German MEKO-class frigates, and the flagship of the Algerian Navy is an Italian-built "San Marco" class amphibious assault ship, and the country's navy is also equipped with 6 Russian-made "Kilo" class conventional submarines, this level of blockade of the entire Libyan coast is no problem, if Algeria really does this, It is tantamount to completely cutting off the Libyan "national government" from the outside world, and if it does not get the support of the West, it is estimated that there is no need to attack, and the Libyan "national government" will collapse and disintegrate on its own.

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Su-30MKA fighters and Il-78MD tankers of the Algerian Air Force)

In terms of air force, the Algerian Air Force is equipped with advanced Russian-made Su-30MKA fighters, Su-24 and Su-34 fighter-bombers, as well as MiG-23, 25, 29 and other fighter jets, and has also ordered 14 Su-57 fighters from Russia. The Algerian Air Force is not the kind of fighter that only procures a small number of fighters to install a façade, its air force alone has 74 Su-30MKA fighters, as well as 40 Su-34, 32 MiG-29 and other fighters, and the Algerian Air Force is also equipped with advanced ground air defense weapons such as the Russian-made S-300PMU2 and the "Pantsir S1".

Libya also has to fight, and a large number of troops have been assembled, but the neighboring countries are all advanced equipment from China and Russia, and they cannot win the war

(Algeria has also ordered 14 Su-57 fighter jets, the first overseas user of the aircraft, and it is planned that these aircraft will be delivered from next year)

In short, the level of equipment of the Algerian army, if it confronts NATO countries, is obviously not enough, but it is more than enough to beat a already moribund Libyan "national government". For the Libyans, all they can say is: What are you messing with it?

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